June 2 2, 1922 MUSICAL COURIER 14 lege of Music, appeared in her post-graduate recital on June 7, in the Odeon, playing classic and modern compositions. A recital was given at the Woman’s Club on June 1 by Marion E. Hartzell, a pupil of W. S. Sterling. She was assisted by Ralph Plummer, a pupil of Henry C. Froehlich, The final concert of the Woodward High School piano department was held in the school auditorium on June 2. Pupils of Frederick J. Hoffmann, of the College of Music, appeared in a piano recital in the Odeon on June 2. A series of concerts given under the auspices of the Mothers of Democracy were held in Memorial Hall on June S and 6. The principals included Lillian Pringle, cellist, who appeared here in a similar concert last year; Edith Gyllenberg, pianist, and Alice Baroni, coloratura soprano, both of whom were never heard here before, but whose reputations are well deserved. The funds obtained from these concerts are to be used to aid the organization in continuing its relief work among former service men and their families. The series will be an.annual affair. The Meltone Musical Club held its annual outing at New Richmond, Ohio, on June 5. Some of the pupils of Thomas James Kelly appeared in a vocal recital on May 31. The program was a pleasant one, including American songs from various periods. Mr. Kelly made some explanatory remarks during the recital. A number of pupils of Mme. Tecla Vigna gave a recital program on June 6, at the Cincinnati Woman’s Club auditorium. Blanche Rolling Rockwell was a graduate, while post-graduate honors were conferred upon Lorene Buller-dick, Flora Fehrman and Coral Mathes. An enjoyable classic program was rendered. Margaret Calhoun, piano pupil of Marcian Thalberg, and Dorothy Richard, violin pupil of Jean ten Have, of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, participated in a recital on May 30. They were assisted by Mrs. W. H. Harrison, soprano, pupil of Thomas James Kelly. Cornelia DeRoo, a pupil of William Kraupner, gave a piano recital at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music on June 1. She plays with skill and in an excellent style. The children’s class in piano music of the Woodward High School took part in a pleasing program on June 1. The pupils of Helen Abaecherli were heard in a pianc. recital at the Y. W. C. A. auditorium on June 2. The graduation recital of Ruth Jamieson, a pupil of Mary Venable, of the College of Music, was enjoyed on June 3. She was assisted by Louise Wilby, voice pupil of B. W. Foley. Audrey Reeg, a talented pianist pupil of Albino Gorno, of the College of Music, appeared in her graduation recital in the Odeon on June S. Her program was pretentious and much enjoyed. The music students of the Sacred Heart School, Camp Washington, gave an enjoyable program on June 4, at Sacred Heart Hall. Irma Lindenmeyer, voice pupil of Hans Schroeder, of the College of Music, was heard in her post-graduate recital on June 7. She was assisted by Howard Wentworth Hess, accompanist. On June 2, Katherine Donald, who was a prize winner in the Frederic Shailer Evans piano contest open to Cincinnati Conservatory of Music students, appeared in a recital in Conservatory Hall. She shows marked ability as a pianist and her playing was much enjoyed. Oliver Plunkett, tenor, a pupil of Giacinto Gorno, of the College of Music, assisted at a recital in Newport, Ky., on June 6. William Kraupner’s pupil, Cornelia DeRoo, was heard in a piano recital at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music on Thursday, June 1, playing an interesting program in excellent style, with proficiency and technical surety. Margaret Calhoun, pianist, an exponent of Marcian Thal-berg’s method, shared honors recently with Dorothy Richard, violinist, pupil of Jean ten Llave, and Mrs. W. H. Harrison, soprano, pupil of Thomas James Kelly, in a recital at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. All three have given excellent accounts of themselves on recent programs. Katherine Donald, the prize winner in the Frederic Shailer Evans piano contest open to students of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, appeared in Conservatory Hall on June 2. Miss Donald, whose piano study has been pursued under Mr. Evans, has matured considerably, her technical equipment being supplemented by a firm musical grasp and the poise given by careful training. W. W. Valentina Crespi Winning Recognition Of the newcomers to America it seems that Valentina Crespi has “caught on” in that true American style. Harry and Arthur Culbertson, who are managing the violinist’s tour, announce that it will be only a short time until her entire season is pretty solidly booked. was sung by students of the Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, on May 27, Edna Wieler Paulsen, a pupil of Lino Mattioli, of the College of Music, gave her post-graduate recital on May 27 in the Odeon. She was assisted by Joanne M. Sanning, harpist; William Stoess, violinist; Arthur Knecht, cellist, and Audrey Reeg, accompanist. Lloyd Miller, of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, presented some of his pupils in a recital on May 27. The final concert of the music department of the Woman’s Club Choral took place on May 26, with a program largely modern. The Ludlow Alumni Club entertained with a musical and dramatic program at the Ludlow High School auditorium May 24. Frances Bejach, of the piano class of Albino Gorno, of the College of Music, was heard in a recital on May 24. Mrs. Adam Pope appeared in a song recital with the Blue Ridge Club, at Springfield, Ohio, on May 26. The accompaniments were played by Bessie Craig. Pupils of Adele Westfield, Laura L. Lang, Ada Russell Martin and Mrs. William Smith Godenberg, interpreted a piano program at Wise Center, May 25. Pupils of Mrs. H. H. Baker participated'in a program of readings and music at the Norwood Library Hall, May 27. A program of music and readings was given by pupils of the Reulman School of Expression and Dramatic Art on May 26. A delightful concert was given by the combined musical forces of the East High School in thé school auditorium on June 1, under the direction of Joseph Surdo. The senior and junior orchestra played a group of interesting selec- “Better than ever” was the unanimous verdict of the large and discriminating audience which greeted Miss May Peterson last evening at the Grand Opera House. Upon every one of her homecomings, Miss Peterson has been accorded a welcome which has spurred her on to her best endeavor, but last evening she fairly outdid herself, in every way. ,.osh Daily Northwestern said e about May Peterson, so-the Metropolitan Opera Co. Concert Direction: MUSIC LEAGUE OF AMERICA 8 East 34th St., New York Mason & Hamlin Piano Used Aeolian-Vocalion Records tions and there were numbers by the boys’ and girls’ glee clubs. Bertha Rader, Sylvia Moeller, Telma Klett and Florence Lidee were accompanists. The Friday Musical Club celebrated its fifteenth anniversary on June 7, by singing a cantata in the auditorium of the Clifton School, under the direction of Alex Bradford. The accompaniments were played by Audrey Reeg. Two matinee recitals were given at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music on May 31 and June 1. In the former Norma Rath presented her pupils, and in the latter Alma Betscher presented Margaret Grace Roos, pianist, assisted by Ira Frankenstein and Harry Tomarin, violin pupils of Peter Froehlich. J. Alfred Schehl presented his pupil, Lillian Burger, pianist, in a recital on June 2, in Memorial Hall. She played with skill and more than ordinary talent, a program including a number of classic and modern compositions. She was assisted by Norma White, soprano, pupil of Dell Rendell-Werthner, who sang a group of songs, and Cletus Mecklen-berg, violin pupil of Mr. Schehl. Irene Gardner, of the piano department of the College of Music, gave a piano pupils’ recital in the Odeon on June 3. She was assisted by violin pupils from the class of William Morgan Knox. Dan Beddoe presented his pupil, Agnes Trainor, in a song recital at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music on June 3. Miss Trainor possesses a voice of warmth and beauty, evenly developed throughout its compass. Catherine Widman, a pupil of Mary Venable, of the Col- SUMMER MUSIC NOTES FROM CINCINNATI, OHIO Cincinnati, Ohio, June 8.—The coming of Fritz Reiner, new director of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, will be looked upon with interest, this being his first appearance before an American audience. It is expected that he will sail for America about the middle of September, soon thereafter taking up his residence in this city. He will be accompanied by his wife. The amount of enthusiasm displayed in the plans for the grand opera season to be conducted by Andreas Dippel, to begin in November, is the best evidence of how its sponsors and musical lovers generally are supporting the idea. Frank M. Peters led the campaign for members for the Cincinnati branch of the United States Grand Opera Club, which plans to obtain 1,000 members, the number necessary to insure the performances. Every effort is being made that the plan may be carried out, and there seems to be no doubt it will be. Marjorie Squires, who has been meeting with favor in the East, recently visited Cincinnati.^ When here she was made an honorary member of the Sigma Alpha Iota, Cincinnati chapter, at a luncheon at the Hotel Sinton. Louise Dotti and Mrs. Albino Gorno chaperoned the party. After the luncheon Miss Squires gave an impromptu song recital. She has returned to New York for concert work. Sherman J. Kreuzburg, a pupil of Sidney C. Durst who has been organist for several months at the Wyoming Presbyterian Church, left on May 28 for Herkimer, N. Y., where he gave an organ recital on June 3. From there he went to Philadelphia to pursue his studies. He has succeeded Mr. Durst as organist of the Wyoming Presbyterian Church. An organ recital was given at the Hanselmann Masonic Lodge joy Adolph H. Stadermann on May 29, the instrument having been installed but recently. Mr. Stadermann designed and supervised its installation. The instrument was originally in the residence of Sidney C. Durst who played one number at the recital. The Hanselmann Quartet and Carl W. Grimm also participated. A pageant written by Erna Risch, “If the Wprld Were Without Music,” was presented at Woodward High School on May 29. Musical selections followed. Dan Beddoe, Cincinnati tenor, was the artist at the May Festival, May 27 and 28, at Connellsville, Ohio, under the direction of Omar Wilson, a former graduate of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. In Lehmann’s “In a Persian Garden,” he was assisted by three of his advanced pupils— Margaret Spaulding, soprano; Emma Burkhardt Seebaum, contralto, and Vernon Jacobson, baritone. William Morgan Knox, of the violin department of the College of Music, gave an evening of concertos on May 25. Several of his pupils took part, accompaniments being played by pupils of Albino Gorno. Clifford Cunard, a pupil of Dan Beddoe, was heard in a song recital at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music on May 24. He has a fine voice, understanding how to use it to best advantage. Piano pupils from the class of Romeo Gorno of the College of Music, were heard in a recital on May 30, in the Odeon. They were assisted by voice pupils from the class of Lino Mattioli and violin pupils from the class of William Morgan Knox. Thomas James Kelly, of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, presented some of his pupils in a recital on May 23, who acquitted themselves so as to command admiration. Hazel Brewsaugh, Harriet Moore, Dorothy O’Brien and Lucile Scharinghaus, organ pupils of Lillian ArkelJ Rix-ford, of the College of Music, appeared in recital in the Odeon on May 29. Benjamin Groban, baritone, of Dayton, Ohio (a pupil of Giacinto Gorno, of the College of Music), has been awarded the first prize at the singers’ contest held by the Ohio Federation of Music Clubs, at Granville, Ohio. Margaret Prail, a violin pupil of Andre de Ribaupierre, and formerly a member of Ysaye’s master class at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, recently gave a recital that attracted considerable attention. She is a gifted violinist. Pupils of Leo Paalz, of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, were heard in a piano recital on May 22. Pupils of Peter Froehlich and Hugo Sederberg, of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, offered a program on May 24. Lawrence Hess presented several of his pupils in a piano recital at the Price Hill Library on May 27. June Elson Kunkle, a former vocal student under John A. Hoffmann, of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, is now in Columbus, Ohio, where she has begun a vocal class. She also appears in concert work in various cities. The two-act comic opera, “Puritania,” score by Edgar Stillman'Kelley, of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, “PRINCE OF THE RECITALISTS” Management: EVANS & SALTER 506 Harriman National Bank Bldg. Fifth Avenue and 44th Street, New York Mason & Hamlin Piano Used Victor Records t TITO SCIUPA Photo © Lumiere, N. Y. Management : R. E. JOHNSTON 1451 Broadway New York City Knabe Plano Used JOHN CHARLES THOMAS THE AMERICAN BARITONE Available Entire Season 1922-23 for Concerts, Recitals, Oratorios Management: ANNA MARX LA MOTTE 323 West Armour Kanu■ City, Mo. LA МОТТЕ GEORGETTE