June 15, 1922 MUSICAL COURIER 40 OPINIONS OF THE PRESS lovers of chamber music. Perfect ensemble, a beautiful tone and beauty of interpretation—one can always rely upon the Flonzaley Chronide “1Sp ay t“ese l■¡l■ll■¡l■!¡ll|■||■¡!■¡|||I■|||||||l|)¡|||, 11,11,,IH,״,IN״,nr RIEMENSCHNEIDER c A. R L PIANIST (with LESCHETIZKY 1903-06) STUDIO: 722 The Arcade, Cleveland, O. Information Bureau OF THE MUSICAL COURIER This department, which has been in successful operation for the past number of years, will continue to furnish information on all subjects of interest to our readers, free of charge. With the facilities at the disposal of the Musical Courier it is qualified to dispense information on all musical subjects, making the department of value. The Musical Courier will not, however, consent to act as intermediary between artists, managers and organizations. It will merely furnish facts. All communications should be addressed Information Bureau, Musical Courier 437 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. OSCAR SAENGER Studios: 6 East Eighty-first Street Consultations and voice trials by appointment only Tel. 1644 Rhinelander L. Lilly» Sec’y Guest teacher at Chicago Musical College, five weeks, June 28th to August 1st, 1922. Increase Musicianship Use Musical Pedagogy SUMMER SCHOOL Chicago and Evanston, 111. June 15 th to August 1st. New York City August 1st to September 1st. All work based on Principle hence successfully passed on to teachers by correspondence. Six Courses—Send for Catalogue EFFA ELLIS PERFIELD MUSIC SCHOOL, Inc. Chicago, 218 So. Wabash Ave. (Wabash 4279) EFFA ELLIS PERFIELD, New York.N.Y. 41/f West 45th St. Bryant 7233 Cable address “PERELL,” Chicago.