13 MUSICAL COURIER J an u ary 2 6, 1 922 D’ALVAREZ EXCELS HERSELF At Latest New York Recital Town Hall, January 10 She never sang so well in a recital in this town as she did yesterday. —W. J. Henderson in The New York Herald. It was the finest exhibition of her art that Mme. D’Alvarez has given here. —Frank H. Warren in The Evening World. Those familiar with her vocal gifts found her art as perfect in this recital as ever before. —The New York Tribune. Her extraordinary art was at its finest. —Pitts Sanborn in The New York Globe. She was at her very best in the matter of tone production, enunciation and temperamental expression. —H. T. Finck in The New York Evening Post. Few singers enter more deeply or with a more fervent spirit into what they sing than she. —Richard Aldrich in The New York Times. Her singing of Chausson’s “Lilac Time״ and the crepuscular “La Chevelure״ of Debussy left one with a wish never to hear them interpreted by a lesser artist. —Katharine Spaeth in The New York Evening Mail. A noticeable milestone on the contralto’s road to pure and beautiful singing. G. H. Gabriel in The New York Sun. A beautiful voice is that of Marguerite D’Alvarez, richly sonorous, mellow, vibrant. Her medium is of velvet; her high register translucent and expressive. —Max Smith in The New York American. She is tremendously expressive in music of a sombre nature. The force of her personality carries more weight than the beauty of her voice. —Paul Morris in The Evening Telegram. Hi Aeolian Hall, New York VOCALION RECORDS DANIEL MAYER Exclusive Management ST1EFF PIANO