13 MUSICAL COURIER January 12, 1922 JOHN STEEL A Prediction N over twenty years’ experience in promoting and managing musical attractions as a “Local Manager” one is likely to acquire some knowledge of what the public likes, of what there is in the singing or playing of a popular artist which makes its greatest and most lasting appeal. It has been given to but few artists to acquire that most coveted of all accomplishments—box office drawing power. Whether you admit it or not, the ability to reach the MASSES, that great public which lies without the pale of the so-called “musical elect,” is the secret. The number of artists before the public today who possess this rare gift may be counted in a scant half dozen. We have taken the management of JOHN STEEL Because we believe that he is destined to become one of the most popular singers before the public. We predict that in less than five years his name will be a household word in every home in America, where the love of music abides. He has everything that makes for such popularity—a God-given voice of magnetic appeal—a personality which endears him to the public and the ability to sing straight to the hearts of his hearers. A PROPOSITION We want every local manager or club to share with us in the reward of his achievement. We want you to become our partners in the enterprise. We have so much faith in his drawing power that we have evolved a plan which has heretofore never been put into practice. John Steel will sing Eighty concerts next season. You will want him in your city. Let us acquaint you with our plans. Management Bradford Mills Concert Direction, Inc. 53 West 39th Street, New York