June 15, 1922 MUSICAL COURIER 42 Nielsen, Alice.....................................Bedford Hills, N. Y. Nielsen, Per........................................Christiania, Norway Novello, Marie ........................................London, England О Osgood, Harry O.............................................Europe P Pattison, Lee ...............................................Australia Pavley-Oukrainsky Ballet .......................................Mexico Polacco, Giorgio ........................................Milan, Italy Press, Joseph..........................................Paris, France Prokofieff .................................................... Europe R Raisa, Rosa ...................................................Europe Ray, Ruth................................................Chicago, 111. Reynolds, Eleanor ..............................................Europe Riesberg, F. W.......................................Norwich, N. Y. Rimini, Giacomo ................................................Europe Rio, Anita .............................................Lyme, Conn. Roxas, Emilio A..........................North Long Branch, N. J. Rubinstein, Erna ...............................................Europe s .........................England ..............Seal Harbor, Me. ........................ Europe ..........................Europe .............Celigny, Switzerland ..........................Europe ..........................Europe ....................Chicago, 111. ..........................Europe ..............Garden City, L. I. ...............MacDonough, N. Y. ............Schroon Lake, N. Y. .........................England ..........................Europe ...............Southampton, L. I. ...........................Norway .............Long Branch, N. J. .................St. Paul, Minn. ..............Minneapolis, Minn. ..........................Europe ......Twin Lakes, Canaan, Conn. ....................Lenox, Mass. ..........................Europe St. Denis, Ruth ........ Salzedo, Carlos......... Saminsky, Lazar ......... Sassoli, Ada ........... Schelling, Ernest ....... Schindler, Kurt ........ Schipa, Tito ........... Schmitz, E. Robert . .. Schnitzer, Germaine . . Schumann Heink, Mme. Scott, John Prindle.. . .. Seagle, Oscar........... Shawn, Ted ............. Shuk, Lajos ............ Simmions, Louis.......... Sinding, Christian . . .. Sinigalliano, A......... Snyder, Mrs. Fred H... Southwick, Frederick. . . Spiering, Theodore .. . . Stanley, Helen........... Stoeber, Emmeran Stransky, Josef ........ .Europe ,. Europe England T Thomas, John Charles............ Thomas, Ralph ................. Turpin, H. В.................... .....Lake George, N. Y. ..................Europe Point Chautauqua, N. Y. ........Plainfield, N. J. ............:.....Europe Merriewold Park, N. Y. .....San Antonio, Texas .......Bryant Pond, Me. Europe V Van der Veer, Nevada............ Van Emden, Harriet.............. Von KJenner, Katharine Evans. . . \Y Ware, Harriet..................... Whitehill, Clarence ............. Wilson, Arthur.................... Wiseman, Mildred C............... Wiske, C. Mortimer............... Y Ysaye, Eugene .................... Final Recital at Granberry School An excellent showing was made by the students who participated in the final recital for the 1921-22 season at the Granberry Piano School, when the interesting program contained solos and also ensemble numbers for two pianos. Teachers’ certificates were presented by George Folsom Granberry to the following members of the normal class: Mrs. L. W. Armstrong, New York; Sheila Hayes, New York; Dorothy Pyle, Conway, Ark., and Althea Weaver, New York. The seventeenth season of the Granberry Piano School will open on Monday, October 2. Many students have been enrolled for the summer session. ETHEL GROW Contralto .The singer’s versatility made her capable o f expressing a 1 1 shades of emotion through the medium of her songs and of pleasing an audience at once critical and appreciative. — N. Y. Morning Telegraph, Feb. 1, 1922. 27 West 57th Street New York Ira L. Hill’s Studio Phone: Plaza 5859 SUMMER DIRECTORY A ..............Lake George, N. Y. ..........................Europe Auer, Leopold . Axman, Gladys В ......New Ulm, Minn. .................Europe ..........Scotia, N. Y. .........Babylon, L. I. Prague, Czecho-Slovakia .................Europe .......Cape Cod, Mass. .................Europe .................Europe .................Europe .................Europe ....Easthampton, L. I. ......Woodstock, N. Y. ..........Rockford, 111. ..................Italy Backer, Emil D............ Balaban, Eva ............. Bang-Hoehn, Maia ......... Barker, Mary E........... Bartik, Ottokar........... Bauer, Harold ............ Bergolio, Mabel Phipps... Bodanzky, Artur .......... Bonnet, Joseph ........... Bori, Lucrezia ........... Bos, Coenraad V........... Bready, Mrs. George Lee Britt, Horace ........... Brown, Mary Houghton . Buzzi-Peccia, G........... c Calve, Emma ................................................ Europe Campbell, Gordon .............................................Europe Casini, Gutia ..................................Hannover, Germany Chamlee, Mario..................................Ravinia Park, 111. Chapman, Mr., and Mr. William Rogers.................Shelbourne, Vt. Cherniavsky Trio .......................................... ..Europe Church, Frank M.....................................Sandusky, Ohio Clemens, Clara ...............................................Europe Cole, Rossetter G..................................Peterboro, N. H. Coolidge, Elizabeth S.........................................Europe Conrad, Henrietta............................................. Europe Cox, Ralph........................................Los Angeles, Cal. Crimi, Giulio .................................................Italy Teacher of FLORENCE MACBETH, Prima Donna Coloratura; LENORA SPARKES, Lyric Soprano, and other prominent Artists. Studios: 318 West 82d St., NEW YORK CITY. Tel. Schuyler 8537 KERR BASS BARITONE RECITALS IN ENGLISH, FRENCH, ITALIAN AND NORWEGIAN 561 West 143rd Street, New York City. Tel. 2970 Audubon DR. CHERUBINO RAFFAELLI From Royal Conservatory, Florence. Italy TEACHER OE SINGING AND DIANO 602 West 137th Street. New York City Telephone Audubon 5669 SCHILLIG OTTILIE Recital Concert — Oratorio Management: Wolfsohn Musical Bureau 8 ־ East 34th Street, New York All ARAfH iml Jl ill .1■ Opera and Conce Personal Address: 710 Madison Ave., Toledo, O. Management: LOUIS BRAND R A C H E L D ..................Australia .....................Europe .............Oil City, Pa. .............Paris, France .....................Europe Cornwall-on-Hudson, N. Y. .....................Europe ............Portland, Ore. .............Paris, France .....................Europe D’Alvarez, Marguerite Dambois, Maurice .... De Kyzer, Marie......... De Sales, Regina......... Devries, Rene .......... Dickinson, Clarence . .. Dilling, Mildred ....... Dunning, Carrie Louise Duval, J. H............. Dux, Claire ............ E Easton, Florence .......................................Europe F Fanning, Cecil ...............................................England Fife, William D........................New Glasgow, N. S., Canada Flaschner, Otto ..............................................Europe Flonzaley Quartet ............................................Europe G ..........Europe ........Germany ..........Europe ..........Europe ..........Europe ..........Europe ..South America ..........Europe West End, N. J. .London, England ..........Europe ..........Europe ..........Europe Gabrilowitsch, Ossip Gadksi, Johanna . . . Gallo, Fortune Gatti-Casazza, Giulio Garden, Mary .... Gerhardt, Elena . .. Godowsky, Leopold. . Gigli, Beniamino .. Golibart, Victor Goodson, Katharine . Gordon, Jeanne . . . Guard, William G. Gunn, Alexander . . OPERATIC and CONCERT TENOR Graduate, Royal Conservatory of Music MILANO. ITALY 125 East 37th Street New York GIUSEPPE BOGHETTI Vocal Studios: 1710 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Pa. Professor of Choral Music, Columbia University Address 39 Claremont Ave. Hall Walter Henry William S. BRADY TEACHER OF SINGING Studio: 137 West 86th St., New York. Tel. Schuyler 10099 CHARLES SANFORD SKILT0N COMPOSER and ORGANIST Lawrence, Kansas University of Kansas MARIE SUNDEUUS Soprano With the Metropolitan Opera Co. Exclusive Management: HAENSEL & JONES. Aeolian Hall. New York Edwin Franko Goldman H ......Paris, France ............Europe ............Europe ............Europe ............Europe ,..Bay View, Mich. ............Europe .. .........Europe ............Europe .....Paris, France ............Europe Easthampton, L. I. .. . . Lewiston, Idaho ...Sandwich, Mass. Hackett, Charles...... Haensel, Fitzhugh . . Hanson, M. H.......... Hargreaves, Randall . Harling, W. Franke . Hay, Lulu D........... Heifetz, Jascha ...... Hempel, Frieda ....... Hirst, Minette ....... Hollrnan, Joseph ..... Hubermann, Bronislaw Huhn, Bruno .......... Hurlbut, Harold....... Hutcheson, Ernest.... J Jacobi, Frederic .....................................Surrey, Maine Jones, W. Bridge.........*............................Gilsum, N. H. Jung, Rudolf .....................................Spiez, Switzerland CONDUCTOR THE GOLDMAN BAND '*A Symphony Orchestra in Brass” Columbia University Concerts Personal address: 202 Riverside Drive, New York ״ Fllerman Y Bam CONTRALTO 570 West 156th Street, New York City Phone ■1533 Billings v: COLLEGE OF MUSIC Kaufmann, Minna к Klibansky, Sergei Knoch, Ernst Knupfer, Walter Konecny, Josef Kruze, Leone Kuns, Vada Dilling La Motte, Georgette L Land, Harold : Lappas, Ulysses Lankow, Edward Lashanska, Hulda West End, N. J. Leginska, Ethel Letz, Hans Levitzki, Mischa Lhevinne, Tosef Lhevinne, Rosina Liebling, Max Liebling, Leonard M .... Devon, England ..............Europe ......Paris, France . .Hightstown, N. J. ..............Europe ...........Australia ..............Berlin ............ Europe ........Milan, Italy ..............Europe ...West End, N. J. .Tom’s River, N. J. ......Buffalo, N. Y. .............Holland Lake George, N. Y. ..............Europe ..............Europe .......Milan, Italy ......Seattle, Wash. McCormack, John.......... McManus, Florence .... MacArthur, Mrs. John R. MacCue, Beatrice ........ Macmillen, Francis ...... Maier, Guy .............. Malkin, Joseph .......... Martinelli, Giovanni .... Mason, Edith ............ Maurel, Barbara ......... Matzenauer, Margaret.... Meisle, Kathryn.......... Meldrum, John............ Mengelberg, Willem Miller, Reed............. Monteux, Pierre ......... Mukle, May ............. Muzio, Claudia .......... Myer, Edmund ......... .......Eure pe Rosylin, L i. ........Europe .Paris, France ........Europe N Namara, Marguerite Naumburg, E........ Neil, Amy........ Nicolay, Constantin , Niemack, lisa ... .. New Building—114-116 East 85th Street Founded for the Higher Education in all branches of Music Conducted on the same plane of the European foremost conservatory. Over 40 eminent instructors. Piano Department.................August Fraemcke, Dean Vocal Department........................Carl Hein, Dean Harmony, Counterpoint, Composition. Rubin Goldmark, Dean Vocal Students have exceptionally good opportunity for Grand Opera and acting. Terms reasonable. Catalog on application. III¡ ALFRED If¡ oswell AMERICAN PIANIST The Boswell Mgt. 295 Madison Ave., New York !III GEORGE S. MADDEN BARITONE Master Singer Concert, Recital and Oratorio “He is an example of the George Tenschel school of singing.”—New York Times. GEORGE H. LAWSON, Manager 267 Macon St. Brooklyn, N. Y. Phone 7992-W Decatur