MUSICAL COURIER D’ALVAREZ Opens the New York Season of the Chicago Opera Association as Dalila. in in Photo Lassalle No Dalila who has ever appeared New York, even Mme............... has equalled Marguerite D’Alvarez this role. Her voice mirrored all the varying emotions of her part. The two famous arias have never been sung better in New York than she sang them.”—New York Evening Post. Mme. D’Alvarez was a darkly oriental and opulent Delilah, surrounded by charming singing girls and young dancers; her tones, somewhat pale in the “Spring Song,” warmed later with opalescent color in the superb, ensnaring love duet.—New York Times. The only Dalila one has ever seen whom the high priest of Dagon would really have hired for her job. And Mme. D’Alvarez is nowadays a seductive singer. She accounted for this music last night beautifully.—New York Journal. The opera needs two great artists to make it effective, and Mme. D’Alvarez, contralto, who sang on the same stage in the Ham-merstein régime, was the other. Her song of spring in the first act reeked with color, expression and feeling, and her delivery of the famous second act aria, “My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice,” was another extraordinary singing effort. —New York Evening World. The Delilah of Miss D’Alvarez conquered her victim by tenderness and womanly wile. Her tones coiled themselves around him in a voluptuous caress, her body nestled to his like a homing bird. “C’est toi, mon bien aimé,” as uttered by her, would have unsettled the rock of Gibraltar and moved John Calvin’s soul to amorous uses.—New York Evening Globe. She was able to create, a fine illusion as the voluptuous Philistine temptress, and the folly of Samson was comprehensible. Furthermore, the prima donna made the illusion more convincing by her artistic delivery of the music. Naturally her chief successes were the “Spring” song and “Mon coeur s’ouvre ä ta voix.” —New York Herald. There was magic in the Delilah of Marguerite D’Alvarez. She makes her alluring gestures count, and while she sometimes modulated her fine contralto voice to a whisper which must have strained the ears of the farthest standees, her singing had all the artistic quality which has endeared her to New York concert audiences. ■—■New York Evening Mail. Mme. D’Alvarez was far more successful in suggesting the character of the celebrated siren. The true opulence of her tones was a continuous pleasure, and she displayed no little skill in the coloring of her amorous entreaties. A truly sensuous Dalila, her appeal in the first act was irresistible, while her interview with the high priest before the scene of Samson’s downfall was acted with striking haughtiness not always attained by every Dalila.—New York Tribune. The Following Concert Dates Are Still Available for This Season: March 6, 7, in the East. March 20, 24, in the Middle West. April 18, 19 in the East. May 10 to 17 en Route to the Pacific Coast Season 1922-1923 Now Booking. October, November, December Now Solidly Filled DANIEL MAYER Exclusive Management: VOCALION RECORDS STIEFF PIANO Aeolian Hall, New York