7 THE CHICAGO BANKER December n, !pop] terest bearing debt November 30th, $913,317.-490; October 31st, $913,317,490. Debt on which interest has ceased, since maturity, November 30th, $2,378,325; October 31st. $2,686,895 ; decrease, $308,570. Debt bearing no interest November 30th, $380,022,941; October 31st, $379,143,046; increase, $879,895. Aggregate of debt, including certificates and treasury notes, November 30th, $2,671,078,626; October 31st, $2,661,425,301. Balance in treasury October 31st, exclusive of reserve and trust funds, $81,-935,124. Decrease during month, $7,167,953. *r» Side Light on the “Central Bank” New York, December 8.—■The great bank soon to be started in Latin-America, mentioned in the President's message to congress, will be controlled by Morgan-Rockefeller interests. The scheme, which was indorsed by the last Pan-American congress, which has the heartiest support of the administration, has been engaging the attention of National City bank experts for many months. At first it was intended to join a great Pan-America bank in New York, with branches in capitals of all the Latin-American republics. This plan was urged strongly by Senator Root, but was found to be impossible of realization under the existing banking laws. James Stillman, William Rockefeller, and George W. Perkins, were mentioned among the influential financiers who would apply for the charter. The bank now contemplated will, it is said, be started in Buenos Ayres with possibly a branch in Rio de Janeiro. National Finances Improve in November Washington.—Treasury officers expressed decided satisfaction with the showing made by the national finances during the month of November. The results of the operations of the month were pointed to as indicating the greater strength of the department compared with that which had been expected, as well as the capacity of the tariff to produce revenue. The development of internal revenue reports was also noted with particular favor. The detailed figures show that the net deficit on ordinary account totals only about $4,591,000, while with everything included, taking account both of Panama Canal outlays and public debt disbursements, the gross excess of disbursements for the month is $7,167,953. Internal revenue receipts for the month were $22,550,000 and customs $25,637,000. For the fiscal year to date the customs show $140,803,-000 and internal revenue $110,854,000, against $113,654,000 and $105,092,000, respectively, last year during the same period. The total deficit for the first five months of the current fiscal year is shown as $44,440,303, as compared with $93,783,000 for the same period last year. The condition of the treasury is only fairly satisfactory in the matter of cash funds. The working balance in treasury offices amounts to $27,059,000, with $35,952,000 in national' banks to the credit of the treasurer of the United States. The total balance in the general fund has shrunk to $81,935,000. The public debt statement to be issued tomorrow will show the following results: In- EDMOND C. VAN DIEST ROBERT McF. DOBLE THOMAS L. WILKINSON ASSOCIATED ENGINEERS COMPANY Consulting and Supervising Engineers 417 Century Building ״ _ _ . _ * 17th & Stout Streets DENVER, COLORADO Bankers ! Advise your customers to use P©§TAL CAW® CMECUSS (PATENTED) For paying small sums. They are safe, economical and convenient, and save time, money and errors. Samples for 1 Oc silver. E. P. SELDEN ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA E. C. HOLBROOK & COREY Commercial Paper 31 Nassau Street 217 LaSalle Street NEW YORK CHICAGO DRY GOODS PAPER A SPECIALTY ClAMILES №AT^AWAY & CO־ Commercial Paper H(0)§> La SaBB® §>fhr®®ß ÖBintsa¿® Correspondence Invited NATIONAL STOCK YARDS NATIONAL BANK An institution with ample capital offers perfect service to Bankers interested in live stock business at the St. Louis National Stock Yards NATIONAL STOCK YARDS - ־ ־ ILLINOIS Peoples Savings Bank & Trust Co. Capital and Surplus, $285,000 Deposits, $2,746,712.50 Solicits Accounts and Collections from Banks, Firms and Individuals on Favorable Terms WM. BUTTERWORTH, PRES. NELSON H. GREENE, VICE-PRES. C. W. LUNDAHL, CASH. AND SEC. National City Bank in Baltimore John F. Sippel has undertaken the organization of a new national bank in Baltimore. It will have a capital of $500,000 and a paid in surplus of $125,000. It is expected that David H. Carroll, treasurer of the Consolidated Cotton Duck Co., will be president ofthe new institution, and that Mr. Sippel will be the vice-president and cashier. The ground floor of the United Security Co. at 15 South Street, will be used as the banking room. The surety company, which owns this entire building, will remove its working force to the upper floors, giving the whole of the ground space to the new bank when started. This will be known as the National City Bank. Mr. Sippel said' that a number of New York interests had taken stock in the new enterprise. New Members Illinois Association Following are the new members of the Illinois Bankers Association reported for November by R. L. Crampton, secretary: Camp Grove Exchange, Camp Grove; Bank of Hartsburg, Hartsburg; Citizens Bank, Macomb; First State, Harvard; Farmers and Merchants Savings, Pecatonica; Chicago Heights Savings, Chicago Heights; Clark’s Bank, Utica; Johnson and Company, Annapolis; Bone Gap Bank, Bone Gap; First National, Madison; Farmers State, Chadwick; Bridgeport Banking Company, Bridgeport; DeKalb Trust and Savings, DeKalb; Win-netka State, Winnetka; First National, Geneva ; Citizens State, Alhambra; Peoples Bank, East Alton; Lemont City Bank, Le-mont City; Woodson State, Woodson; First National, Blandinsville; Citizens State, Elmhurst; First State Savings, Mt. Carroll; Batavia National, Batavia; Farmers and Merchants, Bath; Wilmette Exchange, Wilmette; Mokena State, Mokena; City National, Shaw-neetown; Addison State, Addison; West Chicago State, West Chicago; Inter State National, Hegewisch; Citizens National, Sycamore; Atlanta National, Atlanta; First State, Princeton; Bank of Irwin, Irwin; Farmers State, Alpha; First National, East Peoria; .Elizabeth State, Elizabeth; Bank of Kilbourne, Kilbourne; Bank of St. Augustine, St. Augustine; First National, Wheaton; Farmers, Bank, Joy; Farmers, Benson; Bank of Macedonia, Macedonia; Peoples Bank, St. Francisville; Farmers Bank, N. Henderson; First National, Compton; Peoples State, Colchester; Farmers State, Ashton; Farmers State Exchange, Dallas City; Farmers and Miners, Cardiff; Marion County Bank, Patoka; Berwyn State, Berwyn; ״Citizens Bank, Frankfort; Macomb National, Macomb; State Street Bank, Coats-burg; R. I. Terwilliger and Company, Chicago; Roscoe Exchange, Roscoe; First National, Tamaroa; South Side State, Chicago, and Bank of Wataga, Wataga. Joyce & Company (Incorporated) General Agents The Rookery Bld^. Chicago, Illinois ILLINOIS ADVISORY BOARD Charles G. Dawes, Resident Vice-President A. J. Earling David R. Forman John A. Spoor Walter H. Wilson M. J. Kirkman COUNSEL Calhoun, Lyford & Sheean Winston, Payne, Strawn & Shaw National Surety Co. Of New York Fidelity and Surety Bonds Burglary Insurance