31 M U S ICAL CO U R IER J anuary 12, 1922 SAMUEL GENEEN, PRESIDE NT B RVA NT 5832 5833 NATIONAL CONCERTS, Inc. 1451 BROADWAY NEW YORK Miss Florence Macbeth, Chicago Opera Ass'n., Chicago, Illinois. My dear Miss Macbeth: We are enclosing, herewith, two letters which speak for themselves ; these are only two of the many which we have received in praise of your splendid work. We wish to take this opportunity to express to you our sincere appreciation of your constant and hearty cooperation with us and with those who engage you. Your genuine spirit of helpfulness assisted us greatly in getting the EIGHTY-SIX engagements which we have booked for you for this season. With all of your time booked solidly for the present season, we are now in full swing, BOOKING DATES FOR 1922-1923. With all good wishes, believe us to be Yours sincerely, National Concerts, Inc. By Samuel Geneen, President. P HO NE FLORENCE MACBETH Prima Donna Coloratura Soprano Chicago Opera Association National Concerts, Inc., 1451 Broadway, New York, N. Y. National Concerts, Inc. My dear Sirs: Dear Sirs: To-day I am returning to you under separate cover photos of Miss Macbeth. I shall send the cuts to-morrow. It is perhaps ten days since we returned the cuts of Miss Macbeth. I trust they have been rec'd by this time. Miss Macbeth sang gloriously for us. Music lovers as we are, there were only beautiful words of praise of her voice and personality. We hope to have her again. Our good words and wishes go with her. Very sincerely, Anne E. Kirtley, Judson College, Marion, Alabama. Miss Macbeth is certainly an artist whose work is genuine and most artistic : and this is something I cannot say about certain other singers whom I have paid five times as much as her fee. She gave us one of the big recitals. Also I appreciate the unusual interest you took in helping me to advertise this concert. I beg to remain Most truly yours, A. H. Lowe, Manager Musical Artists, Asheville, N. C.