33 MUSICAL COURIER une 2 9, 1922 D. RUDHYAR AND W. A. CLARK. On Jane 2, the former, of Hollywood, was the happy recipient of a check for $1,000 from the latter, which was ■in the nature of a prize offered by Mr. Clark for the best musical composition in the form of a symphonic poem written by a resident of Los Angeles county. The judges were Walter Henry Hall, Thilo Becker and Richard Buhlig. The vote of the judges was unanimous in favor of “Soul-Fires.” Mr. Rudhyar is a native of France but has resided in Hollywood since 1920. His musical compositions are of the most modern trend and his winning score is revolutionary in the extreme, calling for utmost resources of the modern orchestra. While none of liis works have yet been published, he has to his credit four so)iatas for piano, two symphonies for orchestra and chorus, a string quartet and many works in smaller form. RUTH KLUG, pianist, who has had great success in concerts given at Hamburg, Munich, Dresden, Leipsic, Vienna and Berlin, will appear in Copenhagen, Christiania and Stockholm. Miss King will travel through the Scandinavian countries in the company of Mr. and Mrs. Artur Schnabel. She will pass the summer months at Baden. GEORGE FISCHER, of J. Fischer d Bro. {Hew York), who was re-elected to the presidency of the national Music Publishers’ Association of the United States. (Photo © Underwood & Underwood.) “THE HOMESTEAD,״ the beautiful home of Margaret Matzenaner at Harrison, N. Y., which the famous diva makes her residence during the concert and opera season when she is not filling engagements on tour. At present she is summering at West End, N. J. LILLIAN GINRICH, head of the vocal department at the Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, A. J., who gave a thoroughly enjoyable recital in Newton, N. J., on Friday evening, June 9. Miss Ginrich's recent recital in Philadelphia ivas so successful that she ivill give another one in that city in the early fall. Other forthcoming engagements for the soprano include recitals at the Collegiate Institute; Wells College, Aurora, N. Y.; Women’s Club, Easton Pa., and Women’s Club, Geneva, N. Y. {Photo by Kubey Rembrandt, Philadelphia. ) DUDLEY BUCK, teacher of singing who, on June V2, ׳ started his master classes at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. The enrollment for these classes has been se large that Mr. Buck will have a busy six weeks at the University. PAINTING THAT WON ACADEMY OF ROME PRIZE This prize winning portrait, “Music,” secured for Alfred Floegel, a student at the National Academy of Design, the annual prize awarded by the Lazarus Foundatio n of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The winner will receive a scholarship for three years at the Academy of Rome. {Wide World Photo.) .........................Illlllllliunmilllllllllllillllllllllll|||||||||||tl|||||i||||||||t|||||||||||i|||||||||||||||||||||i||||||!||||i||||i||||li|||!;f||||||||[{|:|jjjij