19 MUSICAL COURIER March 9,1922 GUY MAIER and PATTISON “Concerts of Music for Two Pianos״ SEASON 1922-1923 JUNE TO OCTOBER IN AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND (40 RECITALS). LAST HALF OF NOVEMBER ON PACIFIC COAST. EARLY DECEMBER IN TEXAS AND THE SOUTHWEST. AVAILABLE IN THE EAST AFTER JANUARY 1st, 1923. ■׳■' ! Щ If ׳- Й Ж: lis 1 ЖШЙ1. . THIS SEASON’S EXTRAORDINARY RECORD Feb. Mar. White Photo Convent, N. J. New York.* Milton, Mass. Holyoke, Mass.* Detroit, Mich.* Chicago, 111* Lima, O. Buffalo, N. Y* Toledo, O* Toronto, Can. Erie, Pa.* Meadville, Pa.* Montreal, Can. New York* Harrisburg, Pa. St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis, Mo. Montgomery, Ala. New Orleans, La. Charleston, S. C. Rock Hill, S. C. Hendersonville, N. C. East Aurora, N. Y. Cleveland, O.* Cleveland, O.* , Cleveland, O.* ! Fort Wayne, Ind. 7, Cleveland, O.* 9, Wellsville, N. Y. 15, New York* 22, Boston, Mass.* 29, New York* Return Engagements. Apr. Oct. 10, Aurora, N. Y. 12, Syracuse, N. Y. 20, New York.* 25, Haverhill, Mass.* 26, Boston, Mass.* 28, Montclair, N. J. Duluth, Minn. Virginia, Minn. Milwaukee, Wis.* Chicago, 111.* Ripon, Wis. Detroit, Mich.* Peoria, 111. Chicago, 111.* Chicago, 111.* Mansfield, O. Toledo, O* Dayton, O. Hamilton, O. 6, Des Moines, la. 9, Joplin, Mo.* 29, Portland, Me. Jan. 4, Utica, N. Y. 5, Watertown, N. Y. 10, Troy, N. Y. 12, Pittsburgh, Pa.* 13, New Castle, Pa. 14, Cleveland, O.* 16, Kenosha, Wis. 21, Brooklyn, N. Y* 22, New York.* 25, Newport News, Va. 28, New York.* 30, Buffalo, N. Y * Both are pianists of the first rank. Both have blended their individual pianistic virtues so finely as to make their two instruments sound as one.—New York Tribune. They showed that precision in ensemble was not their only merit, but that they were also profound students of style.—New York Herald. They are rapidly on their way to become as big a success as the past half dozen years have shown. —Chicago Tribune. Theirs is ensemble work of the first order. They are wide awake, alert young men who know their public. They send it away not satiated, but anxious for a return engagement of the artists.—Detroit Free Press. Trojans now agree that no praise is too extravagant for the musical and artistic performances of these ensemble pianists.—Troy Record. Those heavenly twins of ensemble piano playing. There was probably not a person in the audience but who would have gladly sat through the program played all over again.—Utica Observer. Surely there are not two other great pianists in the world who could do what Messrs. Maier and Pattison did, severally and jointly on Saturday night.—Toronto Telegram. Aeolian Hall, New York AMPICO RECORDS DANIEL MAYER CHECKERING PIANOS Exclusive Management: VICTOR RECORDS