IN THIS ISSUE :-“THE AMERICAN FOLK SONG”—BY EUGEN PUTNAM _____________________ __________________university of !lirem iiiwmr |V\usical(5urìer Weekly Reuieur OF THE Worlds Music Forty-Third Year Price 1 5 Cents Published by Musical Courier Company, Inc., 437 Fifth Avenue, Entered as Second Class Matter January 8, 1883, at the Office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, New York. . . _ jP״«‘ Subscription $5.00 Foreign $6.25 Annually VOL. LXXXIV NO. 17 NEW YORK, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1922 WHOLE NO. 2194 Maurice Goldberg Photo ERNA RUBINSTEIN “THE NEW KREISLER”—New York Evening Mail