CLAIR EUGENIA SMITH, who has just returned from a trip to Palm Beach. At the present time the mezzo soprano is busy preparing for a recital tour abroad, which is scheduled for the early summer. (Campbell Studios photo.) JOHN STEEL, singing in Boston for the little ones at the Crippled Children’s Hospital. Advertiser photo.) (Boston GIOVANNI MARTINELLI, tenor of the Metropolitan Opera, photographed Park with his valuable wolfhound. (Photo © wood & TJriderwood.) A SIGN TO BE PROUD OP Recently when John McCormack made his appearance in Kansas City the box office was sold out several days previous to the concert ■—the first time the S. R. O. sign has been hung out in that city before the day of the event. Mr. Fritschy, the local manager, was so proud of the fact that he had it photographed. From left to right: Walter A. Fritschy, Mrs. Fritschy and D. F. McSweehey. Standing Room - Only. John /^CORMACK RUTH LLOYD KINNEY, contralto, who has been appearing successfully in concert, oratorio and recital in the United States and Canada. During 1920-21 she had thirty appearances with Sousa and his band, a twelve weeks’ engagement with the Leman Symphony Orchestra, five weeks with Captain Conway and his band, etc. The 192122־ season also is proving to be replete with engagements for Miss Kinney.