i! MUSICAL COURIER Aprii 6, 1922 g I I HAVE YOU EVER READ SUCH NOTICES BY THE NEW YORK CRITICS? HERE ARE SOME EXCERPTS FROM EVERY NEW YORK NEWSPAPER COMMENTING UPON THE FOURTH RECITAL THIS SEASON AT CARNEGIE HALL, MARCH 21ST, BY FRIEDA HEMPEL “At the Height of Her Powers” —Mr. Aldrich in “The Times” “She seems at the height of her powers. The voice has not often sounded more beautiful, more vibrantly rich and penetrating, than it did last evening—a true 'sfogato' quality. Nor has her singing shown a finer art than it did last evening. Her command of all the devices of coloratura singing is extensive and assured.” “Hors C one ours” —Mr. Krehbiel in “The Tribune” “Mme. Hempel* s lovely voice and exquisite art have made her hors concours on the concert stage. . . . We do not know anyone who could duplicate the sheer beauty of her voice and art as they were exhibited in Handel’s “Sweet Bird” or the German songs by Schubert and Schumann. . . . Her program was varied, we might say variegated, but its every number conveyed a benison of beauty.” “Voice Lovelier Than Ever” —Mr. Harris in “The Post” “Frieda Hempel exhibits a voice that is lovelier than ever. . . . By her artistic interpretation and her beautiful singing she fairly transported with delight an audience that filled the great hall from floor to topmost gallery. . . . The whole recital was a fresh triumph for Miss Hempel and an evening of rare enjoyment for all who had the good fortune to hear this really great singer.” “Finest Exponent of Song” —Mr. Murray in “The Eagle” "Miss Hempel is to-day beyond all peradventure of doubt the finest exponent we have of the art of song. She knows the rarest qualities of style; can transfigure any text through the glorifying power of beautifully controlled tone, nicety of phrase and clearness of diction. Her musicianship is at times almost uncanny in its preciseness of meaning.” “Queen of Song” —Mr. Warren in “The Evening World” “Frieda Hempel, a member of that illustrious band, the Queens of Song, gave her fourth and final concert last evening in Carnegie Hall. . . . She is still Queen in the Arditi and Strauss waltzes." “Unrivaled” —Mr. Morris in “The Telegram” “There was a delightful recital by Frieda Hempel in Carnegie Hall last night. Mme. Hempel is unrivaled in the lighter German lieder. Her voice was lovely and her singing as charming as ever.” ‘The Globe’ “A Triumphant Evening” —Mr. Sanborn in “Admirable singing by Frieda Hempel. . . . Altogether it was a triumphant evening for Miss Hempel, one of those none too numerous singers who have a voice and who know how to sing! The audience reveled in her performance and the floral tributes amounted to a transplanted garden.” “Beautiful Voice” -—Mr. O’Connor in “The World” “She has a beautiful voice and she uses it expressively. Singing apparently gives her great pleasure. She likes her audience. She seems unusually amused and happy. Some of these things make her singing of Schubert's “Juengling an der Quelle” and of Pfitzner’s "Gretl” a delight. Some of the others win her so many flowers that the piano seems dangerously loaded down.” ,The Sun’ “In Fresh and Lovely Voicer —Mr. Gabriel in ' "A stylist, a dear, happily precise interpreter she was equally effective in Bach and Handel on the classic side and in Schubert and Schumann on the romantic. She was throughout these two groups in as fresh and lovely a voice as she has been for a long while and there was a new charm to her reading of the “Ungeduld.” “Crystal Diction” —Mrs. Spaeth in “The Mail” “Flowering like an almond tree, Frieda Hempel, the perpetually radiant, gave an all-request program. . . . Miss Hempel is one of the few artists to whom the word ’versatile’ really applies. She brought her crystal diction to the group of Schubert and Schumann lieder and when she sang the Polonaise from ‘Mignon’ her lilting bird notes announcing 'for to-night I am Queen of the fairies’ were exquisitely convincing.” ‘The Journal” ‘Art Plus Personality” —■Mr. Weil in stage to another large Mme. Hempel provided "Art plus personality floated from the Carnegie Hall audience in the evening. . . a very full evening’s artistic singing.” ‘The Herald” ‘Voice Has Added Luster” —Mr. Henderson in “The singer, whose lovely voice seems to have taken on an added luster and warmth this season, sang with her accustomed skill, beauty of phrase and diction.” 164 MADISON AVENUE NEW YORK “Jennp iUnti Concerts” Straight Recitals Symphony Appearances for Next Season NOW BOOKING MANAGEMENT OF FRIEDA HEMPEL