MUSICAL C0UR1ÈR nu ar y 5, 19 2 2 FURORE FOR REAPPEARANCE at METROPOLITAN DEC. 28,1921, as “MIMI” in “LA BOHEME” “MISS BORI A DELIGHTFUL MIMI.» —New York Tribune. «IT WAS A HAPPY EVENING FOR HER, FOR HER NUMEROUS ADMIRERS, AND FOR THE OPERA HOUSE, WHICH IS BENEFITED BY THE RETURN OF ONE OF ITS MOST ATTRACTIVE PRIMA-DONNAS.” - W. J. Henderson in the New York Herald. «A PACKED HOUSE WELCOMED HER RAPTUROUSLY.” —Deems-Taylor in the New York World. «EVERYBODY KNEW HOW SYMPATHETIC AND APPEALING HER INTERPRETATION WOULD BE IN ITS SIMPLICITY AND CHARM OF PERSONALITY, ITS GAYETY AND PATHOS, FOR IT IS WELL REMEMBERED.”—Richard Aldrich in the New York Times. «DAINTIEST OF PRIMA DONNAS”—Max Smith in the New York American. BORI IS WONDERFUL Frequently the question is asked, “Are we ever going to hear another young singer destined to achieve the rank of Sembrich, Eames, Nordica, Nilsson, and the other great ones of former days?” We certainly are. She is here now; and last night she sang Mimi in Puccini’s “La Boheme” at the Metropolitan most entrancingly. Her name is Lucrezia Bori, and in her veins runs Spanish blood, as it did in the veins of two of the foremost prima-donnas of the past, Malibran and Viardot-Garcia. / wasn’t born early enough to hear either of these, but if they sang as beautifully and soulfully as Miss Bori did last night, they certainly deserved their world fame. —W. T. Finck in the New York Eve. Post. IN CONCERT “BORI’S VOICE OF OPULENCE, TRILLING, PURE, AND UNERRING CAPTURES AUDI- ENCE HERE” from Kalamazoo, Mich. “SPANISH DIVA CHARMS HEARERS” from Charleston, S. C. “THRILLED HER HEARERS” from Springfield, O. “SINGING OF BORI CHARMS HEARERS. NOTED PRIMA-DONNA ACTRESS AS WELL AS VOCALIST” from Milwaukee. Available for Concerts During May, June and Fall, 1922 Management: Wolfsohn Musical Bureau, 8 East 34th Street, New York City “BORI WINS ROUNDS OF APPLAUSE” from Cincinnati. “FASCINATED HER AUDIENCE BEFORE SHE SANG A NOTE” from Toledo. “GIVEN A TREMENDOUS OVATION” from Detroit. “BORI SCORES TRIUMPH HERE. SPANISH PRIMA-DONNA WINS ACCLAIM” from Cleveland. “BORI CHARMS BOTH THE EARS AND THE EYES” from Toledo.