LADA, the American dancer, who has teen engaged for the fiftieth anniversary celebration of the Arts Society of Pittsburgh, Mrs. George Wilson president. CHARLES TROWBRIDGE TITTMANN, who has been engaged for the seventh year as bass soloist at the Bach Festival at Bethlehem, Pa. (May 27 and 28). Mr. Tittmann filled his fourth engagement with the New York Oratorio Society on Thursday evening, April 13, when Bach’s “St. Matthew Passion” was given at Carnegie Hall. MME. DAVIES’ FAREWELL PARTY FOR DAME CLARA H butt Jp* ׳ Mil¡(•. Clara Nnrrllo Davies gar( a farewell party at her uttruetire ^*V*'׳ New York studio for Dame Clara ltutt. The small picture shows (left to right) : .time. Davies. Dame Clara Butt, Laurette Taylor and Mrs. John McCormack. In the larger group these jour may ' P be seen again, and among the others visible are Mine. Frances Alda (seated second from left), Kennerly Rumford, Dame Clara Butt’s husband (on the floor directly in front of Mine. Davies), Marie Novello, Paul Reimers, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Althouse, Kathleen Howard and Alma Clayburgh. RUDOLF JUNG, Swiss dramatic tenor, as Siegfried. After giving three New York recitals, he is returning to Europe for appearances in opera and concert there. (Photo © by Underwood & Underwood.) Illllllllllllllllll