47 MUSICAL COURIER March 16, 1922 WERRENRATH AND JACKIE GOOGAN. In spite of the rush of ־being obliged to sing eighteen concerts in twenty-eight days, Reinald W errehrath found time to visit, become acquainted, and be “shot” with many of the stellar luminaries that hover around the famous golden gate of the Pacific. Among them are Charlie Chaplin and Jackie Coogan, both of whom are extremely musical. Jackie, who plays the violin, attended a half a dozen of Mr. Werrenrath’s recitals arid they became great admirers of each other’s art and likewise great pals. The accompanying picture shows the baritone visiting the little film star at his mother’s home in Sunny California. A GROUP OF TENORS. Left to right they are Mario, Wolf, Klingsor, Nita and Scorpio, and they all belong to and were bred by Orville Harrold, the Metropolitan tenor, who is holding the leashes. RUDOLPH GRUEN, pianist-accompanist, now on tour with Paul Althouse, snapped at Multnomah Falls on the Columbia River Highway, near Portland, Ore. Mr. Gruen has been concertiz-ing for the last nine weeks but was expected back in New York this week. NORMAN JOLLIF, the bass baritone, who has been filling numerous concert and recital engagements during the current season. Students at Amherst College (Northampton, Mass.) gave him a hearty reception when he recently appeared there in recital. Lancaster and Harrisburg are but tivo of the cities in Pennsylvania where Mr. Jollif has given recitals this season. He filled a re-engagement at the Lyric Club in Newark, N. J., under the baton of Arthur D. Woodruff, and when he sang with the Englewood, N. J., Choral Society it marked his seventh appearance within two years as soloist with an organization conducted by Mr. Woodruff. Among Mr. Jollif s Neiv York engagements mention might be made of an appearance at the Eclectic Club, of his third consecutive year as soloist at a Mozart Society concert, of a Frederic Warren Ballad Concert at the Selwyn Theater, and his singing in the Bach “St. Matthew Passion” at St. Bartholomew’s Church. Later in the season Mr. Jollif will give a recital in Aeolian Hall. He recently sang “Elijah” with the Boston Handel and Hadyn Society, and in Orange, N. J., he ivas heard in “The Crucifixion.” 60166013608647894736659805183