[Volume XXVII THE CHICAGO BANKER 4 THE FIRST NATIONAL 1 BANK OF CHICAGO Jas. B. Forgan, President C| This Bank, with a department especially organized to take care of Bank Accounts, invites the business of conservative Banks and Bankers with the assurance of satisfactory service and agreeable relationship. Division F. (Banks and Bankers) August Blum, Herbert W. Brough, Vice-President Asst. Manager THE NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC conducting a legitimate commercial banking business in the city of Chicago, believes it can meet the requirements of the most discriminating bankers. W. T. FENTON, Vice-President 0. H. SWAN, Asst. Cashier JAMES M. HURST, Asst. Cashier W. H. HURLEY, Asst. Cashier JOHN A. LYNCH, President R. M. McKINNEY, Cashier THOS. JANSEN, Asst. Cashier WM. B. LAVINIA, Asst. Cashier $3.000,000 $3.000,000 $2,072,478 CAPITAL - -SURPLUS - -UNDIV. PROF. CORN EXCHANGE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF СН1СДВ0. ILLINOIS NATIONAL BANK . . ERNEST A. HAM ILL, President CHARLES L. HUTCHINSON, Vice Pres. JOHN C. NEELY, Secretary D. A. MOULTON, Vice-Pres. B. C. SAMMONS, Asst. Cashier CHAUNCEY J. BLAIR, Yice-Pres. J. E. MAASS, Asst. Cashier FRANK \V. SMITH, Cashier JAMES G. WAKEFIELD, Asst. Cashier UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY FOREIGN EXCHANGE LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUED of MINNEAPOLIS Capital $2,000,000 Surplus $2,000,000 Martin A. Ryerson Benjamin Carpenter Charles L. Hutchinson Watson F. Blair Ernest A. Hamil) DIRECTORS Charles H. Hulburd Edwin G. Foreman Frederick W. Crosby Chauncey J. Blair Charles H. Wacker Clarence Buckingham Isaac G. Lombard Edward A. Shedd Edward B. Butler Solicits Collections on all Northwestern States F. M. PRINCE, President GEORGE F. ORDE, Cashier C. T. JAFFRAY, Vice-President D. MACKERCHAR, Asst. Cash. GEORGE A. LYON, Asst. Cash. H. A. WILLOUGHBY, Asst. Cash. P. J. LEEMAN, Asst. Cashier Central Trust Company of Illinois 152 ¿ftfonroe Street, Chicago Accounts of Banks and Bankers received upon liberal terms Capital and Surplus $2,500,000 CHARLES G. DAWES, President W. IRVING OSBORNE, Vice-President L. D. SKINNER, Assistant Cashier A. UHRLAUB, Vice-President WILLIAM W. GATES, Asst. Cashier E. F. MACK, Vice-President JNO. W. THOMAS, Asst. Cashier WILLIAM R. DAWES, Cashier ALBERT G. MANG, Asst. Cashier MALCOLM McDOWELL, Asst. Secretary WILLIAM G. EDENS, Asst. Secretary DIRECTORS S. M. FELTON, Pres. Chicago Great Western Ry. Co. T. W. ROBINSON, Vice-President Illinois Steel Co. CHANDLER B. BEACH, C. B. Beach & Co. GEO. F. STEELE, Nekoosa-Edwards Paper Co. W. IRVING OSBORNE, Vice-President CHARLES G. DA WEIS, ex-ComptrolIer of the Currency A. J. EARLING, President Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Co. P. A. VALENTINE, Capitalist ARTHUR DIXON, Pres. Arthur Dixon Transfer Company CHARLES T. BOYNTON, Pickands, Brown & Co. ALEXANDER H. REVELL, President Alexander H. Revell & Company Travelers’ Cheques are now being issued by the Northern Trust Comfany m denominations of $10, $20, $50 and $100. Payable in the United States and foreign countries by several thousand correspondents. May also be used by travelers in paying hotels, steamship and railroad companies, leading merchants, etc. Cheques are Self-Identifying Identification and protection afforded purchaser by his signature on checks. There is a growing demand for these Travelers Cheques, with or without a Letter of Credit, because of their safety and unusual convenience. Banks and Bankers invited to handle them on regular commission basis. For further information, address The Northern Trust Company Capital and Surplus $3,000,000 Chicago