11 MUSICAL COURIER May 11, 19 22 UNIVERSAL SONG A VOICE CULTURE COURSE FOR PRIVATE AND CLASS INSTRUCTION TEACHERS AND STUDENTS OF VOICE CULTURE, WHO STUDY AT THE HAYWOOD INSTITUTE RECEIVE A “COMMON SENSE” COURSE OF STUDY, DEVOID OF ECCENTRICITIES. j-tt THE DETAILS AND SEQUENCE OF MATERIAL ARE ANNOTATED IN TEXTBOOK fl FORM, WHICH ASSURES A PERMANENT RECORD FOR TEACHING AND AN ^ INEXHAUSTIBLE SOURCE OF INFORMATION FOR FURTHER STUDY. FREDERICK H. HAYWOOD DIRECTOR HAYWOOD INSTITUTE OF UNIVERSAL SONG 65 WEST 71st STREET, NEW YORK CITY ANNOUNCES SUMMER NORMAL CLASSES FOUR WEEKS, JULY 3rd to JULY 29th COURSES (1) UNIVERSAL SONG, Volume I (20 lessons and 8 practice lessons) (2) UNIVERSAL SONG, Volume II (20 lessons and 8 practice lessons) (3) UNIVERSAL SONG, Volume III (20 lessons and 8 practice lessons) SPECIAL COURSES ״ , MR. FREDERICK H. HAYWOOD Private Instruction: MR j ULy WOODSIDE Repertoire Classes : Conducted by an expert Coach-Accompanist SCHOOL MUSIC SUPERVISORS “UNIVERSAL SONG” is the only Voice Culture Course for Classes, in print, with textbooks, written examinations, and individual singing tests. Its practical value has been proven by use in a large number of representative High Schools. Prepare yourself to teach Voice Culture in Classes. At the same time have your own voice trained. r----------------------------------------------------------- HAYWOOD INSTITUTE OF UNIVERSAL SONG VOCAL TEACHERS A large number of singing teachers credit their adoption of “UNIVERSAL SONG” with revolutionizing their teaching experience, both ARTISTICALLY and FINANCIALLY. It provides a practical and complete presentation of all the principles of correct tone production. It outlines methods for presenting Voice Culture to Classes. 65 West 71st Street New York City PLEASE SEND (a) Complete information regarding the “UNIVERSAL SONG” Course. □ (b) The “UNIVERSAL SONG” text material on approval for thirty days. □ (c) Particulars regarding the SUMMER NORMAL CLASSES for Teachers, the length of Course, terms, living accommodations, etc. □ The private teacher will find in CLASS INSTRUCTION a vehicle for effective missionary work. It offers an opportunity for study to a greater number of students at a fee within the reach of anyone. It creates a more general desire for PRIVATE INSTRUCTION. VOCAL STUDENTS NAME ... ADDRESS Mr. Haywood and his assistants will receive students for private instruction from June ist to Sept. 2nd.