25 THE CHICAGO BANKER December n, xpop] Second National Bank PITTSBURGH, PA. CAPITAL STOCK - $1,800,000 SURPLUS - 2,000,000 ־ ־ HENRY C. BUGHMAN, President WM. McCONWAY, Vice-President JAMES M. YOUNG, Cashier THOMAS W. WELSH, Jr., Vice-President BROWN A. PATTERSON, Asst. Cashier Depositary of the United States, the State of Pennsylvania and City of Pittsburgh DIRECTORS HENRY C. BUGHMAN, WM. M. KENNEDY, FRANK C. OSBURN, President Commonwealth Trust Co. Attomey־at־Law ROBERT D. ELWOOD, JAS. S. KUHN, EDWARD B. TAYLOR, of R. D. Elwood & Co. Pres. Pgh. Bank for Savings Vice-Pres. Penna. Co. CHAS. W, FRIEND, WM. McCONWAY, FRANK S. WILLOCK, _ Clinton Iron & Steel Co. of McConway & Torley Co. of Westmoreland Brick Co. THOS. D. CHANTLER, WM. L. CURRY, L. L. McCLELLAND, Chantier & McCIung McKeesport Tin Plate Co. Secretary J. S. & W. S. Kuhn, Inc. Accounts Solicited—Our facilities insure prompt attention A Great International Bank C. The First National Bank of Pittsburgh has spent years in arranging a system of corresponding banks throughout the world. C. Through these correspondents it is able to give exceptional service to its clients in all foreign financial matters. Exports and Imports Financed Report on Standing of Foreign Firms Obtained Correspondence Conducted in all Languages Principal Cable Codes on File Information Regarding Foreign Securities Furnished Foreign Bonds and Coupons Collected Drafts on all Countries Bought and Sold f7'¥fJCl,T NATI0NAL BANK 0F r 1I\i3 1 PITTSBURGH, PENN. Maull, W. F. Churchman, Guy McCune, Sam B. Payne, A. S. White, Wm. G. Young, B. Frohlichstein, G. L. Williams, J. H. Whitecot-ton, Chas. H. V. Lewis, August Heman, Howard P. Smith and W. J. Cord. Granted TwentyBYears’ Extension The statement of the First National, of Fla-tonia, shows $125,000 loans; $110,000 deposits. The bank has been granted an extension of 20 years on its charter, the first 20 years having expired this month. V* The State Bank of Martinsdale, Mont., with a capital of $20,000 has opened for business with W. W. Fratt, president, and S. L. Hodges, cashier. Chas. M. Johnson of Chadwell, Kan., has purchased the First State Bank, Waukomis, Okla., of the Buttlee Bros. Mr. Johnson will be president. The Farmers and Merchants Bank is a new enterprise at Oxford, Kan. Capital, $15,000. T. M. Boyeer is president; Melvin Colline, vice-president, and R. M. Renecker, cashier. A new bank has been organized at Brady, Tex., to be started about December 1st. Capitalized at $50,000. W. H. White is president, and S. Graham, cashier. The Citizens State Bank of Cestor, Okla., has field articles of organization with a capital of $10,000. C. N. Cofer, F. A. Cormony and others are promoters. The Bank of Meno, Okla., is the title of a new enterprise. Capital, $10,000. C. O. Harned is president, and G. C. Harned, cashier. The National Bank of Norman, Okla., has elected R. V. Downing as cashier, to take the place of A. W. Lauer. The Bank of Callao, Mo., has elected the following officers: J. W. Lindley, president; N. L. Goodrich, vice-president, and J. Morrow, cashier. The Peru (Neb.) Bank has been formed with a capital of $30,000. William Tynon is president; Capp Reed, vice-president, and C. R. Wel-den, cashier. The Bennettsville (S. C.) Trust Company has elected the following officers: A. J. C. Matheson as president; C. E. Exum, vice-president, and G. W. Freeman, secretary and treasurer. New Bank at Argentine A new bank, under the incorporated name, “The Fidelity State Bank,” was opened in Argentine. Clayton O. Bodley, president of the State Bank of Armourdale, is president of the new institution. The directors are : S. J. Ashby, secretary; Clayton O. Bodley, the Rev. Edwin Lock, Edwin R. Weston, C. Southwick, T. B. King and J. A. Motter. The capital stock is $25,000. Temporary quarters are at Second Street and Metropolitan Avenue. When Argentine becomes a part of Kansas City, Kan., on January 1, 1910, the bank will be removed to Central Avenue and Tenth Street, where it will occupy a building owned by Mr. Lock. Oklahoma Banker Moves to Kansas City W. E. Halsell, a banker of Vinita, Okla., who has invested between $500,000 and $600,-000 in Kansas City real estate in the last three months, said he had decided to come to Kansas City to live. He is looking for a home. He has purchased the building occupied by Barton Brothers, shoe manufacturers, and other downtown business property. “I would dislike to tell you what I think of Kansas City real estate as an investment,” Mr. Halsell said. “I want to buy some more of it and I don’t want to contribute anything that will boost the price of it until I get what I want.” Mr. Halsell is to be a director in the new National Reserve Bank. Planters’ Bank Open The Planters’ Bank opened for business in the banking rooms on the southeast corner of Fourth and Olive streets, St. Louis, Monday morning under the most auspicious circumstances. The refitted and rejuvenated banking room was a bower of flowers, and a steady stream of visitors passed in and out of the bank during the banking hours. At the close of business for the day the officers were elated over the splendid showing which had been made for the day’s business. The deposits received exceeded their expectations, and there was a pleasant smile on the faces of all of those connected with the new banking institution. There is every reason to believe that this new addition to St. Louis’ financial institutions will meet with the success which the integrity and banking experience of its officers merit. The directors chosen for the Planter’s Bank are: J. H. Simon, M. D., Robert Meyer, Louis mitt, Dalhart State Bank, First State Bank of Rock Springs, Peoples State Bank of Pearsall, Thorndale State Bank, Citizens State Bank of Cokeville, Quanah State Bank, First State Bank of Vega, Wildorado State Bank, First State Bank of Edgewood, First State Bank of Bovina, First State Bank of Coppell, First State Bank of Deport, Ben Arnold State Bank, Continental State Bank of Van Alstyne, New Waverly State Bank, Dayton State Bank, El Dorado State Bank, Brownfield State Bank of Cushing, First State Bank of Kirkland, First State Bank of Killeen, Central Bank and Trust Company of Austin, Amarillo Bank and Trust Company, First State Bank of Gainesville, First State Bank of Bremond, First State Bank of Trinity, Carza State Bank, Canadian State Bank, Midway Bank and Trust Company of Dalhart, First State Bank of Wylie, Gray County State Bank of Tempa, Alto State Bank, Continental State Bank of McKinney, Continental State Bank of Gorman, Continental State Bank of Crowley, First State Bank of Moulton, Farmers and Merchants State Bank of Carlton, Alexander State Bank, First State Bank of Chilton, State Bank of Groom; First State Bank of Trent, First State Bank of Em-house, Continental State Bank of Bridgeport, Continental State Bank of Rising Star, First State Bank of Winter, Farmers State Bank of Granger, Citizens State Bank of Alvin, First State Bank of Yorktown, First State Bank of Colman, Roscoe State Bank, First State Bank and Trust Company of Laredo, Argyle State Bank, State Bank and Trust Company of Wax-ahachie, First State Bank of Stratford, First State Bank of Kennedy, Lee County State Bank of Lexington, Farmers and Merchants State Bank of Georgetown, Continental State Bank of Blanket, Continental State Bank of Iredel, Continental State Bank of Sherman, Continental State Bank of Leonard, Continental State Bank of Alto, First State Bank of Holland. Title and Savings Trust Company The Title and Savings Trust Co., Kansas City, Mo., has filed articles of incorporation with $500,000 capital stock. The board of directors is made up of a number of prominent bankers. Among them are the following: E. F. Swinney, of the First National Bank; I. W. Perry, of the National Bank of Commerce; J. F. Downing, of the New England National Bank, and Thornton Cooke, of the Manufacturers and Mechanics Bank.