[Volume XXVII THE CHICAGO BANKER 24 AT LAST A Perfect Lens within the Reach of All THE ISAR A new high grade Universal eight system Symmetrical Doublet. if Each member a perfectly corrected Anastigmat. (Two lenses in one), if For Quality the ISAR cannot be excelled, if For price the ISAR cannot be equaled, if Send for Booklet. Ten days’ trial through your dealer = SOLE SELLING AGENTS - ■ ■ .... HALL & BENSON NEW YORK 25 West 42nd Street Bankers on their Vacation More than half the pleasure of a vacation trip is derived from pictures taken. But they must be well taken to satisfy the discriminating man of taste Perfect Results 1-1 I Koilos \ Shutters Crown I Anastigmate ) Crown Anastigmat Lenses are made in two series, either one of which is capable of the most exacting work, and when ordered in a shutter of such efficiency as is the Koilos, are full guarantee of absolute satisfaction For sale by your dealer, or direct from us Crown lenses will be sent to bankers on approval, with two weeks’ trial CROWN OPTICAL CO., Rochester, N. Y. To Write Book on Banking Thornton Cooke, treasurer of the Fidelity Trust Company, Kansas City, has been asked to write a book on the history and growth of state banking systems since the Civil War for publication by the National Monetary Commission. He received a letter from A. Piatt Andrews, director of the United States mint, and assistant to the commission, asking him to undertake the work. Air. Cooke has not decided whether he will accept the invitation. He has recently written a comprehensive article on the deposit guaranty system, the first installment of which was printed in the latest issue of the Harvard Quarterly Journal of Economics. The National Monetary Commission is arranging for the publication of about fifty books concerning the entire subject of currency and banking. The purpose is to assemble all available information for the enlightenment of congressmen and others and to assist in effecting a complete and satisfactory reform of the national currency and banking system. Bankers Banqueted by Business Men The party of St. Louis bankers who have been inspecting irrigation projects and other development work in the Texas coast country and along the Rio Grande, returned to San Antonio November 23d and were banqueted by local business men. It is reported that as a result of the bankers’ visit they will bond a $750,000 land and water company at San Benito. wound in the roof of his mouth November 20th near Silverton, Tex. He died without making a statement. He was visiting a friend near Silver-ton and went hunting alone, carying a rifle. The wound was apparently self-inflicted. Northwestern Savings Bank in New Home The Northwestern Savings Bank, St. Louis, after thirty-six years at Fourteenth and North Market streets, occupied its handsome new quarters at Fifteenth Street and St. Louis Avenue, Monday, where a reception was held by the officers from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. The banking rooms were crowded throughout the day with visitors. The first depositor was Robert Ё. Sat-tele, who came in exactly on the stroke of 9 o’clock, time of the opening. Emma and Jennie Obernier were the next depositors. The building is of brick and white stone and includes handsome quarters for directors and cashiers, and dining room: for employees in the basement. The second story contains ten office rooms. The bank’s capital is $200,000; surplus and undivided profits, $450,000. It has over $1,000,-000 of individual deposits subject to check. The officers are August H. Hoffmann, president; August Fick, vice-president; J. F. Obernier, cashier, and M. C. Schulte, assistant cashier. The directors are F. W. Bierbaum, William A. Block, August Fick, William H. Hauschulte, Felix Hoevel, August H. Hoffmann, Henry Rater-mann, Otto F. Stifel, Jacob B. Schorr, Fred Westerbeck and Charles Wunderlich. Charles Stifel was the first president. The supreme court of the United States to-day decided the case of the Hanover National of New York vs. William F. Suddeth, receiver of the American National of Abilene, Tex., in favor of the Texas bank. The case involved the question of responsibility of one bank to another for notes deposited for discount, but which were not discounted. The notes covered by the transaction amounted to $10,000 and were deposited by the Abilene Bank in the Hanover Bank. The latter institution failed to discount them, but when the Abilene bank became insolvent held them as security for advances made by the latter institution. When the receiver of the Abilene Bank made a demand for them the New York Bank refused to give them up. The suit was brought to compel their surrender. The opinion, by Justice White, affirmed the lower court’s decision. Title and Savings Trust Company The articles of incorporation of the Title and Savings Trust Company, the new exclusively savings bank, were filed in the county recorder’s office, Kansas City. The bank is incorporated with a capital stock of $500,000, divided into five thousand shares of $100 each. Fifteen stockholders and directors were named in the articles. All the stockholders and directors are residents of Kansas City. The life of the charter is placed at fifty years in the incorporation articles. Banker Killed While Hunting George Hughes, a banker of Coalgate, Okla., who came here recently for the benefit of his health, was found unconscious with a bullet