f Volume XXVII THE CHICAGO BANKER 2 THE AMERICAN TRUST & SAVINGS RANK CHICAGO Capital, $3,000,000 ׳T'HE entire capital stock of The American Trust & Savings Bank is I owned by and held in trust for the stockholders of The Continental National Bank of Chicago. OFFICERS EDWIN A. POTTER, .... President GEORGE M. REYNOLDS, . . . Vice-President JOHN JAY ABBOTT, .... Vice-President FRANK H. JONES, ..... Secretary WILLIAM P. KOPF, . . . Assistant Secretary GEORGE B. CALDWELL, . Manager Bond Department Savings Bonds Trusts Reserve and Investment Accounts Corner Monroe and Clark Sts. THE CONTINENTAL NATIONAL RANK OF CHICAGO Capital,Surplus and Protits,$14,000,000 CHARLES S. CASTLE, Acting Cashier FRANK H. ELMORE, Asst. Cashier WILBER HATTERY, Asst. Cashier JOHN R. WASHBURN, Asst. Cashier WILSON W. LAMPERT, Asst. Cashier OFFICERS GEORGE M. REYNOLDS, President EDWIN A. POTTER, Vice-President ALEX. ROBERTSON, Vice-President JAMES R. CHAPMAN, Vice-President HERMAN WALDECK, Vice-President WM. G. SCHROEDER, Cashier FRANK L. SHEPARD, Auditor DIRECTORS I OGDEN ARMOUR TOHN C. BLACK, HENRY BOTSFORD, E. J. BUFFINGTON ALBERT J. BARLING, B. A. ECKHART, E. H. GARY, JOHN F. HARRIS WILLIAM J. HENLEY, FRANK HIBBARD, EDWARD HINES W H. MpDOEL SAMUEL McROBERTS, JOY MORTON, ALFRED H. MULLIKEN, T P PHILLIPS E A POTTER, GEORGE M. REYNOLDS, E. P. RIPLEY, ALEX ROBERTSON, WM. C. SEIPP, CHARLES H. THORNE, F. E. WEYERHAEUSER. Commercial Banking Reserve Depository CjJThis Bank, being at the logical center of Wisconsin banking activity, and having an exceptional list of State and Foreign correspondents, offers its services to conservative Banks with the assurance that such a connection will be of mutual advantage. The First National Bank of Milwaukee The Commercial National Bank of Chicago Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $10,500,000.00 EDWARD S. LACEY, Chairman of the Board GEORGE E. ROBERTS, President NATHANIEL R. LOSCH, Cashier This Bank is pleased to place at the disposal of its customers the facilities gained during forty-five years of continuous service and growth. We Solicit Your Chicago Business Quick and Efficient Service OFFICERS WM. A. TILDEN, Vice-President GEO. M. BENEDICT, Cashier H. P. GATES, Asst. Cashier R. T. FORBES, President JOHN FLETCHER, Vice-President J.C. MORRISON Asst. Cashier M. F. RITTENHOUSE R. T. FORBES DIRECTORS WM. A. TILDEN EDWARD TILDEN L. B. PATTERSON Farwell Trust Company 226 La Salle Street Chicago Railroad Irrigation Municipal Corporation BONDS FOR INVESTMENT Yielding 3.80 Per Cent to 6 Per Cent