35 MUSICAL COURIER e 8,1922 RACHEL ALLABACH SINGS FOR RADIO The well known and talented young coloratura soprano, of Toledo, Ohio, sang for the Toledo Blade radio concert on May 16, delighting many thousands of people who “listened in.״ The program presented was of an exacting character, hut the young singer delivered it with no difficulty. And she fully deserved the ovation accorded her. Hardly had she finished singing before a voice came from the Detroit News Radio Station exclaiming “Marvelous.״ M. E. Florio, her maestro, who accompanied her, is also in the photo. FRANCIS ROGERS, who is bringing the most successful teaching season of his career to a close. He will sail for England on July 1, and while abroad will make a special effort to secure new musical material for his own programs and for those of his pupils. Early in August he will go to France for a short visit, in the course of which he will visit the School of Music at Fontainebleau. Mr. Rogers is a member of its executive committee and deeply concerned with its continued success. After a short tour in Belgium the baritone will return to New York early in September and reopen his studio about the middle of that month. sf/SS DOROTHY ROFDFK PMnr*N(x • THF JUBfl PFNCET m WHMWHRFR'S HUDJ rOÄ flpfM- Zf r# 2.2. n1 NINA MORGANA, who, desiring to have her own personal management, has severed her connection with the Metropolitan Musical Bureau and now is under what she calls “The Management of Nina Morgana.” The young soprano is being hooked extensively for concerts and recitals during the 1922-23 season. (© Mishkin.) GAY MAOLAREN AND GRACE DUNNING, PRESIDENT, ZONTA CLUB, UTICA, N. Y. RANDALL KIRKBR1DE, baritone, who has been most successful in light opera, in which he began his career several years ago in “The Lilac Oomino," under Andreas Dippel, in a minor part. Since then he has appeared in many light operas, singing, for instance, the leading role with Eleanor Painter in “Gloriana.״ Mr. Kirk-bride is another one of the many successful singers who owe their fin e careers to the Boder-Hueck vocal training and bel canto art. Mme. Boder-Hueck's master classes, which begin on June 15, are attracting much attention, and already many out-of-town teachers and singers have enrolled. PER NIELSEN, baritone, who will sail for Europe on June 9 with Christian Binding, the famous Norwegian composer, and Mrs. Binding. Mr. Nielsen has been reengaged for the fourth year as director and head of the vocal department at the Westminster College of Music, New Wilmington, Pa.