THE GIGLI CHILDREN Master Enzo and Miss Esterina, the two little children of Beniamino Gigli, the Metropolitan tenor, all dressed I up for their papa's recent birthday dinner. (Elgin photo.) p-—ц, ...SERGEI |&Ы|Ь ^KLIBANSK Y, llpl vocal instructor, eight рЧН■^^' ЩШШт years at the Stern КдНк^ ЧРЧ Conservatory, Berlin. 1M three years at the In- |H Г"ЙИЙРИ^ \ Ш stitutc of Musical Art. H| I Ш New York, and later 1׳'ШшЯВВ 0шШж \ Ш an hidepen dent teach- ТИИЙг i !¿liM■ * Яр гг? sыкй April 15 /©»* J|1|I «. 6־Лог¿ vacation trip Cc ВИяНЯЭ Шг jPgjl to Europe. He begins she teaching at the Cor- Ge ШЩ l Щ■ nish School, Seattle Щ ( irhere this picture was Ink Iffira h is third con seru tire summer SCHROEDER PUPIL WINS FAVOR Etta Bradley, the young dramatic soprano from Maine, who has been coaching with Theodore Schroeder, the Boston vocal instructor, for the past three seasons, is winning recognition throughout New England. Sunday evening, April 23, Miss Bradley appeared before an audience of 5,000 people at the Boston Arena, the Boston Post commenting as follows : “Etta Bradley showed that she knew the traditions of the aria ‘Pace Mio Dio,' from Verdi's ‘Forza del Destino,' which is an aria that makes heavy demands on the singer, and was heartily applauded, as were all her other numbers." Manifestly the career of this young artist will bear watching. FLORENCE MACBETH ENTERTAINED Mrs. Harpst (center), well known clubwoman and music patron, who entertained Florence Macbeth and George Roberts when they gave a concert in Eureka, Gal., recently. JOHN McCORMACK CONVALESCENT The tenor leaving his home for a ride in Central Park on April 26, the first tune he was able to go out after his recent illness. (© Bain News Service.)