27 MUSICAL COURIER January 19, 1922 “THE VOICE OF PONSELLE WAS NOTHING SHORT OF GLORIOUS.” —Pitts Sanborn, New York Globe “SURPRISINGLY BRILLIANT IMPERSONATION OF ELVIRA.’” —Max Smith, New York American. “HER SINGING OF ‘ERNANI INVOLAMI’ WAS A GEM OF VOCALIZATION.” —Philadelphia Record “It was a brilliant performance that was given by Miss Ponselle as Elvira. She has wonderful clarity of tone and her voice is equally beautiful in its various registers. Her tones soared beautifully above the mass of sound of the chorus and her singing of the ‘Er-nani Involami’ was a gem of vocalization.”—Philadelphia Record. “The role of Elvira was sung with much dramatic feeling, in full, rich soprano tones, by Miss Ponselle. While not to be regarded as a coloratura, she rendered the florid first act aria, ‘Ernani Involami,’ with admirable fluency and no little brilliance.”—Philadelphia Bulletin. “There was nothing finer in the whole opera than Rosa Ponselle’s singing of Elvira’s first act aria. A dramatic soprano who has flexibility of a coloratura is Miss Ponselle. It is a matter to wonder at that she can sing this music lightly and rhythmically, yet in a full voice with the timbre of a dramatic singer. And the quality of her tone was exquisite.”—New York Telegram. “As the too-well adored Elvira, Rosa Ponselle had gracious dignity. The role calls for variety and she gave it. There are those who remember both Patti and Sembrich the part, but Ponselle brought youth and fresh vitality to the music that age has not staled.”—Katherine Spaeth, New York Mail. “Ponselle’s Round, Full, Rich, Big Ranged, Appealing Voice Was a Delight to the Ear.” -H. T. Finck, New York Post. ROSA PONSELLE Academy of Music Philadelphia December 14, 1921. “The Elvira of Rosa Ponselle lacked nothing either in vocal effectiveness or dramatic force. Her music was sung with a fine amplitude of tone and much brilliancy of execution, and the various emotional stresses to which the much tried Elvira is subjected were all eloquently and appropriately expressed.— Philadelphia Inquirer. Prima Donna Dramatic Soprano Metropolitan Opera Co. TRIUMPHS ERNANI cs Metropolitan Opera House New York December 8,1921 “Certainly Rosa Ponselle has never put to her credit a more remarkable achievement than her surprisingly brilliant impersonation of Elvira. It was nothing short of astonishing how easily Miss Ponselle adapted her voice to the demands of a part not written for a dramatic soprano.— Max Smith, New York American. MANAGEMENT: NATIONAL CONCERTS, Inc. SAMUEL GENEEN, President 1451 Broadway, New York City COLUMBIA RECORDS