MUSICAL COURIER March 2, 1922 ANTONIA SAWYER, Inc. Announces that ASHLEY PETTIS Proclaimed by Eastern and Western Press as a Romanticist and Poet of the piano will be available for a limited number of recitals this season 19221923־ Season Now Booking NEW YORK RECITAL, AEOLIAN HALL, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 9,1922 MATIC FANTASIE AND FUGUE REVEALING THE INTRICATE POLYPHONY WITH CLARITY AND PRECISION. CHICAGO MUSICAL LEADER He has a CLEAR, CLEAN, LIQUID TOUCH, POISE and the APPRECIATION of the STRUCTURAL LINES of the COMPOSITIONS which one usually gets only from widely experienced artists. In these days of unending concerts given by young artists desiring recognition, it is a pleasure to record that a newcomer, ASHLEY PETTIS MADE A COMPLETE SUCCESS. SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE (Ray G. Brown) HE IS THAT COMPLEX ENTITY—A ROMANTIC MODERN........HIS READINGS HAVE A ROBUST QUALITY.......PETTIS HAS A DEXTEROUS TECHNIQUE AND COLORFUL TONE.......Pettis has the qualities of this questing generation, he is ENFRANCHISED, ARDENT and ENTHUSIASTIC. ... His TEMPERAMENT is COMPACT OF POETIC FIBRES and he is ROMANTIC TO THE CORE. His PIANISM has TECHNICAL SOLIDITY OVERLAID WITH BEAUTY OF TONE. PACIFIC COAST MUSICAL REVIEW He played the Beethoven work (C Minor Concerto) with THOROUGH INSIGHT INTO ITS DEEPEST EMOTIONAL SENTIMENTS and his TONAL SHADING WAS ONE OF THE MOST DELIGHTFUL PHASES OF HIS PERFORMANCE. TECHNICAL FLUENCY and FACILITY combined with INTELLECTUAL PHRASING and INDIVIDUALISTIC CONCEPTION form the leading elements of Mr. Pettis’ art. SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER (Redfern Mason) Ashley Pettis is a man who, in the words of Carlisle, “HAS FOUND HIS WORK.” MUSIC IS NOT A MERE MATTER OF SOUNDS TO HIM. I THINK IT IS THE SPIRIT OF GOD MAKING ITSELF MANIFEST THROUGH THE ART OF TONE. Photo by Morse, N. Y. HERALD Ashley Pettis, a young pianist, gave his first recital here last night in Aeolian Hall in a difficult program of classic and modern compositions. NOT OF THE STORMING, TEMPESTUOUS TYPE OF PLAYER, he held the interest of his many hearers by HIS BEAUTIFUL PIANO TONE TASTE, and POETIC FEELING. EVENING WORLD HE SCORNS THE DISPLAY OF TECHNIQUE, MERELY FOR ITS OWN SAKE, AND, MORE WISELY, SEEKS TO DISCLOSE THE COMPOSER’S MEANING........ ENDOWED WITH GENUINE TALENT. EVENING MAIL A FINE MAJESTIC FIGURE ST. FRANCIS OF PAULA made walking on the waves in Liszt’s composition, as played by Ashley Pettis last night at Aeolian Hall. There was TONAL BEAUTY and SPLENDID SHADING IN THE CHOPIN BALLADE in A flat, HEALTHY VIGOR in BRAHMS’ G minor rhapsody and an EXQUISITE TONE PICTURE in DEBUSSY’S “Clair de Lune.” De Grassi’s graceful Prelude, dedicated to the pianist, had to be repeated. TRIBUNE ASHLEY PETTIS DISCLOSES HIS DEXTERITY AT PIANO RECITAL. MUSICAL COURIER FINE SYMPATHETIC TONE.......REPOSEFUL- NESS SEEMED TO BE AT HIS COMMAND. NEW YORK AMERICAN His performance had nothing of the commonplace about it. He is a musician who evidently judges possibilities and effects conscientiously and presents his ideas clearly and carefully. He gave a SCHOLARLY PERFORMANCE OF BACH’S CHRO- Exclusive Management: ANTONIA SAWYER, Inc., Aeolian Hall, New York City STEINWAY PIANO DUO-ART RECORDS