Mason and Jo In “MME. BUTTE EDITH MASON’S NEW YORK DEBUT AS “BUTTERFLY” In the recent performance of the Chicago Opera Company. “There was dewy freshness in her voice” H. E. KREHBIEL in the N. Y. Tribune Mr. H. E. Krehbiel in the New York Tribune: “She made a charming creature out of Mme. Butterfly both musically and dramatically. She won the enthusiastic sympathy of the audience at once, and held it.” Mr. Max Smith in the New York American: “Never before in the writer’s recollection has the first act been sung in a manner that approached so close to perfection from a purely vocal point of view. The high D flat she gave out in limpid and vibrant tone absolutely impeccable. A pure lyric soprano, admirably equalized throughout its range, and peculiarly responsive in lofty altitudes.” Mr. Deems Taylor in the New York World: “She sang last night with smoothness and beauty of tone, and gave a charmingly plastic and touching impersonation of Puccini’s toy heroine. Her voice is as bright and colorful as it ever was.” Mr. Henry T. Finck in the New York Evening Post: “Her voice, always of lovely quality, has gained in volume and mellowness, and she knows how to infuse it with colour and dramatic passion. In the love duo there was a passionate ardour which thrilled her audience.” Mr. Pitts Sanborn in the New York Globe: “Rumors have reached here from Latin America and from Europe that Mrs. Mason has subsequently developed into one of the most remarkable singers of our day. To judge from her performance last night, the rumors are undoubtedly true. Pathos and winsome tenderness were in her inmersonation of the little Japanese wife.” MANAGEMENT I WOLFSOHN MUSICAL BURE;