23 THE CHICAGO BANKER November 6, 1909] Automobile Evidence That Proves Something At an average cost for upkeep of 77 cents per one thousand (1000) miles. Incidentally (by way of illustration): One car (owned in New York) ran 25,-2go miles. It cost nothing the first year. The second year the owner paid $60 for overhauling. Another car (owned in Chicago) ran 22,158 miles. It carried a Limousine body and in two years cost not one cent for upkeep. Thus these two cars (both running two years) traveled 47,448 miles on a total expense of $60, averaging $1.26 per one thousand (1000) miles. When the next salesman tries to sell you a car, ask him to show you his car’s upkeep figures. And remember this. Low upkeep expense means not only that you are not burdened by repair bills. It means also that you have a car able to stand up and go, and to keep going, day in and day out, every day. Many car owners never enjoyed that experience. Winton Six owners experience it right along. And it is a vital reason why your next car ought to be a self-cranking, sweetrunning, six-cylinder Winton Six. The price is a revelation. $3000 for our 48-H.P., five-passenger, six-cylinder Winton Six is a figure that dismays competition. Why not get our literature? It bristles with dollars-and-sense facts. Write today. Because Sixes would stand up better than any other type ever made. Then he set about to prove that fact. For two years now Mr. Winton has been receiving from Winton Six owners sworn statements of upkeep. Mark you, sworn statements, not mere “I think,” or “I guess,” but statements of fact made under oath. These sworn statements prove that the Winton Six costs its owner practically nothing to maintain. What does it cost to maintain a Winton Six ? (All the following figures are compiled from the sworn statements of the individual owners.) In 1908, ten Winton Sixes ran 65,687 miles on total upkeep expense of $15.13• In igog, ten Winton Sixes ran 118,503 miles on total upkeep expense of $127.30. Thus in 1908 and igog, twenty Winton Sixes ran 184,190 miles on total upkeep expense of $142.43. This distance is more than seven times the circumference of the earth. It Is seventy times the distance of the igog Glidden tour. It is more than four hundred and fifty times the distance of the Vanderbilt cup race. These twenty Winton Sixes were not handled by high-priced racing men nor factory experts, but by ordinarily Intelligent boys, each chosen and hired by the individual car owner himself. These twenty cars averaged 1315.6 miles travel per month — 438־ miles per day every day for seven months. EVERY automobile buyer ought to know what he gets. He ought also to know how much he must pay for what he gets. Purchase price isn’t all the buyer pays. Sometimes purchase price is only an initiation fee into an expensive surprise society. Cheap cars usually cost more to keep than to get. But cheap cars are not alone in that class. Some fairly expensive ones are “dry docked” so often that the owner finds it almost a necessity to own two cars in order to get the regular daily service of one. That’s a fact known to the trade. But it isn’t advertised. And those “satisfied owners” don’t tell about it, because men seldom care to publish how they were “stung.” The automobile industry is now more than ten years old. With ten years’ experience, cars ought to be so well made as to run two, three, five years with practically no expense for upkeep. But, that wasn’t possible until the invention and production of SIX-CYLINDER CARS. Because with a continuous power-stream the six-cylinder motor doesn’t shake itself and its car into the repair shop, and no car has a continuous power-stream unless it has six-cylinders. Keep that fact in mind. When Mr. Winton made his first Six-Cylinder car he realized that thereafter owners would pay less for upkeep. The Winton Motor Carriage Company, 100 Berea Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Winton Branch Houses (owned and operated by the company) in New York. Boston, Philadelphia. Baltimore. Pittsburg, Detroit, Chicago. Minneapolis. Seattle and San Francisco. Winton Agencies in all important places. Member A. L. A. M. Licensed under Seiden Patent.