41 MUSICAL COU RIEH June 22, 1922 .......MacDonough, N. Y. ......Schroon Lake, N. Y. ...................England ... .Merriewold Park, N. Y. ....................Europe ....................Europe .......Southampton, L. I. ....................Norway .......Long Branch, N. J. ..........St. Paul, Minn. .......Minneapolis, Minn. ....................Europe Twin Lakes, Canaan, Conn. .............Lenox, Mass. ....................Europe Scott, John Prindle.. Seagle, Oscar........ Shawn, Ted .......... Sheppard, Edna ______ Shuk, Lajos ......... Siloti, Alexander .... Summons, Louis....... Sinding, Christian . Sinigalliano, A...... Snyder, Mrs. F. H. Southwick, Frederick Spiering, Theodore .. Stanley, Helen....... Stoeber, Emmeran . . Stransky, Josef . ... . Europe .. Europe .Europe England .....Lake George, N. Y. ..................Europe ..................Europe Point Chautauqua, N. Y. T Thomas, John Charles............ Thomas, Ralph .................. Traub, Irene ................... Turpin, H. B.................... V Van der Veer, Nevada............ Van Emden, Harriet............... Vigna, Tecla .................... Von Klenner, Katharine Evans... w ...................Plainfield, N. J. ...........................Europe ...............South Blue Hill, Me. ...........Merriewold Park, N. Y. ................San Antonio, Texas .................Bryant Pond, Me. Ware, Harriet........ Whitehill, Clarence Willeke, Willem _____ Wilson, Arthur....... Wiseman, Mildred C. Wiske, C. Mortimer. Gloucestershire, England ..........Paris, France ......Hightstown, N. J. ..................Europe ...............Australia .................Europe .................Europe .................Europe .................Europe ......Lake Sebago, Me. .... Schenectady, N. Y. ..................Europe ............Milan, Italy .......West End, N. J. ............... Europe ..........Harrison, Me. .........Buffalo, N. Y. .................Holland . ... Lake George, N. Y. .................Europe .................Europe .................Europe ...........Milan- Italy .........Seattle, Wash. McCormack, John........... MacArthur, Mrs. John R. MacCue, Beatrice ........ Macmillen, Francis ...... Maier, Guy .............. Malkin, Anita ............ Malkin, Joseph .......... Mannes, Clara ........... Mannes, David ........... Marione, Edna............ Marsh, Frank E. Jr....... Martinelli, Giovanni .... Mason, Edith ............ Matzenauer, Margaret.... Maurel, Barbara ......... Meisle, Kathryn ......... Meldrum, John............ Mengelberg, Willem Miller, Reed............. Monteux, Pierre ......... Morris, Helen Henschel. . Mukle, May .............. Muzio, Claudia .......... Myer, Edmund ............ N ............................Eurcpe .....................Roslyn, L. I. ............................Europe .....................Paris, France ............................Europe .............Bedford Hills, N. Y. ...............Christiania, Norway .................London, England Namara, Marguerite Naumberg, E.......... Neil, Amy ........ Nicolay, Constantin . Niemack, I Isa ...... Nielsen, Alice....... Nielsen, Per......... Novello, Marie .... Y ......................Fayette, Ohio .............Settimo Vittone, Italy .............Settimo Vittone, Italy .............................Europe Yost, Gaylord ...... Yon, Pietro A....... Yon, S. Constantino Ysaye, Eugene .... Vocal Recital by Irving Miller Students Vocal students of Irving Miller appeared in recital at the Colorado State Teachers’ College Conservatory of Music on the afternoon of May 24. The interesting program was presented by Laura Baldwin, Edith Burton, Anna Dye, Edith Cremeans, Frances Reed, Esther Wheaton, Frances Anderson, Millicent Butler, Margaret McGroarty, Ruth Williams, Zylpha Merriman, Evelyn Kerr, Tressa Lancaster, Clorinda Risley and Marcia Malm. Garnet Buck, Agnes Fagerberg and Alice Eversman were the accompanists. Pupils of Alice M. Davis Heard On Friday evening, June 2, the pupils of Alice M. Davis, a Perfield exponent living in Watertown, N. Y., were heard in an interesting musicale. The age of the children performing ranged from seven to twelve years. Helen Bock Booked for Chatham, Va. Helen Bock, pianist, has been booked by her manager, Annie Friedberg, for a recital at Chatham, Va., November 20. This young artist will appear in a series of special college recitals, starting November 20 at Chazy, N. Y. O ..........Chatham Center, N. Y. ........................Europe Onelli, Enrichetta, Osgood, Harry O. .............Australia ................Mexico .West Newbury, Mass. ......Cincinnati, Ohio .........Milan, Italy ...............Europe ........Paris, France .............. Europe Pattison. Lee ............ Pavley-Oukrainsky Ballet Peirce, John W............ Piechi, Italo.............. Polacco, Giorgio ......... Potter, Harrison ......... Press, Joseph............. Prokofieff ............... ....................Europe ..............Chicago, 111. ....................Europe ...........Norwich, N. Y. ....................Europe ..............Lyme, Conn. ....................Europe North Long Branch, N. J. ....................Europe R Raisa, Rosa ............ Ray, Ruth............... Reynolds, Eleanor ------ Riesberg, F. W........... Rimini, Giacomo ........ Rio, Anita ............. Rothwell, Walter Henry Roxas, Emilio A......... Rubinstein, Erna ....... S ..........................England ...............Seal Harbor, Me. ..........................Europe ........................ .Europe .............Celigny, Switzerland ...........................Europe ..........................Europe .....................Chicago, 111. ..........................Europe ..........Chatham Center, N. Y. .................Berlin, Germany ...............Garden City. L. I. ..........................Europe St. Denis, Ruth ......... Salzedo, Carlos.......... Saminsky, Lazar ......... Sassoli, Ada ............ Schelling, Ernest ....... Schindler, Kurt ......... Schipa, Tito ............ Schmitz, E. Robert ... Schnitzer, Germaine . . Schofield, Edgar........ Schoen-Rene, Mme......... Schumann Heink, Mme. Shattuck, Arthur ........ The STRADIVARIUS of Pianos THE iHasotit-iyamlin PIANO HAS set a New standard of tone and value and has long commanded the highest price of any piano in the world. MASON & HAMLIN CO. BOSTON NEW YORK SUMMER DIRECTORY A ..........Merriewold Park, N. Y. ..............Lake George, N. Y. ..........................Europe Akimoff, Boris. Auer, Leopold . Axman, Gladys B .......................New Ulm, Minn. ..................................Europe ..........................Scotia, N. Y. ........-.................Babylon, L. I. ................Prague, Czecho-Siovakia ..................................Europe .......................Cape Cod, Mass. ..................................Europe ..................................Europe ..................................Europe ..................................Europe ......................Los Angeles, Cal. ......................Los Angeles, Cal. Sainte-Agathe des Monts, P. Q., Canada .....................Easthampton, L. I. ......................Woodstock, N. Y. ..........................Rockford, 111. ..................................Europe ...................................Italy Backer, Emil D............ Balaban, Eva ............. Bang-Hoehn, Maia ........ Barker, Mary E........... Bartik, Ottokar.......... Bauer, Harold ........... Bergolio, Mabel Phipps.. Bodanzky, Artur ......... Bonnet, Joseph ........... Bori, Lucrezia ........... Bos, Coenraad V.......... Boshko, Nathalie.......... Boshko, Victoria......... Bourdon, Louis H.......... Bready, Mrs. George Lee Britt, Horace ........... Brown, Mary Houghton . Bürgin, Richard .......... Buzzi-Peccia, G........... c Calve, Emma ..................................................Europe Campbell, Gordon .............................................Europe Casini, Gutia ..................................Hannover, Germany Chamlee, Mario..................................Ravinia Park, 111. Chapman, Mr., and Mr. William Rogers.................Shelbourne, Vt. Cherniavsky Trio .............................................Europe Church, Frank M.....................................Sandusky, Ohio Clemens, Clara ...............................................Europe Cole, Rossetter G..................................Peterboro, N. H. Coolidge, Elizabeth S.........................................Europe Conrad, Henrietta............................................ Europe Cornell, A. Y........................................Niantic, Conn. Cox, Ralph........................................Los Angeles, Cal. Crimi, Giulio .................................................Italy Curci, Gennaro M........................................Rome, Italy D ........................ . .Australia .............................Europe .............Shelter Harbor, R. I. .....................Oil City, Pa. .....................Paris, France .............................Europe ........Cornwall-on-Hudson, N. Y. .............................Europe ....................Harrison, Me. .............................Europe .............................Europe .....................Portland, Ore. ......................Paris, France .......................Chicago, 111. D’Alvarez, Marguerite Dambois, Maurice .... Dambmann, Emma A... De Kyzer, Marie......... De Sales, Regina......... Devries, Rene .......... Dickinson, Clarence ... Dilling, Mildred ....... Dillon, Enrica Clay . . Dua, Esther Harris. .. Dua, A. G............. Dunning, Carrie Louise Duval, J. H.............. Dux, Claire.............. E Easton, Florence .............................................Europe F Fanning, Cecil ..............................................England Fielder, Arthur ..............................................Europe Fife, William D........................New Glasgow, N. S., Canada Flaschner, Otto ..............................................Europe Flonzaley Quartet ............................................Europe Fox, Felix ...................................................Europe G ..................Europe ................ Germany ..................Europe ..................Europe ..................Europe ..................Europe ..................Europe ..................Europe . Lincolnville Beach, Me. ..........South America ........West End, N. J. England .. Europe .. Europe . . Europe .. Europe IriK ״}..................London. » Gabrilowitsch, Ossip Gadksi, Johanna . .. Gallo, Fortune Ganz, Rudolph ... Garden, Mary .... Gatti-Casazza, Giulio Gerhardt, Elena . .. Gigli, Beniamino .. Gilberte, Hallet.. .. Godowsky, Leopold. . Golibart, Victor Goodson, Katharine . Gordon, Jeanne ... Gruppe, Paulo .... Guard, William G. Gunn, Alexander . . .........Alton, N. H. .......Paris, France ...............Europe .......Rockland, Me. ...............Europe ................Europe ................Europe ...............Europe .. .Easthampton, L. I. ....Bay View, Mich. ................Europe ...............Europe .............. Europe ............. Europe ........Paris, France ...............Europe ................Europe ...Easthampton, L. I. .......Lewiston, Idaho Diamond Point, N. Y. .....Sandwich, Mass. H Hackett, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur...... Hackett, Charles.................. Haensel, Fitzhugh ................ Hammann, Ellis Clark.............. Hanson, M. H...................... Harcum, Edith Hatcher............. Hargreaves, Randall .............. Harling, W. Franke ............... Harris, Victor.................... Hay, Lulu D...................... Hayes, Roland .................... Heifetz, Jascha .................. Hempel, Frieda ................... Hirst, Minette ................... Hollman, Joseph .................. Hubbard, Vincent V................ Huberman, Bronislaw .............. Iiuhn, Bruno ..................... Hurlbut, Harold................... Huss, Mr. and Mrs. Henry.......... Hutcheson, Ernest................. ....Surrey, Maine ... . Gilsum, N. H. .. . Blue Hill, Me. Spiez, Switzerland Jacobi, Frederic Jones, W. Bridge Josten, Werner.. Jung, Rudolf .. . ...Berlin, Germany .............Europe .............Europe .............Europe München, Germany .......... Europe .......Chicago, 111. .....Scranton, Pa. ... Lumberville, Pa. Kaufmann. Minna.. Kindler, Hans .... Kinsey, Charles D. Klibansky, Sergei . . Knoch, Ernst........ Knupfer, Walter .. Konecny, Josef .... Kruze, Leone ........ Kuns, Vada Dilling ..........Paris, France ....Stockbridge, Mass. .... Santa Monica, Cal. .................Europe ......West End, N. J. ................Europe ......Westwood, N. J. . Avon-by-the-Sea, N. J. ................Europe ---Kew Gardens, L. I. . .. . Kew Gardens, L. I. .................Europe ................Europe ................Europe ................Europe La Motte, Georgette Land, Harold ........ Lankow, Edward . . . Lappas, Ulysses . .. Lashanska, Hulda. .. Leginska, Ethel . .. Letz, Hans .......... Levitzki, Mischa . .. Levy, Heniot ........ Lhevinne, Josef .. . . Lhevinne, Rosina . . Liebling, Leonard . Liebling, Max ....... Littlefield, Laura .. Longy, Georges ...