BIDDING ADIEU TO MANAGER HOPPER Dicie Howell, soprano, and Walter Greene, baritone, saying good-־bye to their manager, Evelyn Hopper, prior to leaving New York to give a series of joint recitals in the State of Pennsylvania. JEANNE EAGLES, the clever little actress, last seen in New York in the “Night Watch,” who finds Clara Novello Davies’ method of voice production of great value to her in her public work. Although Miss Eagles sings a little, she employs the Novello-Davies method for making herself audible in all kinds of auditoriums and theaters. MUD. SODBR-HUECK, the well known vocal authority and coach, who in Marion Lovell, coloratura soprano, has added another splendid singer to the list of her professional artists. Miss Lovell is meeting with marked success in the concert SASOHA JACOBINOEE, violinist, who scored a success when he gav>e a sonata recital at the Little Theater in Philadelphia ori January 12, with D. Hendrik Ezeman at the piano. John Alden Carpenter’s G major sonata, Schumann’s “Fantasie Stuecke” and Beethoven’s “Kreutzer” sonata were among the numbers presented. OLGA WARREN, coloratura soprano, wife arid pupil of Frederic Warren, who scored a big success at the first Frederic Warren Ballad Concert at the Sel-wyn Theater on January 22. “BLACK AND WHITE” AT THE STRAND Donald A. Chalmers and George W. Reardon, both members of the Criterion Male Quartet, as they appeared recently in “Black and White” at the Strand Theater FLORA WAALKES, popular soprano of Chicago, who has been appearing with success this winter both in concert and recital. THE LATE CAMILLE SAINT-SAËNS A late photograph of the famous French composer, taken in Paris just as he was about to leave for the trip to Algiers, in •which city he died. (Kadel & Herbert photo.)