11 MUSICAL COURIER February 2, 19 2 2 EOPOLD GODOWSKY a master of masters among virtuosi. He belongs to the race of such giants as Paganini, Liszt, Tausig—and he is different.” —James Gibbons Huneker {In ‘ ‘ Variations ”) Y§)EOPOLD GODOWSKY’S present tour J (swill be his last in America for several years. For the season of 1923 Mr. Godowsky will be in the Far East, wihere he will give a long series of concerts in China, Japan and India. lovers still have the oppor-of hearing Mr. Godowsky in the far western states, where he will play this Spring, prior to his departure for the Orient. His present tour is booked solidly, but there are a few available dates for engagement in cities en route to the coast. Exclusive Management The INTERNATIONAL CONCERT DIRECTION, Inc. MILTON DIAMOND, Director 16 West 36th Street New York City BRUNSWICK RECORDS KNABE PIANO