MUSICAL COURIER HANNA BROCKS-OETTEKING, SOPRANO Concerts—Recitals—Instruction Studio: 607 West 137th Street, New York Phone, Audubon 1600 LILLIAN SHERWOOD NEWKIRK ART O'F SINGING 1425 Broadway (Metropolitan Opera House Bldg.), N. Y., Wednesdays and Saturdays All Mail to 11 Morgan Ave., Norwalk, Conn. JESSIE FENNER HILL, TEACHER OF SINGING Metropolitan Opera House Studios, 1425 Broadway, New York. Phone, Bryant 1274 DUDLEY BUCK, TEACHER OF SINGING 50 West 67th Street : : : : New York Phone, Columbus 4984 FRANCES FOSTER, Coach for Concert and Operatic Artists Concert Accompanying Studio: 334 West 84th Street, New York Telephone, Schuyler 1049 VINCENZO PORTANOVA, VOCAL STUDIO 240 West 73rd Street : : : : New York Phone, 8955 Columbus MARIE MIKOVA, Pianist—Instruction Assistant to Wager Swayne 308 East 72nd St. : : : : : : New York Telephone, 8812 Rhinelander DANIEL SULLIVAN, TEACHER OF SINGING 35 East Thirty-Eighth Street, New York City MME. MINNA KAUFMANN, Voice Teacher and Coach Lilli Lehmann Method Address: J. Cartall, 601-602 Carnegie Hall, N. Y. Studios reopen September 5th LAURA E. MORRILL, TEACHER OF SINGING 148 West 72nd Street Phone, 2118 Columbus New York ADELE LEWING, PIANIST, COMPOSER AND COACH Authorized Teacher of the Leschetizky Method Residence Studio, 115 Hamilton Place Telephone, Audubon 960 Downtown Studio: Steinway Hall THE NEW YORK INSTITUTE FOR VIOLIN PLAYING, PIANO AND VOICE CULTURE, 230 E. 62d St. Complete musical education given to students from the beginning to the highest perfection. F. & H. CARRI, Directors. PIANIST, COMPOSER, TEACHER 251 West 102d Street, New York Phone, Riverside 366 DANIEL VISANSKA, Violinist, Nine years of successful teaching and con-ertizing in Berlin. Will accept engagements ,nd a limited number of pupils. Address: 155 West 122nd St., New York Phone, 4778 Morningside Singing lessons for beginners and advanced pupils Song and Oratorio Repertoire \9 West 80th Street New York, N. Y. New York STUDIO OF SINGING Teacher of Mme. Olga Warren Telephone. Riverside 136 3 MRS. JOHN DENNIS MEHAN Voice Expert—Coach—Repertoire *d Artists who have worked this season—Mary Jordan, Marie Morrisey, Jane Neilson, John Barnes Wells, Leroy Weil, Helen Porter Sleeper and Samuel Roberts. 70 Carnegie Hall, 154 West 57th St., — New York City Tel. Circle 1472 ALICE GARRIGUE MOTT, ART OF SINGING 172 West 79th Street, New York Telephone, 7993 Schuyler ESPERANZA GARRIGUE, ART OF SINGING METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE 1425 Broadway Phone 1274 Bryant g The BOICE STUDIO of VOCAL ART Susan S. Boice, 65 Central Park West : Tel. Columbus 7140 a- HERBERT WILBUR GREENE. SCHOOL OF SINGING Director of Brookfield Summer School of Singing 701 Carnegie Hall, New York City te e! WALTER L. BOGERT, ART OF SINGING 25 Claremont Ave., N. Y. Tel. 4834 Morningside GIUSEPPE CAMPANARI, BARITONE Late of Metropolitan Opera Company will accept pupils 668 West End Avenue, New York City Telephone, Riverside 3469 t. MRS. ROBINSON DUFF, VOICE 136 East 78th Street : : : : New York Telephone Rhinelander 4468 BENNO KANTROWITZ, ACCOMPANIST AND COACH Teacher of Piano and Theory 1425 Broadway, Studio 68, New York City Telephone, 1274 Bryant MME. EDYTHE LE BERMUTH, Formerly of Bruxelles, Belgium Expert Voice Placement Opera and Concert Repertoire Studio: 62 West 84th Street, New York Tel. Schuyler 3822 FREDERICK SOUTHWICK, CONCERT BARITONE and TEACHER OF SINGING Studio: 611 Carnegie Hall New York City k ERNEST CARTER, COMPOSER—CONDUCTOR 115 East 69th Street, New York City Telephone, Rhinelander 8623 k ISABEL LEONARD, VOICE TEACHER AND COACH Specialist in Phonetics and Breath 502 Carnegie Hall : : : : : New York Telephone, Circle 1350 s _ MABEL PHIPPS BERGOLIO, PIANIST—INSTRUCTION Tuesdays and Fridays at the Institute of Musical Art s 120 Carnegie Hall, New York. Tel. Circle 1350 PROFESSOR LEOPOLD AUER indorses and praises very highly ALBERT GOLDENBERG’S VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Preparatory teacher to Professor Auer 824 Carnegie Hall Tel., Circle 3467 Application by mail k WILLIAM THORNER, VOCAL TEACHER AND COACH Address: 209 West 79th Street, New York City MILLIE RYAN, ART OF SINGING Perfect Tone Production and Repertoire Studio: 1730 Broadway, New York Telephone, Circle 8675 AMY GRANT, Opera Recitals Aeolian Hall Alternate Thursdays at 11 . _ Tuesdays in May at 3:30 Amy ,Grant Studio of the Speaking Voice 78 West 55th Street, New York (Tel., 0457 Circle) k EDMUND J. HELEN ETHEL M YER VOCAL INSTRUCTION AND COACHING Teacher of Theo. Karle 828-829 Carnegie Hall Tel., Circle 1350 Signor A. BUZZI-PECCIA, VOICE SPECIALIST AND COMPOSER Teacher of Alma Gluck, Sophie Braslau and Cecil Arden Studio: 33 West 67th St., New York a ־ ELIZABETH K. PATTERSON, SCHOOL OF SINGING Studio: 257 West 104th Street Phone, 1514 Clarkson CLARA NOVELLO DAVIES, All Can Sing if They Know How to Breathe” 15 West 67th Street, New York City Phone, 2951 Columbus MR. FRANCIS STUART, TEACHER OF SINGING Pupil of Lamperti the Elder “Being in full possession of my method of singing, he has the ability to form great artists.” —Francesco Lamperti. Carnegie Hall Studios, 1103-4, New York City FREDERICK E. BRISTOL, TEACHER OF SINGING 43 West 46th Street, New York City WILBUR A. LUYSTER, Specialist in Sight Singing (Formerly teacher for Met. Opera Co.) “A Maker of Readers” No instrument used Both class and individual instruction Class courses begin Oct. 1st. Private any time. Carnegie Hall. Res. Phone, 6515W Flatbush. MRS. ELIZABETH SCHAUP Soprano Soloist PIZZARELLO VOCAL METHOD Instruction Tuesdays—851 Carnegie Hall, New York Frederick Riesberg, A. A. G. O. PIANO INSTRUCTION Studied under Remecke— Classics; Scharwenka —Style; Liszt—Technic. Head of piano depart-nent, New York School of Music and Arts, 150 Riverside Drive. Tel. Schuyler 3655. Courses 1 arranged to suit individual requirements Personal address, 408 West 150th St. Tel.' Audubon 1530. 2 Miss EMMA THURSBY, SOPRANO Will receive a limited number of pupils Residence: 34 Gramercy Park Phone, 3187 Gramercy New York City JOHN W. NICHOLS, TENOR—VOCAL INSTRUCTOR 819-825 Carnegie Hall, New York Head of Vassar College, Vocal Department Summer courses at Univ. of Vermont Write for an Appointment, or Phone Circle 3467 CARL FIQUE Piano KATHERINE NOAK-FIQUE I Dramatic Soprano FIQUE MUSICAL INSTITUTE 3 128 De Kalb Avenue, Brooklyn EDUCATIONAL AGENCY. Church, Concert and School Positions i MRS. BABCOCK Telephone, 2634 Circle Carnegie Hall, New York J. H. DUVAL, TEACHER OF SINGING Italian and French Opera Studio: 32 Metropolitan Opera House New York M. F. BURT SCHOOL, Sight-Singing, Ear-Training, IV ROSS DAVID, VOCAL STUDIOS Sherwood Studio Building, 58 W Phone, Circle 2297 CARL M. ROEDER, TEACHER OF PIANO T echnic—Interpretation—Theory Normal Course for Teachers 607-608 Carnegie Hall, New York 234 Main St., Orange, N. J. MME. ANITA RIO, SOPRANO Vacancies for a Few Pupils 182 Madison Ave. Phone: 392 Murray Hill, ft MME. NIESSEN-STONE, MEZZO-CONTRALTO Management: Annie Friedberg, 1425 Broadway, ? Vocal Studio: 50 W. 67th St., N. Y. Tel. 1405 MME. KATHRYN CARYLNA, Teacher of voice in all its branches. D of tone production eradicated French and Italian Lyric Diction 257 West 86th Street, New Telephone, 5910 Schuyler MAESTRO G. H. CASELOTTI VOCAL TEACHER Metropolitan Opera House Building, 1425 Broadway, New York raylor Building, 44 Cannon St., Bridg< Conn. HAZEL MOORE, SOPRANO For teaching periods address, Care of Musical Courier, 437 Fifth Avenue N FRANCIS ROGERS, CONCERT BARITONE AND TEACHER OF SINGING 144 East 62nd Street, New York E. PRESSON MILLER, TEACHER OF SINGING 826 Carnegie Hall Tel. 1. JANET BULLOCK WILLIAMS, TEACHER OF SINGING 122 Carnegie Hall FLORENCE E. GALE, SOLO PIANIST Recitals and Concert^ Instruction, Leschetizky Method 137 West 69th St., New York JACQUES L. GOTTLIEB, Teacher of Violin, Ensemble, Conducting Gottlieb Institute of Music Conscientious instructors in all departments Courses for the professional and the amateur symphony orchestra chorus 136 East 76th Street — — — New York City Tel. Rhinelander 4345 Brooklyn, N. Y., Studio: 1339 Union Street Mr. CHARLES LEE TRACY, PIANOFORTE INSTRUCTION Certified Leschetizky Exponent Carnegie Hall Studios, 832-3 New York City HENRIETTA SPEKE-SEELEY, SOPRANO—TEACHER OF SINGING 1425 Broadway, Metropolitan Opera House, N. Y. N. Y. Residence: 2184 Bathgate Ave., Phone, 3967 Fordham