27 THE CHICAGO BANKER December n, 190g] FORA CLEANCUTPROPOSITION TELEPHONE OR. WRITE Engravers r a Catalogue for 1909 of Korona Cameras. It con-VLENS/ tains much interesting information about our lenses \LENS/ and other goods. Gundlach-Manhattan Optical Company 817 So. Clinton Ave., Rochester, N. Y. C. H. Holbrook of the firm of Holbrook and Brother, owners of a private bank of Onawa, has disposed of his interests in that institution and will remove to Cedro Wooley, Wash., where his sons are engaged in business. The Holbrook and Brother Bank was established in 1856. Iowa bankers in Des Moines within recent days were President J. C. Vorhees of the Anita Savings; Cashier H. M. Reinig of the State Bank at Griswold; President E. D. Burgess of the Citizens at Milo; President Robert Bruce of the State Savings at Rolfe. The People’s Savings at Avoca has filed articles with the secretary of state. The capital stock is $30,000. Caleb Smith is president; D. F. Emmert is vice-president; E. J. Karsterns is cashier. Bank Changes Hands The First State Bank of Floodwood, Minn., has changed hands. D. A. McCarty, who has been elected president, is president of the First National of Granite Falls, Minn. A. Williams is the new vice-president, and M. W. Hingley, cashier. The latter was formerly connected with the First State Bank, of Redwood Falls, Change from National to Trust Company Directors of the Somerset (Pa.) County National have decided to transform the institution into the Somerset County Trust Company, with a capital of $150,000. The old officers will be retained. D. A. W. Lane succeeds W. P. Dunn as cashier of the First National, of Colquitt, Ga. H. M. Carpenter has been chosen president of the Monticello State of Monticello, succeeding F. S. Farwell, who died not long ago. H. S. Richardson was made cashier and F. F. Becker was elected assistant cashier. One of the largest real estate deals made in Iowa in recent months was the purchase by Cashier O. H. Leonard of the Citizens National of Cedar Falls, of the Marshall Rugg farm of 680 acres, for which he paid $100 an acre. The central bank business is still agitating the college debater. Recently at Cornell College the question was debated resulting in a unanimous victory in favor of the central bank. The State Bank of Latimer at its annual meeting last week, elected officers as follows: president, Nis Sorenson, vice-president, D. W. Parks, cashier, F. D. Smith, and assistant cashier, H. H. Roemer. The Iowa National of Des Moines has been approved as reserve agent for the First National Banks of Sioux Rapids and Aurelia. The Farmers Savings at New Albion has filed articles with the secretary of state. Capital stock is $20,000. Joseph Coleman is president; Henry Wuennecke is vice-president, and William Lager is cashier. Homer A. Miller, president of the Iowa National, Des Moines, attended a banquet given by the bankers of Minneapolis and St. Paul at St. Paul last Saturday night. Des Moines clearings for the week ending December 4th totaled $3,688,705.58. This is an increase over the clearings of the corresponding week last year of $602,143.27. Clio State Bank The Clio State of Clio has filed articles with Secretary of State Hayward. The capital stock is $15,000. The president is H. M. Speer, vice-president, C. P. Lathrop, cashier. C. R. Shriver. Iowa Savings Bank The Iowa Savings of Wellman has filed articles of incorporation with the secretary of state, capital stock $15,000. The president is W. T. Hamilton, of Wellman, vice-president, S. C. Palmer, of Kalona, cashier, W. C. Lantz, who has been connected with the Johnson County Savings at Iowa City. The Iowa State of New London, a new Iowa institution, has filed its articles at the state house. The capital stock is $50,000. The president is J. E. Peterson, vice-president, Jas. T. Whiting, cashier, H. J. McGrew. Farmers National Bank The organization of the Farmers National of Aurelia has been approved by the comptroller of the currency, and will open its doors shortly. The capital stock is $50,000. The incorporators are P. D. Wine, O. E. Youcon, Ferd Kohlhagen, T. G. Will and C. H. Lodkin. Banking Notes The First National of Fayette has been authorized to begin business. The capital stock is $25,000. The president is W. N. Clothier, vice-president, M. J. Hartman, cashier, F. E. Finch. The directors of the Waukee Savings have elected Henry Leonard, president and A. A. Leachy, cashier. N. W. Fitz, president of the Bank of Man-son, was a visitor in Des Moines for a short time while enroute from Colfax.