January 2 6, 1922 MUSICAL COURIER 30 CECIL The Fanning Programs Are Always Attractive Here Is a Specimen I. The Wanderer ....................Schubert. Faith in Spring..................Schubert. Messages.........................Schumann. Pilgrim’s Song. (Tolstoi)........Tschaikowsky. II. The Clock........................Loewe. The Elf-King. (Goethe)...........Loewe. III. Partout où l’amour a passé.......Bemberg. Le Thè. (De Banville)............Koechlin. Matinatta (Fratelli) ............Cimar a. La Tarantella ...................Rossini. IV. Folk Songs. Fly Away Pretty Moth. (English) Arr. Liza Lehmann. Bayou Song, No. 3. (Creole)......Arr. Lily Strickland. The Last Word. (English) ........Arr. C. E. Bailey. Trees. (Joyce Kilmer) ...........Rasbach. V. Left. (Damon Runyon) ............Gustlin. Before You Came. (R. E. Hedges) Bertrand-Brown. Air from the Indian Opera “Alglala”.....................De Leone. (Libretto by Cecil Fanning) Press Comments on His Programs Has plenty of mastersongs in his repertory and makes good use of them.—New York Evening Post. His program was well chosen.—■London Star. Sang twenty-two numbers.........Every one of them had a distinct charm and value of its own. —Toronto Daily Star. His program swept the whole gamut of lyrical emotion. -—Columbus (O.) Citizen. A model of euphonious arrangement.—Buffalo Express. H. B. TURPIN at the Piano Exclusive Management DANIEL MAYER Aeolian Hall New York Photograph by Evans, Los Angeles. Mr. Fanning’s Engagements This Season Include NATIONAL AMERICAN MUSIC FESTIVAL, BUFFALO, N. Y. WESTMINSTER COLLEGE, NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. BORTZ POPULAR COURSE, PITTSBURGH, Pa. FORTNIGHTLY MUSIC CLUB, JOPLIN, Mo. HARTFORD ORATORIO SOCIETY, HARTFORD, Ct. DANVILLE MUSICAL CYCLE, DANVILLE, 111. TENNESSEE COLLEGE, MURFREESBORO, Tenn. FLORA MACDONALD COLLEGE, RED SPRINGS, N. C. WINTHROP COLLEGE, ROCK HILL, S. C. CHARLESTON MUSICAL SOCIETY, CHARLESTON, N. C. PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA, LOS ANGELES, Calif. CHAMINADE CLUB, BROOKLYN, N. Y. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS, LAWRENCE, Kans. RECITALS IN SAULT STE MARIE, Mich., BELLEVUE, Pa. BENTON HARBOR, Mich.; WATERLOO, la.; COFFEYVILLE, Kans. LEAVENWORTH, Kans.; WINFIELD, Kans.; AKRON, O.; VANCOUVER, B. C.; DAYTON, O. DERBY, Ct.; NATCHEZ, Miss., and TWENTY RECITALS ON THE PACIFIC COAST IN FEBRUARY-MARCH UNDER THE BEHYMER-OPPENHEIMER LOCAL DIRECTION.