31 MUSICAL COURIER March 2, 1922 WILLIAM WADE HINSHAW Will Present Next Season Beginning in October Two Mozart Comic Operas in Chamber Opera Form D COMMITTEES Professor P. G. Clapp, Dean Iowa State University, writes:—"The Impresario proved one of the most delightful evenings that the University has been able to present. Hope we may have the pleasure of placing other companies of like nature from Mr. Hinshaw." Star Gazette, Elmira, N. Y.—"The Impresario opera gave Elmirans an evening of rarest pleasure.” Newton J. Coery says in Detroit Saturday Night:—"William Wade Hinshaw’s American Singers gave a splendid performance of Mozart’s 'Impresario,' Monday evening at Orchestra Hall.” Mrs. Walter Simmons, Pine Bluff, Ark., writes:—"Your singers were fine—thank you for such a lovely evening. Hope you will have just such another entertainment in store for our opening number next year.” 5 E. L. Hendricks, President State Teachers’ College, Warrensburg, Mo., writes:—"The Impresario was a delight to us all and will remain a most pleasing memory until it comes again_I congratu- late you on having presented it to the public.” John E. Roessler, President Valparaiso University (Ind.), writes:—“The Impresario was the finest thing ever presented to our people—I do not see how it could have been any better. Want ‘Cosi fan tutte’ for next season sure.” )ecially designed to be shown on your tl stereotyped concerts and recitals. If to William Wade Hinshaw, 1 West 51 littees who have had ”The Impresario” Lted by Mr. Hinshaw is greatly enjoyed has been established beyond question le as a recital by a single artist of merit. THIS MOZART’S OPERA COMIQUE COSI FAN TUTTE” u or “The School for Lovers״ with the celebrated American Soprano IRENE WILLIAMS with Pierre Remington as “Don Alfonso” Judson House as “Ferrando” Leo de Hierapolis as “Guillelmo” Kathleen Hart Bibb as ‘ Dorabella” Lillian Palmer as “Despina” Stuart Ross, Pianist IRENE WILLIAMS NEW YORK AMERICAN “Sweet lyric soprano—knows how to use it.” NEW YORK HERALD “Demure, beautiful and of appealing voice.” BALTIMORE AMERICAN “Sweet, clear and well cultivated voice,” BOSTON HERALD “Winsome, demure, beautiful and of appealing voice.” PHILADELPHIA EVENING BULLETIN “Sweet and fresh coloratura voice.” WASHINGTON EVENING STAR “Clear and tuneful as a bell, fresh and with surprising KATHLEEN BIBB NEW YORK EVENING WORLD “A voice of freshness, purity, flexibility and compass.' NEW YORK TRIBUNE “A voice of lovely quality, intelligence and taste.” BROOKLYN EAGLE “A soprano of lovely, clear beauty—clear diction.” NEW YORK WORLD “Intelligent musician of aristocratic taste.” NEW YORK EVENING SUN “Sang with exquisiteness and spirit.” NEW YORK EVENING WORLD “Back of vocal qualities shines intelligence.” LILLIAN PALMER MUSICAL COURIER “A voice of extraordinary quality, purity and richness, and a young lady exceedingly comely and charming.” MUSICAL AMERICA “One of the most beautiful voices of the younger singers heard this season.” MARCELLA CRAFT “The role of Despina in ‘Cosi fan tutte’ is admirably suited to her and I prophesy a fine artistic success for her.” YEATMAN GRIFFITH “Miss Palmer is an absolutely finished product as a singer Her voice is beautiful and under perfect control and she has a fine musicianship.” PIERRE REMINGTON MUSICAL AMERICA “His voice is an unusually good one and his stage presence commanding.” NEW YORK GLOBE “It was a particular delight to hear the artistic voice of Pierre Remington shine out so brilliantly.” NEWARK NEWS “His voice is rich and sonorous, and in the management of his tones he showed the skill of a well-trained singer.” BOSTON GLOBE “Pierre Remington has Mepliisto.” a very commanding stage presence as JUDSON HOUSE NEW YORK SUN “A voice clear, fresh, sweetly rounded.” NEW YORK EVENING JOURNAL “A fine, fresh voice, used with skill, taste and intelligence.’ HALIFAX HERALD “Warm, bright tenor, with temperament.” WASHINGTON EVENING STAR “Very smooth and flexible lyric tenor.” CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER “A robust tenor voice of exceedingly beautiful quality.” PHILADELPHIA NORTH AMERICAN “Clear melodious voice that thrilled.” LEO de ,HIERAPOLIS NEW YORK GLOBE “Best Rigoletto heard since Stracciari.” MUSICAL COURIER “Splendid voice of rich color—intensely dramatic.” NEW YORK GLOBE “A rare vocal organ.” BRISTOL PRESS “A resonant, rich baritone voice.” HOLYOKE DAILY TRANSCRIPT “Rich deep baritone.” YONKERS DAILY NEWS “A voice of beautiful quality.” RUTLAND DAILY HERALD “Finely shaded feeling and distinguished performance.’ :AL BUREAUS of AMERICA SOUTHWESTERN MUSICAL BUREAU Wilson Bldg., Dallas, Texas COIT-NEILSON BUREAU Highland Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. SOUTHERN MUSICAL BUREAU Healey Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. fest 51 Street, New York