13 MUSICAL COURIER May 4, 19 22 RANDOM SHOTS TO THE MARK Recital under auspices Pittsburgh Friends of Music One man may have technic; one, sentiment; one, dynamics, and the other, what-nots; but Josef Lhevinne comes precious near being the perfect pianist. Rich tone is his, as is sentiment, but never maudlin weeping over the keys. When it comes to feathery octaves and passages in thirds, he stands alone. Truly a master pianist. —Harvey Gaul in Pittsburgh Post. Recital in Milwaukee I dropped in upon an outburst of enthusiasm which, in the course of the performance, assumed a steady crescendo until it partook of the nature of a musical frenzy. The audience had gone music-mad. Mr. Lhevinne’s art had cast a spell from which there was no escaping. One is at a loss what to admire most—his wonderful technic, the marvelous musicianship, or the depth and poetry of his interpretations. —William L. Jaffe in Wisconsin ׳News. Soloist with Philadelphia Orchestra, Pittsburgh The Liszt E-flat concerto served to demonstrate Josef Lhevinne as one of the great virtuosi on the stage today. He made the phrase sing where cantabile was required, and he caused the piano to thunder when fortissimo climaxes were needed.—Pittsburgh Sun. Recital in Milwaukee It was half-past six Sunday afternoon, when Josef Lhevinne played the final number of a program which, through the enthusiasm of his audience, attained twice its ordinary length; and to Mr. Lhevinne goes the honor of having received the finest ovation of the season. Other pianists may be intellectually or temperamentally equal to him, but he possesses a secret of variety that is unique.—C. P. Mead in Milwaukee Sentinel. With Mme. Rosina Lhevinne Soloists with Philadelphia Orchestra, Pittsburgh For interweaving of parts, elasticity and thematic blend, it was the most compelling performance we have had. —Pittsburgh Sun. Recital in New York Josef Lhévinne had the efficient and finely artistic co-operation of his wife, Mme. Rosina Lhévinne, herself a pianist of noteworthy ability. They played with remarkable precision of ensemble and with finely and completely sympathetic co-operation in phrasing and shading.■—Henry T. Finck in New York Post. Recital under auspices Pittsburgh Friends of Music The amazing Lhevinnes rang down the final curtain on the Pittsburgh Friends of Music series and a finer coda has not been heard here. For synchronization, tone and duo-technic, they offered a stupendous performance. In antiphonal effects, repetitive chords, touch and color phrasing, the playing of the Lhevinnes stands in local history as being without parallel.•—Harvey Gaul in Pittsburgh Post. STEINWAY PIANO FOR TERMS AND DATES ADDRESS LOUDON CHARLTON, Carnegie Hall, New York