May 4, 19 22 ' M U S1C A L C O U RIE R 25• AUDIENCE CHEERS At His Last New York Recital of Season April 24th, 1922 “Superb Performance” “He fairly caressed the keyboard, the runs and scales rippling off the piano in musical rivulets that found their way across the footlights and broke against the feet of the delighted listeners. Every Chopin number was so played that it brought ‘Ahs’ and ‘Ohs’ from those who drink from the Chopin font. Altogether a brilliant climax to Mr. Bachaus’s season.”—Evening World. “Mr. Bachaus Was in Finest Fettle” “Mr. Bachaus is not a thunderer, but a big player, healthily convincing and masterful. Quality of strength, a largeness of style, grasp of rhythmic structure augmented by past mastery of a finished technique.” —Brooklyn Standard Union. Photo by Mishkin, New York “Bachaus Astonishes” “Not since Moritz Rosenthal has anyone played the piano as fast as Bachaus at Town Hall last night. But it was not the blurred speed of a photographic snap shot, rather was it a clearly articulated series of explosions like those of a smooth running engine. When his most difficult feats on yesterday’s program drew insistent applause, he repeated them with even greater nonchalance and a closer approach to perfection. Bachaus has grown into A PIANIST OF ASTONISHING POWERS, and his hearers are appreciating him.”—Katharine Spaeth in Evening Mail. “HE PLAYED BEAUTIFULLY LAST NIGHT.” “The audience was large and demonstrative. There is an engaging informality about a Bachaus recital. He is so free from mannerisms and plays with such straightforward simplicity and obvious interest in the music that he gives the impression not so much of a virtuoso appearing before his public, as of a musician playing before his familiars. The Chopin numbers had pulsating vitality and were enveloped IN A GOLDEN SHIMMER OF SOUND THAT WAS PURE MAGIC.”—Mr. Deems Taylor, in The World. “Beautifully Clear” “Mr. Bachaus lets Chopin speak for himself, but he lets him say everything that is to be said, the bravura was flawless.”—The Sun. TOUR OF ENGLAND NEXT OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, DECEMBER RETURN TOUR, UNITED STATES NEXT JANUARY TO MAY, 1923 BALDWIN PIANO USED 8 East 34th Street, New York Management: WOLFSOHN MUSICAL BUREAU