19 MUSICAL COURIER March 16, 1922 “Her high notes have a liquid beauty comparable only to the most perfect notes of a rich toned violin,” says Minneapolis— TRI B UNE February 22,1922 “Miss Macbeth’s remarkable ability for singing florid music came to full expression. Everything she does leaves the impression of superlative ease. Her high notes have a liquid beauty comparable only to the most perfect notes of a rich toned violin, but the whole voice from the lowest to the highest tones is wonderfully even, and back of it all is the intelligence of a hard-working, ambitious, gifted young American whom we all delight to honor for her achievements. She sang so many encores that we lost count.”—James Davies. DAILY STAR February 22,1922 “A stormy night could not dampen the enthusiasm with which music lovers look forward to the singing of Minnesota’s own songstress. When she sang ‘I Think There Must Be Inside of Me a Bird!’ the audience fully agreed with Miss Macbeth. Her tones are so clear and true and full, all registers of her voice so even and smooth, her singing so absolutely free from apparent effort that comparison to a bird comes to mind instantly on hearing her.”—N. S. DAILY NEWS February 22,1922 “Year by year Miss Macbeth strengthens her hold on the public by the consistent advance in her power of musical interpretation. Today she is much more than a coloratura soprano; her singing has taken on a clear-cut individuality which not even the vapidity of Donizetti can destroy. Behind the exquisite purity and sweetness of her tones there is now a reserve strength which bespeaks hard work, high ideals and the sense of earned triumph.”— H. A. Bellows. NUCB JO URNAL February 22,1922 “Florence Macbeth, who has not been heard here for some time, sang last night and sang very sweetly, laying at her feet and taking to her heart a large and enthusiastic audience. The ‘0 Luce di Quest Anima’ from ‘Linda di Chamounix,’ by Donizetti, abounded in skillful and very attractive staccato effects. The singer is triumphantly at home in this branch of singing, she will forever charm principally in the field of coloratura.”—Victor Nilsson. Management: NATIONAL CONCERTS, Inc., 1451 Broadway, New York MASON & HAMLIN PIANO (SAMUEL GENEEN, President) RECORDS