[Volume XXVII THE CHICAGO BANKER 24 Marshall & Ilsley Bank Milwaukee, Wis. ESTABLISHED 1847 Capital $500,000 Surplus $370,000 Oldest Bank in the Northwest Conservative Progressive We take pleasure in placing our facilities at your disposal and should be pleased to have you write us if ybu are contemplating opening either an active or a reserve account in Milwaukee. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JAMES K. I1SLEY, President JOHN CAMPBELL, Vice-President HARRY J. PAINE, Asst. Cashier JOHN H. PUELICHER, Cashier G. A. REUSS, Mir. South Side Branch SAMUEL H. MARSHALL J. H. TWEEDY, Jr. ROBERT N. McMYNN C. C. YAWKEY GUSTAV REUSS The Audit Company of Illinois 1439-42 First National Bank Building, Chicago Specialists In Ataditis&g^ and System-atl^If&fl Public Service Corporations C. W. KNISELY, C. P. A. President—Manager REFERENCES: Leading Bond Houses dealing in Gas, Electric and Railway Securities Oriental Credit Information Washington, D. C.—Vice Consul General E. G. Babbitt sends from Yokohama an account of the growth of the credit information bureau of Japan, and also writes in regard to an American banking institution which has branches in the Far East: I recently had an interview with the local manager of the International Banking Corporation on the subject of supplying information relative to the financial stability and commercial repute of business houses and individuals in this neighborhood. The "manager states that in his opinion American manufacturers in large inland centers of industry are often discouraged and embarrassed in their foreign trade relations through having unsuitable agents or through inexperience of one sort or another; that the bank is often asked for information and requested to make recommendations as to agents, etc., but that while desiring to be of all possible assistance in the extension of American trade there is a liability to the bank in the opinions it expresses, and he prefers that inquiries be directed to the offices of the corporation in New York, Washington or San Francisco, as these offices are in touch with and supplied with information from its various branches in many important cities of the Far East. Inquirers will, in this way, save time in making their investigations. ?y» Duval Trust Company John W. Dodge has been elected to the presidency of the new Duval Trust Co., Jacksonville, Fla. The capital of the institution is $200,000. Alvin Wilson is cashier, and R. W. Geiss, assistant cashier. The capital of the institution is From Cashiership to Presidency Augustus Wheeler has been elected to the presidency of the Milford (Mass.) National, succeeding Charles F. Claflin, who died recently. Mr. Wheeler had been cashier of the institution for 35 years. V First National of Wilmington The new First National of New Wilmington, Pa., reports capital of $40,000, surplus and undivided profits $18,000, deposits $165,000, with the following officers: J. H. Veazey as president, S. W. Price, vice-president, and Howell T. Getty cashier. EDGAR J. HUGHES First National. Milwaukee G. F. Perkins President The Provident Institution for Savings of Jersey City, N. J., has elected Geo. F. Perkins as president, to succeed E. W. Ivingsland. : 1 тавдуЕЮжэюдаэ.[ ! I PPINTLDS. I j STILI. Dll; s wiping I COPPED PIATE PPIN1IN0, ! 1§пфш:1К(]з' or mm-mi mm i ; ; W1|E?Ï ^ ( ^ k.....—................................................■J First National of Centralia Authority to commence business has been granted to the First National of Centralia, Pa., with $25,000 capital. C. H. Henderson is cashier, and Theodore W. Riley president. Declares Extra Dividend Directors of the Sixth National of Philadelphia declared a regular semiannual dividend of 5 per cent and an extra dividend of 1 per cent, payable November 1st to stockholders of record October 26th. The board also added $25,000 to surplus, making that fund $225,000. The capital of the bank is $150,000. Philadelphia National In addition to declaring the usual semiannual dividend of 6 per cent, the Philadelphia National added $250,000 to surplus, making that fund $3,250,000 (all earned). Since the organization of the bank it has distributed to its stockholders in dividends the sum of $15,-184,372, or over 1,000 per cent. Banking Notes The usual quarterly dividend of 6 per cent has been declared by the Pittsburgh Trust Company. The Terminal Trust Company has declared an initial dividend of 1 per cent quarterly. The Guardian Trust Co. of Fourth Avenue is growing nicely and under the new management has increased deposits over 100 per cent since January 1st. The deposit item now shows about $250,000. Cashier W. T. Yeckley of the First National of Portage was a visitor at the Second National. The Bank of Pittsburgh, National Association, has been approved as a reserve agent for the American Exchange National Bank of Duluth, Minn. V Increase Surplus Fund The stockholders of the Bank of Saluda (S. C.) held a recent meeting. An annual dividend of 8 per cent was declared and surplus fund increased by $2,500. The following were elected directors: B. W. Crouch, M. A. Coleman, W. A. Webb, W. S. Crouch, J. A. Banks, J. P. Lirrdler and J. G. Mayson. Officers elected are: B. W. Crouch, president; M. A. Coleman, vice-president; J. P. Lindler, cashier, and W. A. Crouch, Jr., assistant cashier.