March 9 , 19 22 M U S I C AL CO 11 RIE R 30 TRI UM In Elvira’s music, th was nothing short of Surprisingly brilliant | N. Y. American. As Margaret Rosa Ponselle was made a dignified, 1 sang with rich glory o| M ail. Miss Ponselle present) ret as a dominating pen Exclusive IalionaI SccexMcC. !4SI BROADWAY Prima Donna Dramatic Soprano־ IN CONCERT One of the most remarkable artists of this generation. —Chicago Herald. She must be put on record as an instant success so far as Pittsburgh is concerned. —Pittsburgh Dispatch. Ponselle’s voice like a Strad fiddle. — Worcester Daily Telegram. The audience became wildly enthusiastic. —Portland Evening Express. Appearance of Rosa Ponselle was marked by some of the most distinguished singing ever heard here. —Providence Tribune. With the first note she thrills her auditors and they never relax their attention until the song is finished. —St. Louis Star. Ponselle is rare delight. Charms large audience with her artistry. —Denver Post. Takes New Castle music world by storm. —New Castle Herald. It is one of the great beautiful voices of our time, and it is great and beautiful from the top to the bottom of its wide range. —Norfolk Ledger Dispatch. Rosa Ponselle is great delight to the lovers of music. —Houston Post. Ponselle’s voice delights the soul. —Jackson Daily News. Miss Ponselle’s singing brought encore after encore. —N. Y. Evening World. IN CONCERT She is one of the few opera stars who find the concert stage equally fitting for the display of their gifts. —Providence Jour-nal. One detected the luscious richness of the young Nordica, the brilliancy of a young Melba—and most of all a new personality—Rosa Ponselle. —Archie Bell, Cleveland News. As Leonora in “Forza del Destino” Scored a genuine triumph with her rich voice, fervent style, attractive personality and histrionic skill.—N. Y. Evening Post. The interest of the audience was at high pitch and continued so throughout the evening as the beauty of Rosa Ponselle’s wonderful voice and the magnitude of her histrionic ability were unfolded.—A tlanta Journal. COLUMBIA RECORDS As Rezia in “Oberon” Miss Ponselle sang superbly the music of Rezia.—N. Y. Telegram. Miss Ponselle again gave forth the glory of her voice in the part of Rezia.—N. Y. Tribune. She sang brilliantly throughout the performance.—N. Y. Herald.