17 MUSICAL COURIER April 27, 19 22 The New York Critics in writing oí Miss D’Arle’s appearances at the Metropolitan referred to her VOICE as: Brilliant —Admirable —Warm —Fluent —Lovely —Agreeable in Timbre and to her PERSONALITY as: Young—Beautiful —Strikingly Impressive—Charming—Exquisitely Graceful—A Real Find Engaged for LONDON, May, 1922, as joint soloist in a series of concerts with Titta Ruffo. 1451 Broadway, New York City Management: R. E. JOHNSTON Personal Representative: WILLIAM THORNER, 209 West 79th Street, New York Yvonne D’Arle as Kupava in “Snegourotchka’: © Mishkin, N. Y. Yvonne d’Arle Soprano, Metropolitan Opera Company (REENGAGED FOR 192223־) As Kupava in “Snegourotchka” (Phrases from the New York Papers) Vocally brilliant. Young, graceful and beautiful. Warmth, fluency and charm. Striking impression. Lovely voice and exquisite grace. Admirable v o-calism. As Musetta in “La Boheme” Fresh voice and skill of the theater.—T imes. Interesting artist. Sang well and leads all other Musettas in vivacity and archness. —World. Looks? Best ever. They won the night. Personality and pep. —Sun. Best Musetta in recent years. —American.