41 MUSICAL COURIER April 6, 1922 happy to_ cooperate with the club. This year the club, through its president, who is chairman of the Hans Kronold Memorial Concert (Carnegie Hall, May 7) will make that affair a success, for what the National Opera Club undertakes it always makes a success. Already boxes and tickets have been sold, and under Mme. von Klenner the following attractions- have been secured: Maud Morgan, and her harp ensemble; the Rubinstein Club, William R. Chapman conductor; Leo Schulz, as solo-cellist, and heading a cello-ensemble of at least twenty cellos; Andre Polah, violinist; Master Russell, boy soprano, etc. Dancing, directed by G. H. Copinus, followed the program, and most of those who had come to the concert stayed to enjoy the delightful social part of the evening also. Hempel to Sing with Orchestras Frieda Hempel will be the soloist with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Eugene Ysaye conducting, in Cincinnati on April 7 and 8. On May 19 the prima donna will bring her season of eighty recitals and Jenny Lind concerts to a close by singing with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Frederick Stock conducting, at the Ann Arbor Festival. “St. Matthew Passion” Dates for Littmann Charles Littmann has been engaged for the seventh time to sing the bass arias in the “St. Matthew Passion” at the Bethlehem Bach Festival, under the direction of Dr. J. Fred Wolle. The New York Oratorio Society has engaged him five times for the same work. Sturkow-Ryder March Dates During the month of March, Theodora Sturkow-Ryder. the well known pianist, filled the following dates: March 2 Michigan City, Ind.; S to 11, Omaha, Neb.; 13, 14 and 16׳ Lincoln, Neb.; 20 and 21, in Sandusky, Ohio, and 26, Alliance, Ohio. Rachel Busey KINSOLVING MANAGER KINSOLVING MUSICAL MORNINGS AT THE BLACKSTONE PRESENTING THE WORLD’S MOST FAMOUS ARTISTS ALSO The Flonza.ey Quartet] subscription London String Quartet j SERIES WILL AGAIN ACCEPT THE MANAGEMENT OF CONCERTS AND ARTIST RECITALS IN CHICAGO AT THE AUDITORIUM, ORCHESTRA HALL, BLACKSTONE THEATER, PLAYHOUSE, KIMBALL HALL AND OTHER THEATERS. DATES NOW BEING ARRANGED FOR TERMS AND AVAILABLE DATES, ADDRESS MISS KINSOLVING 925 Fine Arts Bldg. CHICAGO with violin and with cello, as well as having been the soloist with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra on March 31 and April 1. Mr. Reuter’s success as a virtuoso is a well established fact. “He is a pianist of expert and fluent technical ability^ widely ranging in the choice of his music, responsive to it, and sensitive with the tone in which he clothes it.” National Opera Club Concert and Ball The National Opera Club of America (Katharine Evans Von Klenner, founder and president) presented a fine program to a large audience of members and guests at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, March 30. This organization finding much enjoyment in opera performances put on by its own members, and on this occasion the fourth act of Verdi’s “Otello” was very creditably given. The cast was as follows: Clementine de Vere Sapio, Desdemona; Marguerite Mangier¡, Emilia; Walter Burke, Otello; B. Vitale, Cassio; M. Adams, Jago; A. W. Benkert, Lodovico; W. W. Archer, Montano. Mme. Sapio has a soprano voice of power and range, which was used with dramatic effect. Her high tones were notably clear and effective, her acting that of the experienced opera singer, and her appearance most admirable. All of her work brought recognition and warmest applause from the large audience. Mr. Burke also sang artistically, revealing a tenor voice of agreeable quality. Romualdo Sapio was the efficient conductor, who knew just what he wanted, and how to get it. The National Opera Club Choral sang very commend-ably the “Chorus of Gypsies,” from “Traviata,” Verdi; “Angelus,” from “Maritana,” Wallace; “Invocation,” from “Mose,” Rossini, and the “Cigarette Girls’ Chorus,” from “Carmen.” _ General opinion was that this choral is one of the best in the metropolis, and for this Conductor Sapio deserves first credit. Some Spanish dances were very smoothly and gracefully done by Riccardo Teyo and Peggy White. Marguerite Lemon, former leading soprano of America, now resident in Europe, was present as guest of honor. She made a short speech which was applauded, saying she recognized the broad aim and ideals of the National Opera Club, and became a member on the spot. President von Klenner gave an address, which was as usual full of the KATHARINE EVANS VON KLENNER, enthusiasm and individuality one expects from her. She reminded her hearers that two years ago the club gave a free opera performance during Music Week, in the Manhattan Opera House, when the leaders in music were AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Eminent Conductor—Teaching, ► ► ► Coaching, Accompanying £ ► 315 West 98th Street, New York City £ Stadio ттттттттттттттттттттттттттттттттттттттттттттт Julius Koehl to Give Annual Recital At Aeolian Hall on Friday evening, April 21, Julius Koehl, pianist, will give his annual recital. He has selected an interesting as well as artistic program, some of the com- Lorraine Studio JULIUS KOEHL, pianist. positions being Grieg's E minor sonata, the C minor sonata of Beethoven (op. 13), Schumann’s “Papillions,” and the Liszt sixth Hungarian rhapsody. He will also present three compositions by Florence Parr-Gere. NEW YORK CONCERTS Thursday, April 6 Amy Grant, opera recital, morning............Aeolian Hall Inez Church and Leon Carson, evening.........Aeolian Hall Mr. and Mrs. Henry Holden Huss, afternoon Rumford Hall Friday, April 7 Casals and orchestra, evening................Carnegie Hall La Forge-Berumen noonday musicale............Aeolian Hall Richard Hale, song recital, evening..........Aeolian Hall Columbia University Glee Club, evening.......Town Hall Ruth Draper, character sketches, afternoon. .Selwyn Theater Saturday, April 8 Claire Dux, song recital, afternoon..........Carnegie Hall Philharmonic Orchestra, evening..............Carnegie Hall Maurice Dambois, cello recital, evening......Aeolian Hall Sunday, April 9 Germaine Schnitzer, piano recital, afternoon. .Carnegie Hall Walter Damrosch, iecture-recital, afternoon.. .Aeolian Hall Luella Meluis, song recital, afternoon.......Town Hall Philharmonic Orchestra, afternoon, Metropolitan Opera House John McCormack, evening......................Hippodrome Frederic Warren Ballad Concert, evening..Selwyn Theater Monday, April 10 Schumann Club, evening.......................Aeolian Hall Tuesday, April 11 Orpha Kendall Holtzman, afternoon............Aeolian Hall Winifred Byrd, piano recital, evening........Aeolian Hall Rudolph Reuter’s Chicago Recital Of great interest is the announcement of Rudolph Reuter’s annual piano recital in Orchestra Hall, Chicago, on Tuesday evening, April 18. This will be the culmination, this season, of Mr. Reuter’s concert work in Chicago, where he already has appeared five times in sonata recitals Photo by Mishkin, N. F.