INDEX TO VOLUME XXVII Page S3 5 8 17 8 6 5 5 7 i i 30 li 9 6 8 17 7 19 29 21 23 17 S 21 24 21 5 13 21 22 I IO 24 9 15 5 5 19 8 io 13 6 8 S 27 No. Market Chart Company on the Situation... . 12 McKinney, President James, at Decatur Convention ....................... 16 Meyer, E. L., on a National Clearing House Bank.............................. 21 Michigan Bankers at Petoskey.............. 3 Montana University Educating for Business 8 Morrisey, P. H., on Railroad Conditions in the Past.......................... 14 Real Estate Mortgage Loans as Investments for Savings Deposits, by J. S. Royce ......................... 4 Regulations for Banks and Other Corporations Showing Allowable Deductions and Credits ...................... 26 Resources of Montana, The, by A. L. Stone Reynolds, President Geo. M., to American Bankers .......................... 12 Rinaman, R. L. ........................... 13 Roberts, Geo. E., at Kansas City.......... 21 Roberts, Geo. E., at Louisville........... IS Rothschilds of England, The............... 4 Ryman, J. H. T., Gives a Welcome to Missoula ..................................... 6 Savings Bank Anniversary.................. 14 Savings Bank in Massachusetts; Insurance Their New Feature................. 18 Schuette and Frame Debate................. 23 Schuette, John, Likes Oklahoma Banking Laws ............................. 19 Schuette’s, John, Open Letter to Senator Owen .............................. 3 Seattle Debate, The........................ 2 Secretary’s Report ....................... 16 Sees Merit in Central Bank................ 19 Selling a New International Currency by Advertising ................................ 8 Senate Favors Postal Banks............... 23 Serious Charges against Chicago Title & Trust ............................. 5 Session of the Savings Bank Section....... 12 Shirley, John, on Clearing Out-of-Town Items ............................ 20 Sidelights on Canadian Branch Banking.... 5 Supremacy of Minneapolis as a Financial Center ........................... 14 Talbert, Jos. T., to the Visiting Bankers. ... 12 Tariff Situation at Washington, The........ 5 Tefft and Watts at the Saratoga Convention 3 Thom. W. J., Wyoming Convention........... 11 Travelers’ Cheque Brought Up-to-Date, The 16 Treatment and Marketing of Gold Dust, by F. Stanley........................ 21 United States Gigantic Vaults............... 4 Urges War upon Express Money Orders. ... 3 Vreeland, E. B., at Bedford Springs....... 11 Washington News: The Sixty-first Congress 23 Watts, F. O., Reports.................... 13 White’s, Horace, Open Letter on the Tariff 10 Williams, Clark, at the Saratoga Convention 4 Williams, Walter, on Early Banking in Missouri ......................... 21 Winning New Depositors, by H. A. Blodgett 2 Wisconsin Bankers ......................... 1 Wisconsin Legislature to Further Consider Her Banking Laws................... 1 Wisconsin Tickler, The..................... 10 World Wide Condition of the Money Market 10 Yates, Henry W., against a Central Bank.. 15 Zimmerman," H. M., before Trust Company Section .......................... 12 Tr» Charter Granted to Deposit Insurance Co. Topeka, Kan.—The action of the supreme court this week, in deciding that the state must issue a charter to the company formed by the national banks and many state banks to insure deposits, independently of government, is another step in the direction of weakening the force of the state guaranty law. The company was formed last summer and has a capital of $500,000. It proposes to insure deposits directly on payment of a premium, and also to do a general bonding business. About a hundred banks through their officers are its stockholders. The state banking department, fearing that it would attract more than the assessment guaranty law, fought its admission to do business. Now its way is clear. The guaranteed banks now number 395 and only 27 were added to the list in November. The insurance company claims many advantages in oromotness over the guarantee plan, and it allows banks to oa}r any interest they desire on deposits, while the state limits guaranteed banks to 3 per cent. The prospect is for an interesting contest between the two varieties of guarantee. 0. Page 22 14 10 14 7 14 18 14 19 14 24 14 3 14 9 14 6 14 12 40 II 14 5 14 10 14 9 14 9 14 23 14 2 14 14 14 13 14 17 14 17 14 24 14 II 14 18 14 6 14 12 40 5 14 17 14 10 14 7 14 3 14 I 14 7 14 13 14 14 14 4 14 22 M 20 14 14 14 4 14 17 14 20 14 !s 14 16 14 I 14 16 14 21 15 5 14 3 14 4 14 23 14 ii 14 19 8 9 22 12 55 20 5 I 9 17 5 4 7 12 13 18 9 9 5 !s I 15 28 7 8 13 l6 19 5 I S 15 31 10 7 14 7 15 29 8 17 21 I 3 20 II 17 20 8 II 7 l6 8 14 8 13 8 II 16 7 6 25 17 25 28 II 20 9 8 9 I I 7 IO 7 9 10 For or against Central Plan...... For the Visiting Bankers......... Fowler-Cannon Episode, The....... Gaining on the Express Companies. Growth of Chicago’s Banking Law. in Association Constitu- Improvements tions . . Minnesota Leads the Van. One Real Infant Our Foreign Con Prosperity Seems to have Returned. .. . Proving the Value of Securities........ Reynolds, Mr., on the Currency......... Secretary’s Section, The............... Solution of the Monetary Issue........ Southern Resources Attract Attention. . Sugar Trust Frauds, The............... Taft and Postal Banks.................. Taft at the Tabernacle................. Taft, President. Takes Tariff Position.. That Central Bank...................... That Central Bank of Issue............. Truly We are in Luck................... Unfairness is Weakness................. Useful Tip to Expert Bankers........... Vagaries of the News................... West and the Central Bank, The......... Western Banks Report on the Trade Outlook ........................ What Experience in Banking Teaches.. What if Taft Vetoes the Bill?.......... What We may Expect from Congress.. When in Chicago........................ English, John J., on Irrigation Bonds...... Enormous Business Growth Necessitates Large Force ..................... Experiences in Two Nations with Fiat Money, The ........................ Favors Central Banks...................... Fighting Bank Burglars in the Northwest.. For and against the Central Bank Plan. ... Forbes and Fletcher Buying Country Banks. Forgan, James B., on The Efficacy and the Limitations of Bank Supervision by Examination and the Responsible Source of Bank Management.......... Fowler, Chas. N........................... Fowler’s Open Letter to Speaker Cannon Frame on Mineral Point and Oklahoma Fail- Gold Reserve Controversy in England, The, by W. R. Lawson.................... Guaranty Situation in Kansas City, The .... Harris, Virgil M., on the Country Banker.. How to Nullify the Bank Guaranty Fallacy Hutchinson, E. L. on Married Women’s Contracts .................................... Illinois Convention........................ Illinois Program, The...................... Usley, I. K, on the Guaranty Law........... Institute Work in Great Britain and Ireland Insurance Companies Consolidate............ Interstate Bankers Summer Club, The. Irrigation Working Wonders in Wyoming, Labor Problem up at Chapter Meeting...... Lady Tellers in Minneapolis.............. Latta, James A., to the Nebraska Banker. ... Leadership of Senator Aldrich Soundly De Lockwood’s, F. M., Address, Group Five: Illinois ........................... Made Reserve Agent for 217 Banks............ Market Chart Company Issues Optimistic Prediction for Still Better Times, The ........................................ Page 1 6 5 5 5 24 I 17 17 21 ! 7 6 5 5 28 8 14 27 7 17 18 10 27 17 8 8 22 20 19 8 5 6 15 16 24 5 6 6 5 62 I 16 30 16 5 31 I 15 9 I 17 38 17 6 5 29 19 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 40 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 No. A. B. A. Convention at Los Angeles....... 24 A Chicago Banker on Trust Company Ethics 1 A Chicago Banker Opposes the Postal Banks 23 A Symposium on the Central Bank Proposal, by Robt. P. Montgomery............. 4 Adams, A. E., on Depository Laws of Ohio.. 8 Agricultural Possibilities of Colorado, The. 3 Aldrich Mad! ........................... 8 American Institute of Banking Section.... 17 An Appeal to Loyal Chicago Bank Men, by Lester B. Brady.................... 9 Are Trust Companies Banks?................. 8 Associated Chapters at Seattle........... 1 Austrian Postal Savings Banks, by Joseph I. Brittain...................... 9 Avery’s History of the United States and Its People ....................... 23 Bank Advertising from the Standpoint of the Customer, by E. St. Elmo Lewis. ... 2 Bank Burglary and Surety Bond System Criticised ....................... 14 Bank Examiner on Central Bank............ 26 Bank Pays Up.............................. 19 Bank Supervisors ......................... 13 Bank Taxation ............................. 3 Bank Teller’s Own Story, The..............14 Bankers’ Interested in Expert’s Letter of Advice ........................... 4 Bankers Interested in the New National Bond Policy........................ 4 Bankers Predict Large Crop............... 10 Banking Changes during the Past Thirty Years ............................ 23 Banking Conditions in Kentucky............ 15 Banking Conditions in Pennsylvania........ 10 Banking Growth Big in Texas............... 22 Banking Growth in Middle West and Northwest ...................................... 2 Banks and Banking, by a Layman............ 15 Basis of Credit, The....................... 6 Big Bank Consolidation in New York........ 20 Business Ethics as Applied to Banking, by E. D. Fisher....................... 4 Business Secretary ........................ 8 Canadian Banking Conditions Continue Good 23 Central Bank, Part of the Commission’s New Plan .............................. 8 Central Bank Situation to Date, The........22 Changes in Bank Methods................... 5 Chicago Envoys Visit Spokane............... 3 Church, C. H., Peoples Central Clearance Bank Plan......................... 24 Clearing House Association....,........... 12 Commercial and Bankers Join. .............. 3 Commercial Bankers, The Official Line Up. 10 Commercial Nation in Million Class......... 6 Commercial National Issues Its Annual Crop Summary .......................... 8 Congress Has the Postal Bank Bill—Money Legislation ...................... 25 Continental American Trust Working Plan, The ............................... 1 Control of National Banks................. 10 Convention, The .......................... 10 ■ Crush Competition........................ 22 Dangers of a Central Bank................. 25 Dawes, Chas. G............................ 18 Defect in Guaranty Law................... 15 Deneen, Gov., Welcomes Bankers to Illinois 12 Description Old National Bank Building... 7 Detecting Bad Coins....................... 24 Difficulties That Confront a Central National Bank........................... 19 Dolley on Bank Law......................_. 7 Drawbacks in Proposed Joint Bank Examinations ................................... 8 Editorials :— A. B. A. Protective Work.............. 8 Abuse of the Title “Banks”............ 21 A Glaring Postal Inequality............ 6 Aldrich and His Plan.................. 24 Aldrich Educational Movement, The.... 16 Aldrich, Mr., to the People........... 20 American Bankers Convention........... 13 American Banking Power................ 10 American Banking Resources............ 25 A Revision of the Banking Law........ 15 A Secretarial Preachment............... 2 As in Days of Old..................... 25 Back to the Soil...................... 22 Banking Conditions in Chicago.......... 1 Banking Evolution in Nebraska......... 1 Banking Growth in the West in the Past Ten Years ...................... 26 Banking Half Year in England, The... 6 Banking is Human after All............ 23 Big Private Banking House for Chicago 15 Bond Market Slightly Congested......... 6 Chicago Bank Deposits................. 12 Comment upon the Aldrich Trip........ 21 Congress in Regular Session.......... 21 Convention, The ..................... 11 Co-operation in Bank Examinations.... 8 Corporate Insurance of Deposits....... 25 Court Injunction Vindicated........... 19 Dawes and the Central Bank............ 19