11 MUSICAL COURIER May 4, 1922 SUMMER MASTER SCHOOL June 28 to August 1 (Five Weeks) 57th Year GUEST TEACHERS: HERBERT WITHERSPOON FAMOUS SINGER AND TEACHER OSCAR SAENGER CELEBRATED VOCAL INSTRUCTOR AND OPERATIC COACH *DR. FERY LULEK CELEBRATED VOICE SPECIALIST AND SINGER CLARENCE EDDY DEAN OF AMERICAN ORGANISTS MME. DELIA VALERI A VOCAL TEACHER NOTE—The Chicago Musical College begs to give notice that Mme. Delia Valeri is under contract to teach in its Summer Master School for the next two years. Students intending to avail themselves of her instruction during the summer are warned not to make application for lessons to be given elsewhere. No instruction can positively be given by Madam Valeri at that time except at the Chicago Musical College. Free Scholarships Professor Auer, Mr. Saenger, Mr. Witherspoon, Mr. Hageman, Mme. Delia Valeri, Mme. Hinkle, Mr. Grainger and Mr. Eddy have each consented to award a Free Scholarship to the student who after an open competitive examination is found to possess the greatest gift for singing or playing. Free scholarship application blank on request. Complete summer catalog on request. Periods must be arranged well in advance to have study. Private and Class Lessons may be arranged with all teachers. DORMITORY ACCOMMODATIONS FALL SESSION OPENS SEPTEMBER 11 COMPLETE CATALOG ON REQUEST • ☆Mr. Hageman and Dr. Lulek are now members of the faculty throughout the year. CHICAGO MUSICAL COLLEGE 630 South Michigan Avenue Chicago, 111. FELIX BOROWSKI, President RICHARD HAGEMAN, Vice-President CARL D. KINSEY, Manager PROF. LEOPOLD AUER MASTER VIOLIN INSTRUCTOR OF THE WORLD PERCY GRAINGER THE RENOWNED PIANIST *RICHARD HAGEMAN NOTED COACH AND ACCOMPANIST FORMERLY CONDUCTOR METROPOLITAN OPERA PERCY RECTOR STEPHENS NOTABLE TEACHER OF TEACHERS FLORENCE HINKLE AMERICA’S FOREMOST SOPRANO