23 THE CHICAGO BANKER December 18, !pop] Cylinders The Desirability of Six 184,190 miles on total Repair Expense of $142.43. That’s an average of 77 cents per 1000 miles. A positive record that denies the trouble bugaboo. Ever know of a four that escaped with anything near this minimum of trouble? The 1910 Winton Six buyer gets a 48 H. P., six-cylinder motor, four forward speeds, a large-diameter multiple-disc clutch, the liveliest carburetor ever produced, the best magneto on the market, a superb, roomy body, suspended low on semi-elliptical springs, 124-inch wheel-base, and an inswept frame, allowing short turns. Furthermore; the Winton Six has the only motor that cranks itself. Air pressure does it. The simplest, easiest, cleanest and only natural method of starting. The Winton Six is the best there is, without exception. It has all the quality of design, material, workmanship and finish that any car can have, and its price of $3000 is so much lower than for equal horse-power in other accredited makes that you can buy gasoline, oil and tires for two years out of the saving in purchase price. Our literature is full of facts. Ask for our superb catalog. Clip the coupon and mail it to us today. than in four, and the Six will do more work, and prettier work, and will save expense at the same time. Of 68 six-cylinder cars displayed at the Olympia show in London, 40 had less than 39 H. P., and 13 others had less than 49 H. P., leaving only 15 having more than 49 H. P. That doesn’t look as though the Six were primarily meant for extreme power. Indeed, it is in the Six that extreme power is not needed. The continuous power of the Six drives its car at a slow motor speed that if attempted on a four would actually stall the motor. The higher speeds of the Six are therefore always in reserve for fast driving and hill climbing. Whereas the four motor, which must speed up for ordinary driving, has little or nothing left in reserve. That’s why its driver must fall back on lower gears for hill work. And as for trouble, remember this: Trouble always tells in repair bills. No car on earth ever equalled the record of the Winton Six in running Many a car owner seriously believes that “four cylinders are enough.” At least, unless extreme power is desired. Or that two more cylinders are likely to mean “more trouble.” Investigation and comparison prove that: Four cylinders are not enough to produce continuous power. Six are. Four cylinders are not enough to run the car on high-gear at a man’s walking pace—to creep through crowded traffic and to spring through the first opening without shifting gears. Six are. Four cylinders are not enough to climb hills without engine distress. Six are. Four cylinders are not enough to e'iminate noise and vibration, and to reduce Upkeep Expense to its absolute minimum. Six are. Six cylinders are not designed primarily to produce greater power. Any reasonable horse-power can be letter produced in six cylinders THE WINTON MOTOR CARRIAGE CO. ioo Berea Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Please send Winton Six literature to THE WINTON MOTOR CARRIAGE CO. Licensed Under Seiden Patent. 100 Berea Road, Cleveland, Ohio., U. S. A. Branch Houses: Broadway and 70th St., New York; Berkeley and Stanhope Sts., Boston; Broad and Race Sts., Philadelphia; 209 N. Liberty St., Baltimore; Baum and Beatty Sts., Pittsburg; 738740־ Woodward Ave., Detroit; Michigan Ave. and 13th St., Chicago; 16-22 Eighth St. N., Minneapolis; 715 East Pine St., Seattle; 300 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco.