LILLIAN CROXTON, coloratura soprano, who has appeared on many programs recently, meeting with her usual success. Early in February she will make a Southern trip as well as filling several other dates. (Apeda photo.) DAME CLARA BUTT A recent photograph of the distinguished English artist. who will soon tour Canada. CLAIRE DUX A recent photograph of the young soprano who has made such a favorable impression in Chicago with the Chicago Opera and who will be heard here during the New York engagement of that organization. (Photo by Daguerre.) SANG¡ THE NATION’S TRIBUTE This is the quartet of artists from the Metropolitan Opera who went to Washington to sing on Armistice Day at the ceremonies in connection with the burial of the Unknown Soldier. Front row (left to right), Rosa Ponselle, Major Holliday (in charge of the music), Jeanne Gordon and Edith Prilik, secretary to Miss Ponselle. The two men standing behind are (left) William Gustafson, bass, and Morgan Kingston. RUDOLPH REUTER While in Denton (Texas), where he played with success on his recent tour through the South and West, the accompanying snapshot of Rudolph Reuter, the widely known pianist, was taken at the College of Industrial Arts, where he gave his recital. I¥!B LUCY GATES, American coloratura soprano, xoho will give a song recital in Aeolian■ Hall, New York, an the afternoon of February 28. Miss Gates possesses a voice of wide range and lovely quality, her diction is excellent and her stage presence delightful. (1) Villa Murat ore at Eze, France. (2) The singer and Ms wife, Lina Cavalier¡, leaving Villa Muratore for a motor trip, (3) Muratore and his police dog on the balcony of his magnificent mansion, showing the lovely outlook. LAZAR S. SAMOILOFP, well known friend of artists and ־teacher of many aspiring young singers, with his daughter Zepha, age eleven years. This young lady not long ago originated a play, “The Flowers,” in which she represented Spring, composed the dialogue, invented the costumes and coached fellow-pupils of her school in the performance. An admiring throng witnessed the affair. Look out in the near future for a new playwright named Zepha Samoiloff! (Elzin photo.) VIEWS OF LUCIEN IIURATORE’S VILLA IN FRANCE