33 MUSICAL COURIER April 20, 1922 she was heard at a large reception given by the President of the French Republic; played with the orchestra of the Paris Conservatoire, and also gave her own recital there. In every instance she won the highest respect and praise of the critics. They have written that, while her talent was always marvelous and never immature when she played in Paris five years before, if possible her artistic maturity is more finished and more complete than they had even, anticipated from the eulogistic reviews they had read from the American critics. At her recital they said the immense audience was first astonished and then electrified, and that she received a reception not usually witnessed in that austere hall. Following the Paris engagements she played in recital at Toulon, Rouen, Orleans, Lorient and Vannes. At Vannes she gave a recital as a benefit to raise money to erect a monument to those who fell in the Great War. National Opera Club to Give “Corsica” At the next meeting (tonight, April 20) of the National Opera Club, Katharine Evans Von Klenner, president, Ireene Berge’s “Corsica” will be given a first hearing, the plot to be read and excerpts from the work sung by a professional quartet. Beside this novelty, the giving of which is so characteristic of this club, Frederick Hoffman will sing songs, accompanying himself on his lute; Ladislaws Borsak, tenor, will be heard, and Lelia Troland Gardner will give the chronicle of important events during the past season of the club. Schofield Soloist with Plainfield Chorus Edgar Schofield will be assisting baritone soloist at the performance of Gaul’s “The Holy City,” to be given April 23 by the Community Chorus of Plainfield, N. J. Von Ende Music School several years ago,, where both studied under Albert Ross Parsons. They plan to give two-piano recitals next season. Magdeleine Brard Returning Next Season Magdeleine Brard, the French pianist, who made such a deep impression here three years ago, is returning in October for her second concert tour in, this country, and will be MAGDELEINE BRARD, under the management of Vera Bull-Hull, of Cleveland, Ohio, who for several years has been well known in New York managerial circles as Vera L. Bull. Mile. Brard, during the past two months, has been having an extraordinarily successful concert tour in France, and during April she is playing many recitals in Italy. In Paris thing to be able to let this great vocal work be heard, even if not wholly without faults. More Fiddlers. A whole brood of young virtuosos have emerged this year from Hubay’s school, making their debuts chiefly in orchestral concerts. The most prominent among them, without a doubt, is Zoltán Székely, favorably known also as a composer. The Hungarian violin school, represented in America this year by Vecsey, Telmányi and Rubinstein, surely needs no introduction. Dohnányi has proven, moreover, that in piano playing, too, Hungary can hold her own. The new generation looks to him as its ideal. He exerts his educational influence not only as a teacher (though he has taught little of late) but from the concert platform; and the youngsters are fired with an ambition to become all-round musicians like him. Of this crowd of Dohnányi’s followers, Ludwig Kentner and Ivan Engel are the most promising. ZoLTAN KoDALY. Sophie Morino Off to Germany Sophie Morino, a young American soprano, who studied and sang in Germany previous to the war, is returning to that country to resume her career, sailing from New York April 29 on the steamship “Oropesa.” Miss Morino will make her headquarters at Munich, continuing her musical studies under Conductor Eck, of the State Opera, and stage work under Fraulein Schwarz. She will sing both in concert and opera, appearing first at Reichenhall. Kotlarsky-Dolinsky Nuptials Following his successful recital in Aeolian Hall, Max Kotlarsky, the pianist, was married to Aida Dolinsky, also a pianist. The young people first met as co-students at the FLONZALEY Ninety-two Engagements in the United States and Canada This Season, Others in England, France, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland and Holland A RECORD WHICH SPEAKS FOR ITSELF Quebec, Canada. Three Rivers, Canada. Montreal, Canada. Ottawa, Canada. Kingston, Canada. Chatham, Canada. Detroit, Mich. Schenectady, N. Y. Plainfield, N. J. Long Branch, N. J. Millbrook, N. Y. Princeton, N. J. New York City. Boston, Mass. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Washington, D. C. Delaware, O. Godfrey, 111. St. Louis, Mo. Wichita, Kans. Leavenworth, Kans. Lawrence, Kans. Winfield, Kansas. Oklahoma City, Okla. Tulsa, Okla. Fort Worth, Tex. Dallas, Tex. Washington, D. C. Greenfield, Mass. February 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 31, 3, EUROPE 21, London, England. 25, Paris, France. 26, Brussels, Belgium. 27, Antwerp, Belgium. Mar December 18, Greensburg, Pa. (Eve.) “ 19, Indiana, Pa. “ 21-24, inc., Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J. April April Syracuse, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. Chicago, 111. Toronto, Canada. Cleveland, O. Buffalo, N. Y. Aurora, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. New York City, N. Y. Boston, Mass. Portland, Me. Fall River, Mass. Washington, D. C. Gettysburg, Pa. Uniontown, Pa. Washington, Pa. Chicago, 111. Knoxville, Tenn. Greenville, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Charleston, S. C. Jacksonville, Fla. Richmond, Va. Charlottesville, Va. Baltimore, Md. Philadelphia, Pa. Washington, D. C. New Britain, Conn. Boston, Mass. Lewiston, Maine. January 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 31, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, EUROPE October 12, Switzerland, Winter Tour. “ 15, Holland, Amsterdam. “ 17, Belgium, Brussels. “ 19, France, Paris. “ 21, England, London. AMERICA November 8, Middlebury, Conn. 9, Hartford, Conn. 10, Haverhill, Mass. 11, Providence, R. I. 13, Williamstown, Mass. 14, Utica, New York, 2 concerts. 15, Glens Falls, N. Y. 17, Montclair, N. J. 18, East Orange, N. J. 22, New York City. 24, Roselle Park, N. J. 27, Chicago, 111. 28, Kenosha, Wise. 29, Rochester, Minn. 30, Mankato, Minn. December 1, Minneapolis, Minn. 4, Milwaukee, Wis. 5, Des Moines, la. 6, Kansas City, Mo. 7, Fort Dodge, la. 8, Cedar Falls, Iowa. 9, Grinnell, la. 10, Urbana, 111. 11, Indianapolis, Ind. 12, Louisville, Ky. 13, Cincinnati, O. 15, Mt. Vernon, O. 16, Columbus, O. 18, Pittsburgh, Pa. (Aft.) ■Season of 19221923־ Now Booking׳ For Terms and Dates Address Carnegie Hall, New York LOUDON CHARLTON M ■ Owing to the General Demand for Return Engagements of this Famous 1^1 OlC Organization the above itinerary practically will obtain Next Season