13 MUSICAL COURIER January 5, 1922 1VI1VIE. Schumann-Heink The World’s Greatest Contralto ״ ■ ■״ • <. i| ״> * ! '■*■‘M ?¿s■¿ I*/■- - At Present Singing with Unprecedented Success to Capacity Houses on the Pacific Coast m W *&■׳ ■ % Now Booking Season 192223־ OCTOBER, NOVEMBER and DECEMBER Until the 15th New England States, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and the Middle Western States. JANUARY and FEBRUARY North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. MARCH Oklahoma, Nebraska, Kansas and Colorado. APRIL and MAY North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois and Michigan. VICTOR RECORDS FOR TERMS AND DATES ADDRESS HAENSEL & JONES, Aeolian Hall, New York ST EIN WAY PIANO