[Volume XXVII THE CHICAGO BANKER 30 THE׳ CLASSIFIED SERVICE ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED UNDER THIS HEADING AT TWO CENTS PER WORD. REMITTANCE SHOULD ACCOMPANY COPY. REPLIES FORWARDED IF POSTAGE IS FURNISHED. USE PRIVATE ADDRESS WHERE CONVENIENT. *For Sale—Brand new, New Model Reflex 4x5 camera, Goerz Celor 7-inch lens and plate-holder. Cost $125. Sell for $85. Camera, this office. *For Sale—Brand new Stevens 22-calibre repeating gallery rifle; $7.50. Rifle, this office. *For Sale—Brand new Korona Stereo camera No. IV. case and six Premo holders. Fitted with Ross imported lenses and B. & L. double valve shutter. Convertible to regular 5x7 by instantly removable partition. Cost $110. Sell for $55. Stereo, this office. DIVIDENDS American Telephone & Telegraph Co. A Dividend of Two Dollars per share will be paid on Saturday, January 15, 191c, to stockholders of record at the close of business on Friday, December 31, 1909. WILLIAM R. DRIVER, Treasurer. American Telephone & Telegraph Co. Five Per Cent Three-Year Gold Coupon Notes maturing January 1, 1910 These notes, payable by their terms on January 1, 1910, at the office of the treasurer in New York, or Boston, or at such other agencies in said cities as the Telephone Company may designate, will be paid in Boston on presentation at the office of the Old Colony Trust Company, 17 Court Street, or in New York, at the office of the Manhattan Trust Company, 20 Wall Street. To facilitate payment, holders of these notes may forward them to either Trust Company as long before January 1st as is convenient. Temporary receipts will be given therefor. WILLIAM R. DRIVER, Treasurer the causes of failure in speculation, with a suggestion as to the remedies. The Use of Loan Credit in Modern Business. By Thorstein B. Veblen. Postpaid, 28c. The Investors’ Catechism. By M. M. Reynolds. Cloth, by mail, $1.10. “Investors’ Catechism.” It is intended to be the first volume in a financial library which will grow as the knowledge of the financial student grows. It contains all that it is essential for the beginner to know, and opens the way lor a thorough study of the whole subject of investment. The author has for the sake of clearness and simplicity adopted a catechetical style which is somewhat novel in this sort of literature. The above books are the best of their kind, and will be promptly forwarded upon receipt of price. THE CHICAGO BANKER, 407 Monadnock Block, Chicago. FOR SALE (Articles offered for sale which have been inspected and found as described will be indicated by a star—*). *For Sale—One four-cylinder Splitdorf Synchronized distributing spark coil. All cylinders must work alike. Coil brand new. Cost $72. Will sell for $25. Address Coil, this office. Prospective investors who wish to make advantageous use of their money will do well to take notice of this volume. The author does not theorize, but tells only plain facts of the relation of the bond to its issuing corporation, and of the general investment aspect of the instrument. Money and Credit. By Wilbur Aldrich. Postpaid, $1.37. This volume contains much valuable information and much sound discussion on money and credit. Principles and Practice of Finance. By Edw. Carroll. Postpaid, $1.85. A practical guide for bankers, merchants, and lawyers. Together with a summary of the national and state banking laws, and the legal rates of interest. Tables of foreign coins, and glossary of commercial and financial terms. The Banking and Currency Problems in the United States. By Victor Morawetz. The author takes up the problem of the national monetary commission, appointed by congress, and discusses the means of providing a permanent safe guard against money stringencies and panics. Postpaid, $1.10. The Principles of Money and Banking. By Charles A. Conant. It is a new and complete exposition of its subject. Two volumes. Postpaid, $4.25. The Pitfalls of Speculation. By Thomas Gibson. Postpaid, $1.20. A book dealing exclusively with marginal specu-ation, and analyzing in a clear and simple manner BOOKS ON BANKING, FINANCE AND ECONOMICS Credit. By J. Lawrence Laughlin, of the Department of Political Economy, University of Chicago. Postpaid, 53c. The nature of credit and its effect on prices have long been a subject of disagreement among economists. Its basis is commonly assumed to be money or bank reserves. Essentials of Business Law. By Francis M. Burdick, LL. D., Professor of Law in Columbia University. i2mo. Postpaid, $1.50. This book is not written for lawyers, nor for professional students of law, but it shows how the rules of law governing the commonest business transactions have been developed, and it tells what they are to-day. Technical law terms have been discarded as far as possible, and when they are used they are so explained and illustrated as to be easily understood. The principles of law are not set forth in the form and style known to the leather-bound law book, but are simplified and expressed in clear, lucid, everyday speech. Foreign Exchange. Tables converting foreign money into United States money, and United States money into foreign money at all commercial rates of exchange used in financial transactions between the United States and foreign countries. All about foreign exchange, including various forms pf foreign commercial paper and teims, abbreviations, etc. For banks, bankers, steamship agents, importers, exporters and manufacturers. Cloth, $5.00. Government Regulation of Railway Rates. By Hugo R. Meyer. A Professor of Political Economy in the University of Chicago. Postpaid, $1.60 net. Investment Bonds. By F. Lownhaupt. Postpaid, $i.go. N. Felz has been elected president and L. A. Sohn cashier of the new St. Nazians (Wis.) State Bank. The capital of the institution is $10,000. A new bank building will be erected by the Bank of Blytheville, Ark. John W. Walker, J. A. Drake, C. J. Jeames, D. A. Carmical, J. j. Patton, and J. O. Yarbrough are interested in the organization of the new Farmers State Bank of Union City, Ga. Bennett T. Gale has been chosen president of the Lee (Mass.) Savings Bank, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of George K. Baird. Plans are being made by the American Society of Equity to establish a new bank in Indianapolis, Ind., to be known as the Equity Bank. August Soller succeeds J. S. Alspaugh as president of the Washington (Kan.) National. The Cadwell (Ga.) Banking Company has been chartered with a capital of $25,000. G. P. McCorkle is president of the Sierra County Bank, of Hillsboro, N. M. W. E. Reynolds will succeed H. F. Mitchell as cashier of the Bank of Siloam, Ga. George H. Tilton has been elected a director of the Littleton (N. FI.) National, to succeed Oscar C. Hatch, resigned. The Douglas (Wash.) State Bank has been chartered, with a capital of $15,000, by W. T. Day, C. T. Hansen, and others. V* Contemplate New Bank Building It is stated the directors of the National State Bank, of Elizabeth, N. J., are contemplating the erection of a new bank building to be erected at Broad and East Grand streets. Farmers Bank of Jenkinsburg L. O. Benton has been elected president and B. V. Hodges cashier of the new Farmers Bank, Jenkinsburg, Ga. Directors are: L. O. Benton, J. W. Benson, Jr., D. Thurston, H. G. Asbury, B. F. Aiker, L. A. Atkinson, R. E. Evans, A. H. Carmichael, and C. L. Carter. Brief Notes The new First National of Osborn, Ohio, has elected the following officers: M. L. Finnell as president; Chas. Simms, vice-president, and O. B. Kaufman, cashier. The Safety Banking and Realty Co. of Mobile, Ala., has been chartered with a capital of $50,000. H. N. Newsome is the president. The Calcasieu Bank and Trust Company of Lake Charles will establish a new bank at De Quincey, La. A new savings bank is soon to be organized at Somerville, Miss. Ray R. Rideout is one of the prime movers. The North Avenue Bank has been organized at New Rochelle, N. Y. D. A. Espy succeeds Elton Everett as cashier of the First National of Clayton, New Mexico. The Wing (111.) State Bank has been chartered with a.capital of $25,000. Ray Raridan, Dayton Raridan, and others are promoters. A new bank building is to be erected by the newly organized First National of East Newark, N. J. The capital is $25,000 and surplus $5,000. The First Trust and Safe Deposit Company of Peoria, 111., with a caoital of $25,000, has been organized by Franklin D. Kelly, John S. Rountree, and Eugene E. Prussing. The Calcasieu Trust and Savings Bank of Lake Charles, La., will open a branch at Kinder, La. A new bank has been organized at Norwal, Kan., with a capital of $10,000. J. H. Cullers is president. S. A. King has been elected cashier of the Texico (N. M.) National to take the place of P. E. Jordan. The First Savings and Trust Company of Colfax, Wash., has elected E. Laird as cashier. The Brady (Texas) National will erect a new bank building. The First State Bank is a new enterprise at Chester, Mont. J. J. Dunnigan will be cashier. Pennsylvania Trust Company The Pennsylvania Trust Company of McKeesport has filed articles of organization with a capital of $100,000. O. F. Fuller, of McKeesport, W. G. Fawcett and Richard W. Smith, of Versailles, are promoters. V* First State Bank of Mispah The First State Bank is the title of a new chartered institution at Mispah, Minn., capitalized at $10,000. W. E. Feeney is president and H. C. Hilliard cashier. V* New Bank at Carrollton The new Peoples Bank of Carrollton, Ga., has been opened for business. The capital stock is $60,000. J. R. Adamson is president; John M. Jackson, vice-president, and G. C. Cook, cashier. Bank Merger at Courtland It is reported that the Bank of Courtland at Courtland (Ala.) has been purchased by the Tennessee Valley Bank, of Decatur, and merged with its branch at Courtland. E. V. Charavayne will be cashier of the branch. T>׳» City Banking Company D. H. Hiestand has been elected president; C. E. Jordan, vice-president; W. F. Hosier, cashier, and O. G. Hiestand, assistant cashier of the City Banking Co. of Findley, Ohio. V Curry County Bank The Curry County Bank, of Gold Beach, Ore., has filed articles of organization with a capital of $10,000. Geo. D. Wood, W. J. Wood, W. A. Wood, E. A. Bailey, Chas. Bailey, and others are promoters. V» Directorate Elected The Peoples Bank of Donaldsonville, La., has elected Elmer Hunt, J. A. Dalferes, R. N. Sims, G. B. Reuss, L. W. Armitage, F. L. Treoagnier, C. D. Gondran, H. C. Braud, D. D. Dalferes, S. V. Vega. E. K. Sims, Adolph Net-ter, J. P. Armitage, E. C. Wathen, and Leon Kessler, directors.