27 MUSICAL COURIER June 2 9, 1922 gram consisted of five parts : “Village Spring Fête of Merrie England,” “The Magic Spectacles,” “The Enchanted Fountain and the Great White Bear,” “Ballet School of 1841,” “Legend of the Incas.” The dance festival was intensely interesting, and the work and size of the production reflected much credit upon those who staged and trained the pupils. All in all, the eighth annual festival of the Cornish School was an artistic success from start to finish. Jacques Jou-Jerville, who is at the head of the vocal department, must also be complimented upon the high standard of the work done by the vocal pupils, the other teachers of the various departments sharing in the honors. K. I. Harold Land and T. Tertius Noble in Radio Recital Harold Land, baritone soloist of St. Thomas’ Church, Fifth Avenue, and T. Tertius Noble, organist and master of the choir, gave a recital over the Westinghouse Radio on Sunday, June 18. The program included Old English Songs, modern French, a number of English ballads and three sacred solos by American composers. Enthusiastic reports have come from all parts of the country. Raymond Havens to Summer in Europe Raymond Havens, pianist, sails for Rotterdam, July 8, on the S. S. Nieuw Amsterdam of the Holland America Line. He will spend the entire summer in Europe. From Rotterdam, Mr. Havens will proceed to Amsterdam, thence to Heidelberg, Oberammergau, Vienna, Venice and Florence. Sapio Pupil Engaged for Metropolitan Selma Segall, an artist pupil from ׳the studios of Signor Sapio and Mme. De Vere-Sapio, of New York City, has been engaged for the Metropolitan. Her contract calls for principal dramatic soprano roles. Lennox to Fly from London to Paris Elizabeth Lennox, the contralto, will sail from Montreal for Europe on July 1. While abroad she will fly from London to Paris and with her sister will spend some time in Ireland. Manfred Malkin to Play at Rye Manfred Malkin, pianist, who gave two very sucecssful New York Carnegie Hall recitals during the season just past, has been engaged for a concert at Rye, N. Y., today, June 29. Dunning Classes at Scudder School Carrie Louise Dunning will hold her New York normal classes at the Scudder School, on West 72nd street, and not at Carnegie Hall. prano, and Dome Smith, violinist, with Paul McCoole at the piano. Miss Van Valey is from Mr. Jou Jerville’s class and Miss Smith from Mr. Armstrong’s. Wednesday evening, June 7, a piano recital was given by JACQUES JOU-JERVILLE, 1lead of the voice department of the Cornish School of Music, Seattle, Wash. Jack Perine assisted by Olive Hartung, soprano. The former is from Mr. Wells’ class and the latter from Mrs. Boardman’s. Another Jou-Jerville pupil, Helen Hoover, gave an entire program on Thurday evening, June 8, with Paul McCoole assisting at the piano. Friday evening, June 9, and Saturday afternoon, June 10, were devoted to the annual festival of dancing, produced by Mary Ann Wells at the Metropolitan Theater. The pro- Cornish School Holds Eighth Annual Festival The eighth annual festival of the Cornish School of Seattle, Wash., Nellie C. Cornish, director, took place from May 28 to June 10 inclusive. The opening program on the evening of May 28 was in the nature of a students’ recital, those taking part being as follows: Barbara Tanberg, Elsie Jane Hadley, Frances Libbee, Betty Fetter, Frank Lee, Virginia Bloxom, Evelyn Kelly, Vivian Condon, Helen Rhodes, Frederick Howard, Margaret Renshaw, Maty Allison, Eleanor King, Mary Dawson, Irja Kopika and Jane Hoblitzell, all of whom are students from the classes of the Misses Dali and Parry and Mr. Armstrong. Monday evening was devoted to the annual concert of the Cornish Symphony Orchestra, Francis J. Armstrong, conductor, held in Masonic Temple. The program consisted of numbers by Mozart, Delibes, German and Meyerbeer, while the Mozart concerto for two pianos and orchestra was rendered by Paul McCoole and Jack Perine, and Ernest Jaskovsky was heard in the Mendessohn concerto for violin and orchestra, op. 64. Tuesday’s program was given by the pupils of Ella Helm Boardman, Anna Grant Dali, Francis J. Armstrong, Jacques Jou-Jerville and Boyd Wells. Those appearing were Frances Williams, Robert A. Huestis, Graham French, Anna Louise Soelberg, Margaret Walker, Isabel Brook, Clarence Hale, Mark Sandstrom, Una Robinson, Margaret Hartshorn and Ernest Jaskovsky. A joint recital by Edith Rogers, violinist, a pupil of Francis Armstrong, and John Hopper, pianist, from the class of Boyd Wells, took place on Wednesday evening. Thursday, June 1, Louis Drentwett, from the class of Boyd Wells, gave a lecture recital, while on Friday evening, June 2, Dorothy Baker and Elna Burgeson appeared in a joint piano recital, the former rendering the first half of the program and the latter the second half. Saturday evening, June 3, Paul McCoole gave an entire program of piano music; Sunday evening, Gertrude Nord, soprano, and James Dobbs, baritone, both from the class of Jacques Jou-Jerville, rendered the program; Sunday, June 4, an ensemble concert was the attraction, with the following soloists: Irja Kopika, Ernest Jaskovsky, Helen Stewart, Irene Williams, Elna Burgeson, Frances Williams, Margaret Joslin, Jane Hoblitzell, Anona Roberts, Margaret Hurlburt, Constance Hart, Bettina Dobrin, Mary Dawson, Ruth Lindsey, Ralph Gailey and Anna Louise Soelberg. These pupils are from the ensemble classes of Mrs. Peabody, Miss Dali, Mr. Kirchner, and Mr. Jou-Jerville. Monday evening, June S, another students’ recital was given, the following participating: Margaret Joslin, Phyl- lis Gulliford, Robert Norton, Marian Boyle, George Davis, Mrs. H. B. Perry, Elizabeth Childs, Constance Hart, Fidelia Gurgess, Mrs. Drury Adams, Kathrine Worth, Arthur Kloth and Mrs. J. B. Harrison. The teachers responsible for these young performers are Mrs. Peabody, Mrs. Strong, Mrs. Boardman, Miss Dali, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Cady, Mr. Jou-Jerville and Mr. Wells. June 6 brought a joint recital by Esther Van Valey, so- EFFA ELLIS PERFIELD DIRECTORY OF TEACHERS By EFFA ELLIS PERFIELD, 41% West 4Stti Street, New York City Phone: Bryant 7233 PENNSYLVANIA CORA SHEFFER ANTHONY Piano and Voice Individual and Class 616 West 3rd Street Williamsport TENNESSEE MATTIE EZELL Piano and Class Work 185y2 8th Ave. N. Nashville Phone Main 3432 TEXAS NELLIE HALL Piano and Class Lessons Finburg, Apt. 2 Abilene Phone 390 WASHINGTON ALICE REYNOLDS FISCHER 314 E. Birch Walla Walla FLORA McCONAUGHEY 50 Park Walla Walla CHARLOTTE McNEELY Piano 2603 Everett Ave. Everett WISCONSIN MADISON MUSIC SCHOOL Laura J. Richards, director Piano and Harmony 132 Lathrop Street Madison Phone: Badger 3243 FOREIGN CANADA CARA FARMER Piano and Class Lessons, Demonstrations Certified Normal Teacher Mothers’ Creative Music Course 750 Bathurst, Toronto CHINA EMIL DANENBERG Pianoforte Instruction Pupil of Teichmuller (Leipzig) The Albany, Hong Kong ETHEL ALAIR Piano 167 W. Washington St., Pasadena Phone : Colorado 4593 EDNA WHEELER BALLARD Harp 1101 Pine St., San Francisco Phone: Prospect 2306 ILLINOIS LUCY SPENCER Director Children’s Dept. Columbia Conservatory of Music and Dramatic Art Aurora Phone: 235 INDIANA EDITH LACEY Pleasant Lake IOWA HAWAIIAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC Mrs. Nina Warner, director (All Stringed Instruments Taught) 701 2nd Ave. East, Cedar Rapids MASSACHUSETTS MARY BLACK 156 Newberry Street Boston ANGIE WILDE Piano Summer Address: Duxbury Winter: 206 Prospect Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. MICHIGAN DORIS GLENZEN Piano and Theory 517 Village Street Kalamazoo Phone 995 MISSOURI FLORENCE E. HAM MON State Normal Teacher Private Lessons and Graded Class Work Seven Assistants Musical Art Bldg. St. Louis OKLAHOMA MRS. A. E. B O N N E L L 1523 E. Broadway Muskogee LEILA G. M UNSELL Pianist, Teacher and Accompanist Muskogee ADELE F. SOUTHARD 11 West 96th St. Riverside 9773 ALICE M. SPAULDING Piano, Coaching and Accompanying Scientific Muscular Pianoforte Technic Individual and Class—All Ages 234 West 74th St., N. Y. Phone: 9284 Col. MRS. A. B. THOMPSON Piano Bayshore, L. I. Phone : 300 Bayshore JOSEPHINE WALSH (Summering in Europe) 226 Central Park West, New York MABEL COREY WATT Examining Normal Teacher Directress of Music Flatbush School Four Assistant Teachers 94 Prospect Park W., Brooklyn Phone: South 3688-J. HARRISON E. WOOD Piano 5 Robins Place, Yonkers Phone: 3652 Yonkers MAUDE BALLARD WOOD Teacher of Pianoforte 150 Lenox Road, Brooklyn Phone: Flatbush 8872-J. NEW JERSEY RUTH E. JONGENEEL Piano Lessons 58A North 9th St., Newark Phone: Branch Brook 4745 ETHEL Y. THOMPSON President, Roseville Music Club Individual and Class Lessons 11 Pittsfield Ave., Cranford CALIFORNIA ADELE DAVIS Piano Belvedere. Phone: 3-M ETHEL MAE OSBORN 427 Moss Ave., Oakland NEW YORK C. KATE BEACOM Piano and Class Work 621 E. 29th St., Brooklyn Phone : Mansfield 1297 EDITH BEARDSLEY Piano and Classes Pupil of Xaver Scharwenka 332 West 85th St., New York Phone: 8265 Schuyler EMMA BECK 124 West 12th St., New York Phone: 3715 Chelsea ALICE M. DAVIS Piano and Class Lessons 261 Mullin St., Watertown Phone: 1396-J. MAUDE TUCKER DOOLITTLE 536 West 112th St., New York Phone: Cathedral 3891 OLGA FISHER Piano axid Class Work 93 Junction Ave., Corona, L. I. Phone: Newtown 4158 RUTH JULIAN KENNARD Piano and Class Lessons 15 Claremont Ave., N. Y. Phone : Morn. 3889 IDIS LAZAR Concert Pianist and Teacher 50 Morningside Drive, Apt. 42, New York Phone 7770 Cathedral RICHARD McCLANAHAN Grad. Mus. A. B. Director Music of Riverdale Country School Studio 10, Steinway Hall (Saturdays) Residence: 110 Morningside Drive, New York Phone: 984 Morn. MME. SCHUBERTH-NEYMANN Piano Ensemble and Individual Lessons Steinway Hall, Studio 9B, New York Phone: Stuyvesant 0500 MRS. WILLIAM D. REED 34 West 96th St. Riverside 4634 EMILY SNOW' 204 East 18th St., New York