19 MUSICAL COURIER March 2, 1922 i! I Bush Conservatory EDGAR A. NELSON Vice-President CHICAGO E. H. SCHWENKER, Secretary KENNETH M. BRADLEY President Summer Session 1922 Three Terms—Ten Weeks, May 24-August 2. Eight Weeks, June 7־August 2. Five Weeks, June 28■ August 2. The Faculty of 85 Artists Includes Many of World-Wide Reputation. Among Them Are: MME. JULIE RIVE-KING EDGAR A. BRAZELTON GUSTAF HOLMQUIST MME. JUSTINE WEGENER ROWLAND LEACH LANGUAGES EDGAR A. NELSON MME. ELLA SPRAVKA BOZA OUMIROFF HERBERT MILLER JAN GHIAPUSSO JOHN J. BLAGKMORE CHARLES W. CLARK MAE GRAVES ATKINS RICHARD GZERWONKY BRUNO ESBJORN DANCING WALLACE RICE EMILE LECLERCQ CORA SPICER NEAL HARRIET E. ROBINS EXPRESSION MAE RILEY McKINLEY LORA E. WILLIAMS PIANO VOICE VIOLIN ORGAN EDGAR A. NELSON FLORENCE HODGE COMPLETE THEORETICAL COURSES ALL ORCHESTRAL INSTRUMENTS PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC WILLIAM NORDIN LYRAVINE VOTAW PIANO, VOICE, VIOLIN, PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC, EXPRESSION, DANCING Begin June 27 NORMAL COURSES KARL FLESCH HUGO KORTSCHAK EFREM ZIMBALIST ERIKA MORINI Intensive Course of Five Weeks consists of 20 hours Methods, Material and Technic, 15 hours Harmony and Theory, 10 hours Ear-Training and Sight-Reading, 10 hours Interpretation Classes, Lectures on Music History, Pedagogy, Round Table, Demonstration of Children’s Work. Weekly recitals by world-renowned artists and artist-students. FULL NORMAL COURSE $35.00 MASTER INTERPRETATION CLASSES FREE to Summer Students under the above artist teachers. The only Conservatory in Chicago with Dormitories for Women and Men Students Attractive environment and great convenience for the summer student. RATES FOR ROOM AND BOARD, $9 PER WEEK AND UP. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT OTOKAR SEVCIK One of the world’s great violin pedagogs and teacher of JAN KUBELIK JARISLOV KOCIAN MARY HALL EMANUEL ONDRICEK and many of the foremost violinists of the day has been engaged to teach exclusively at Bush Conservatory on his return to America in the fall. Applications accepted NOW. ANDREA PROUDFOOT, assistant to Sevcik, will also teach at Bush Conservatory beginning with the SUMMER TERM. MASTER SCHOOL OF BUSH CONSERVATORY CHARLES S. PETERSON, Patron For FREE TUITION for exceptionally talented and advanced students. Applications received now for appointments for Fall. Particulars furnished on request. For Free Catalog and Special Summer Session Bulletin with Dormitory Reservations address M. U. JONES, Registrar, 839 N. Dearborn Street, Chicago.